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Prononciation du mot discretionary en anglais (fichier audio)

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Prononciation du mot : discretionary

MOT TROUVE - Fichier audio
Définition du mot : discretionary (sur ordinateurs, double-cliquez dessus).
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Mot à trouver (au singulier) : Lire une phrase

Autres mots dans la base :

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | A | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| dabbler | dabble | dabbling | daftness | daft | daggerlike | dagger | daguerreotype | daguerreotypist | daily | dainty | dairy | dais | dalliance | dally | damage | damning | damn | damozel | dampener | dampening | dampen | damp | damsel | dam | danceable | dance | dander | dandyish | dandy | dangerous | danger | dangler | dangle | dangling | dank | danseuse | dapper | dappling | daredevilry | daredevil | darer | dare | darkener | darkening | darken | darkish | dark | darling | darn | dart | dash | dastard | data | date | datum | daub | daughterless | daughter | dauntingly | dauntless | daunt | dawdler | dawdle | dawdling | dawn | daylight | daytime | day | dazedly | daze | dazzler | dazzle | dazzling | deactivate | deactivation | deadener | deadening | deaden | deadlock | deadly | deadpan | dead | deaerate | deaeration | deafening | deafen | deafish | deaf | dealer | dealt | deal | deanship | dean | dearth | dear | death | debacle | debarment | debar | debasement | debase | debatable | debate | debauchery | debauch | debenture | debilitate | debilitation | debility | debonair | debouchment | debouch | debrief | debris | debtless | debtor | debt | debunk | debutante | debut | decadal | decadence | decadent | decade | decampment | decamp | decantation | decanter | decant | decapitate | decapitation | decay | decease | deceitfully | deceitful | deceit | deceive | deceivingly | decelerate | deceleration | december | decency | decentralization | decentralize | decent | deceptional | deception | deceptive | decibel | decidability | decide | deciduous | decimally | decimal | decimate | decimation | decipherable | decipher | decisional | decision | decisive | deck | declaim | declamation | declarable | declaration | declare | declassification | declassify | declinable | declinational | declination | decline | declivity | decode | decollate | decollation | decomposability | decompose | decontaminate | decontamination | decorate | decoration | decorative | decorous | decorum | decor | decoy | decrease | decreasingly | decree | decrepitude | decrepit | decrier | decry | dedicate | dedication | dedicator | dedicatory | deduce | deducible | deduction | deductive | deduct | deedless | deed | deem | deepening | deepen | deep | deerlike | deer | defacement | deface | defalcate | defalcator | defamation | defamatory | defame | default | defeasibility | defeasible | defeatism | defeatist | defeat | defecate | defecation | defection | defective | defect | defendable | defendant | defend | defenseless | defense | deference | deferentially | deferential | deferrable | defer | defiance | defiant | deficiency | deficient | deficit | defilade | defilement | defile | definement | define | definite | definitional | definition | definitive | deflater | deflate | deflectable | deflection | deflect | defoliate | defoliation | deforestation | deforest | deformable | deformational | deformation | deform | defrauder | defraud | defrayable | defray | defrock | deftness | deft | defunct | defuse | defy | degenerate | degradation | degradative | degrade | degradingly | degreed | degree | dehumanization | dehumanize | dehydrate | dehydration | dehydrator | deice | deification | deify | deign | deity | dejection | deject | delay | delectability | delectable | delectation | delegate | delegation | deleterious | delete | deliberate | deliberation | deliberative | delicacy | delicate | delicious | delightfully | delightful | delight | delimitation | delimit | delineate | delineation | delineative | delineator | delinquency | delinquent | deliquescence | deliquescent | delirious | delirium | deliverability | delivering | deliver | delivery | deltaic | delta | delude | deluge | delusional | delusion | delusive | delve | demagoguery | demagog | demandable | demand | demarcate | demarcation | demeanor | demean | demented | demesne | demise | demobilization | demobilize | democracy | democratically | democratic | demographer | demographically | demographical | demographic | demography | demolishment | demolish | demolitionist | demolition | demoniacally | demoniacal | demoniac | demonstrability | demonstrable | demonstrate | demonstrational | demonstration | demonstrative | demoralization | demoralize | demote | demotic | demotion | demulcent | demure | demur | demystification | demystify | dendrologic | dendrology | denial | denigrate | denigration | denizen | denominate | denominational | denomination | denotation | denotative | denotement | denote | denouement | denouncement | denounce | denseness | dense | density | dentist | denture | dent | denudation | denude | denunciation | denunciative | den | denyingly | deny | deodorant | departmental | department | departure | depart | dependability | dependable | dependance | dependant | dependency | depend | depicter | depict | depilate | depilation | depletable | deplete | deplorable | deplorably | deplorer | deplore | deployable | deploy | deportation | deportment | deport | depose | deposited | depositional | deposition | depositor | depository | deposit | depot | depravation | deprave | depravity | deprecate | deprecatingly | deprecatorily | deprecatory | depreciable | depreciate | depredate | depredation | depressant | depressible | depression | depress | deprivation | deprive | depthless | depths | depth | depute | deputization | deputize | deputy | deracinate | deracination | derailment | derail | derangement | derange | dereliction | derelict | deride | deridingly | derision | derisive | derivational | derivation | derivative | derive | dermatologic | dermatology | derogate | derogation | derogatorily | derogatory | derrick | desalinate | desalination | desalinization | desalinize | descant | descendant | descendible | descend | descent | describable | describe | description | descriptive | descry | desecrate | desecrator | desertic | desertification | desertion | desert | deserve | desiccant | desiccate | desiccation | desiderata | desideratum | designate | designation | designedly | designer | design | desirability | desirable | desirably | desire | desirous | desistance | desist | desk | desolate | desolation | despair | desperado | desperate | despicable | despicably | despisement | despise | despite | despoilment | despoil | despondent | despotically | despotic | despotism | despot | dessert | destabilization | destabilize | destination | destine | destiny | destitute | destitution | destroy | destructibility | destructible | destruction | destructive | desuetude | desultorily | desultory | detachability | detachment | detach | detail | detainment | detain | detectability | detection | detectivelike | detective | detector | detect | detente | detention | detergent | deteriorate | deterioration | deteriorative | determent | determinantal | determinant | determinate | determination | determine | deterrent | deter | detestable | detestably | detest | detonatable | detonate | detonation | detour | detoxicant | detoxicate | detoxification | detoxify | detraction | detractive | detractor | detract | detrimentally | detrimental | detriment | detrital | detritus | devastate | devastatingly | developable | development | develop | deviance | deviant | deviate | deviationism | deviation | deviator | device | devil | devious | devisable | devise | devitalize | devoid | devolutionary | devolution | devolve | devotee | devotement | devote | devotionally | devotional | devotion | devour | devout | dewless | dew | dexterity | dexterous | diabetes | diabolically | diabolical | diabolic | diabolize | diadem | diagnoseable | diagnoses | diagnose | diagnosis | diagnostically | diagnostical | diagnostic | diagonal | diagrammable | diagram | dialectal | dialectically | dialectical | dialectic | dialect | dialog | dial | diameter | diametral | diamond | diaphanous | diaphoreses | diaphoresis | diaphragmatic | diaphragm | diarrhea | diarrheic | diary | diatribe | dichotomous | dichotomy | dictaphone | dictate | dictation | dictatorship | dictator | dicta | dictional | dictionary | diction | dictum | didactical | didactics | didactic | did | diesel | dietetics | dietician | diet | die | difference | differentiability | differentially | differential | differentiate | differently | different | differing | differ | difficult | difficulty | diffidence | diffident | diffuse | diffusional | diffusion | digamy | digestible | digestion | digest | digitally | digital | digit | dignitary | dignity | digressional | digression | digressive | digress | dig | dilapidate | dilapidation | dilatability | dilate | dilatorily | dilatory | dilemmatic | dilemma | dilettante | dilettantish | dilettanti | diligence | diligent | dilute | dilution | dilutor | dimensional | dimension | dime | diminishable | diminish | diminuendo | diminution | diminutive | dimmable | dimple | dimply | dim | dine | dinghy | dingily | dingus | dingy | dinnerless | dinner | dinosaurian | dinosaur | dint | din | diocesan | dioceses | diocese | diorama | dioramic | dioxide | diphthongal | diphthong | diplomacy | diplomata | diplomatically | diplomatic | diplomat | diploma | dippable | dipsomaniac | dipsomania | dip | directionless | direction | directive | directly | directness | directorship | director | directory | direct | direfully | direful | dire | dirgelike | dirge | dirk | dirtily | dirt | dirty | disability | disablement | disable | disabling | disabuse | disadvantage | disaffection | disaffect | disaggregate | disaggregation | disagreeable | disagreeably | disagreement | disagree | disappearance | disappear | disappointment | disappoint | disapprobation | disapproval | disapprove | disapprovingly | disarmament | disarm | disarray | disaster | disastrous | disavowable | disavow | disbandment | disband | disbarment | disbar | disbelief | disbelieve | disbursement | disburse | discalced | discardable | discard | discernable | discernment | discern | dischargeable | discharge | discipleship | disciple | disciplinal | disciplinarian | discipline | disclaim | disclose | disclosure | discographical | discography | discolor | discombobulate | discombobulation | discomfiture | discomfit | discomfortable | discomfort | discommode | discompose | discomposure | disconcertingly | disconcert | disconnection | disconnect | disconsolate | disconsolation | discontentment | discontent | discontinuity | discontinuous | discordant | discord | discountenance | discount | discourageable | discourage | discourse | discourteous | discourtesy | discoverable | discovering | discover | discovery | discredit | discreet | discrepancy | discrete | discretionary | discretion | discriminate | discriminational | discrimination | discriminatorily | discriminatory | discursive | discussible | discussion | discuss | disc | disdainfully | disdainful | disdain | diseased | disease | disembarkation | disembark | disembody | disenchantingly | disenchant | disencumber | disenfranchisement | disenfranchise | disengagement | disengage | disentanglement | disentangle | disfavor | disfigurement | disfigure | disfranchisement | disfranchise | disgorge | disgrace | disgruntlement | disgruntle | disgruntling | disguisedly | disguise | disgust | dishabille | dishearteningly | dishearten | dishevelling | dishevel | dishonesty | dishonorer | dishonor | dish | disillusioning | disillusionment | disillusion | disinclination | disincline | disinfectant | disinfection | disinfect | disinformation | disingenuous | disintegrate | disintegration | disinterestedness | disinterest | disinterment | disinter | disjoin | disjunction | disjunctive | disklike | dislike | dislocate | dislocation | dislodge | disloyally | disloyalty | disloyal | dismally | dismal | dismantlement | dismantle | dismantling | dismayingly | dismay | dismembering | dismemberment | dismember | dismissal | dismission | dismiss | dismount | disobedient | disoblige | disorderly | disorder | disorganization | disorganize | disownment | disown | disparagement | disparage | disparate | disparity | dispassionate | dispatch | dispel | dispensability | dispensable | dispense | dispersal | dispersedly | disperse | dispersion | dispirit | displaceable | displacement | displace | displayable | display | displease | displeasure | disport | disposability | disposable | disposal | dispose | dispositional | disposition | dispossession | dispossess | disproof | disproportional | disproportionate | disproportion | disprovable | disprove | disputable | disputant | disputatious | dispute | disqualify | disquietingly | disquietude | disquiet | disquisition | disregard | disrelish | disrepair | disreputability | disreputable | disrepute | disrespect | disruption | disrupt | dissatisfaction | dissatisfied | dissatisfy | dissection | dissector | dissect | dissembler | dissemble | dissembling | disseminate | dissemination | dissension | dissenter | dissent | dissertational | dissertation | disserve | disservice | dissident | dissimilarity | dissimilar | dissimulate | dissimulation | dissipate | dissipation | dissociate | dissociation | dissociative | dissolute | dissolution | dissolvable | dissolve | dissonance | dissonant | dissuade | dissuasion | distaffs | distaff | distance | distant | distastefully | distasteful | distaste | distend | distension | distillate | distillation | distil | distinction | distinctive | distinctly | distinct | distinguishability | distinguish | distortional | distortion | distort | distractibility | distract | distrait | distraught | distress | distributee | distribute | distributional | distribution | district | distrust | disturbance | disturbingly | disturb | ditch | ditherer | dithering | dither | ditty | diurnally | diurnal | divagate | divagation | divaricate | diva | dived | divergence | divergent | diverge | diverse | diversification | diversify | diversion | diversity | divert | diver | divestiture | divestment | divest | dive | dividable | dividendless | dividend | divide | divination | divinatory | divine | divinity | divisibility | divisible | divisional | division | divisive | divorce | divulgence | divulge | dizzily | dizzy | doable | docilely | docile | docket | dock | doctoral | doctor | doctrinaire | doctrine | documental | documentarily | documentary | documentational | documentation | document | dodderer | doddering | dodder | dodge | doff | dogged | doggerel | doggo | doglike | dogmata | dogmatically | dogmatical | dogmatic | dogmatism | dogmatist | dogma | dog | doit | doldrums | dolefully | doleful | dollar | dollish | doll | dolorous | dolphin | doltish | dolt | domain | domal | domestically | domesticate | domestication | domesticity | domestic | dome | domicile | domicil | dominance | dominant | dominate | domination | dominative | domineer | donate | donation | donkey | donor | don | doodad | doodler | doodle | doodling | doom | doorless | door | doorway | dopey | dormancy | dormant | dormer | dormitory | dorm | dose | dossier | dotage | dote | dotingly | dot | double | doubtable | doubtfully | doubtful | doubtless | doubt | doughtily | doughty | dour | douse | do | dowdy | downcast | down-easter | downgrade | downplay | downpour | downstairs | downtrodden | downwards | downward | down | dowry | doyen | dozenth | dozen | doze | drab | draconian | draft | dragonish | dragon | drag | drainage | drain | drake | dramatically | dramatic | dramatizable | dramatize | drama | drank | drapeability | drape | drastically | drastic | drawable | drawback | drawbridge | drawerful | drawer | drawlingly | drawl | draw | dreadfully | dreadful | dread | dreamful | dream | drearily | dreary | dredge | dreggy | dreg | drench | dress | drew | dribbler | dribble | dribbling | drib | drift | drifty | drillability | drill | drink | drip | driveability | driveler | drivelling | drivel | driverless | driver | drive | drizzle | drizzly | drollery | droll | drolly | drone | drool | droopingly | droop | droplet | drop | dross | drossy | drought | droughty | drouth | drove | drowned | drown | drowsily | drowsy | drudgery | drudge | druggie | drugstore | drug | drumlike | drummer | drum | dryad | dryasdust | dryer | dryish | dry | duality | dually | dual | dubiety | dubious | duckling | duck | ducky | ductal | ductile | ductility | duct | duel | duennaship | duenna | duet | due | dug | dukedom | duke | dulcet | dulcify | dullard | dullsville | dull | dulness | dumbfound | dumbly | dumb | dummy | dump | dunce | dunelike | dune | dungeon | dupe | duplicate | duplication | duplicitous | duplicity | durability | durable | durance | duration | duress | during | dusk | dustless | dust | dutifully | dutiful | duty | dwarfish | dwarfs | dwarf | dwelled | dwell | dwindle | dwindling | dye | dying | dynamical | dynamic | dynamite | dynamitic | dynamo | dynastic | dynasty | dysentery | dyslexia | dyslexic | dyslogistically | dyslogistic | dyspepsia | dyspeptic | dysphoria | dysphoric


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