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Tous les conseils pour aller étudier aux Etats-Unis:

Every year, the Institute of International Education publishes a report about foreign students who are studying in the United States. The report this year is called “Open Doors, Two-Thousand-Two.”

The report gives information about the school year that began in September of last year and ended in May of this year. It says more than five-hundred-eighty-thousand international students attended American colleges and universities during that time. This was the largest number of international students ever.

The University of Southern California at Los Angeles reported the largest number of foreign students. More than five-thousand-nine-hundred foreign students attended U-S-C last year. New York University had the second largest number of students, about five-thousand-five-hundred.

The report says the state of California had the most foreign students, with about seventy-eight-thousand living there last year. New York state was next, with about sixty-two-thousand foreign students. Texas was third, with more than forty-four-thousand students.

India sent the most foreign students to the United States last year. More than sixty-six-thousand students from India attended American schools. China sent the next highest number of students, more than sixty-three-thousand. South Korea was third, with forty-nine-thousand students. Japan was fourth, with more than forty-six-thousand students.

The report says the most popular subjects of study for international students in the United States last year were business and management. Twenty percent of all foreign students were studying those subjects. Fifteen percent studied engineering. Thirteen percent studied mathematics and computer science.

The report contains much more information than we have time to provide here. You can get details by using a computer to go to the Institute of International Education Web site. That address is


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