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Prononciation du mot habile en anglais (fichier audio)

Vous êtes ici : Cours d'anglais > Outils | Audio/Vidéo > Lire un mot à haute voix > Lire le mot habile
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Prononciation du mot : habile

MOT TROUVE - Fichier audio
Définition du mot : habile (sur ordinateurs, double-cliquez dessus).
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Mot à trouver (au singulier) : Lire une phrase

Autres mots dans la base :

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | A | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| habile | habiliment | habitability | habitable | habitat | habitual | habituate | habituation | habit | hacienda | hackle | hackney | hack | had | haft | haggard | haggler | haggle | haggling | hail | haircutter | haircut | hairdo | hairiness | hairlike | hair | hairy | halcyon | hale | halfhearted | half | hallmark | hallow | hallucinate | hallucination | hallucinator | hallucinatory | hall | hallway | halo | halt | halves | halve | hamburger | hamburg | hamlet | hammer | hampering | hamper | hamstring | ham | handbook | handfuls | handful | handicap | handily | handkerchief | handkerchieves | handled | handle | handout | handshake | handsome | hand | handwrite | handwrote | handy | hangable | hangar | hangdog | hangover | hang | hankerer | hankering | hanker | haphazardry | haphazard | hapless | happening | happen | happiness | happy | hap | harangue | harassment | harass | harbinger | harborful | harbor | hardening | harden | hardheaded | hardihood | hardily | hardly | hardness | hardship | hardware | hard | hardy | harebrained | harem | hare | harmfully | harmful | harmless | harmonically | harmonic | harmonious | harmonization | harmonize | harmony | harm | harness | harpist | harpoon | harpsichordist | harpsichord | harp | harridan | harrow | harry | harsh | harvest | hash | hassle | hastener | hastening | hasten | haste | hastily | hasty | hatchery | hatchet | hatch | hatefully | hateful | hate | hatless | hatred | hat | haughtily | haughty | haul | hauntingly | haunt | hauteur | haven | haversack | have | havoc | hawker | hawkish | hawk | hawser | hay | hazardous | hazard | hazily | hazy | headache | headachy | headfirst | headline | headlong | headmastership | headmaster | headquarter | headstrong | head | headway | healthful | healthily | health | healthy | heal | heap | heard | hearer | hearkening | hearken | hearsay | hearteningly | heartening | hearten | heartfelt | hearth | heartily | heart | hearty | hear | heatable | heater | heathen | heathless | heath | heat | heave | heavily | heavy | hecatomb | heckler | heckle | heckling | hectically | hectic | hector | hedgehog | hedge | hedonism | hedonist | heedless | heed | heelless | heel | heftily | hefty | hegemonic | hegemony | hegira | heightening | heighten | height | heinous | heiress | heirless | heirloom | heir | held | helically | helical | helicopter | heliotrope | helium | hello | hell | helmeted | helmet | helmsmanship | helmsman | helm | helotry | helot | helpfully | helpful | helpless | help | helve | hemisphere | hemispheric | hemlock | hemophilia | hemorrhage | hemorrhagic | hem | henceforth | hence | henchman | hen | hepatic | hepatitides | hepatitis | herald | herbaceous | herbicidal | herbicide | herbivorous | herbivory | herblike | herb | herculean | herdlike | herdsman | herd | hereafter | hereditarily | hereditary | heredity | heresy | heretically | heretical | heretic | heretofore | here | heritage | hermetically | hermetical | hermetic | hermitage | hermitism | hermit | heroically | heroical | heroic | heroine | heroism | hero | herself | hers | her | hesitance | hesitancy | hesitant | hesitate | hesitatingly | hesitation | heteroclite | heterodox | heterodoxy | heterogamous | heterogeneous | heteromorphic | heteromorphism | heteronomy | heterosexuality | heterosexual | he | hewn | hew | hexagon | heyday | hey | hiatus | hibernal | hibernate | hibernation | hibiscus | hidebound | hideosity | hideous | hide | hierarchically | hierarchical | hierarchic | hierarchy | hieroglyphically | hieroglyphical | hieroglyphic | hieroglyph | hie | highbrowed | highbrow | highjack | highland | highlight | highly | high | highway | hijack | hike | hilarious | hilarity | hillbilly | hillside | hill | hilt | himself | him | hinderer | hindering | hinder | hindmost | hindrance | hindsight | hind | hinge | hinterland | hint | hippopotami | hippopotamus | hipster | hip | hireling | hire | hirsute | hispanicism | hispanic | hiss | histocompatibility | histological | histology | historian | historicalness | historical | historic | history | histrionically | histrionics | histrionic | his | hitch | hitherto | hit | hiveless | hive | hi | hoard | hoarse | hoary | hoax | hobbler | hobble | hobbling | hobby | hobgoblin | hodgepodge | hoe | hogshead | hoised | hoise | holder | hold | hole | holiday | holily | holocaust | hologram | holographic | holograph | holster | holy | homage | homeless | homely | homeopathically | homeopathic | homeopath | homeopathy | homeostasis | homeostatic | homeothermic | homespun | home | homework | homiletics | homily | hominid | homogeneity | homogeneous | homogenization | homogenize | homographic | homograph | homologate | homologation | homologous | homonymic | homonym | honest | honesty | hone | honeycomb | honeymoon | honey | honk | honorability | honorable | honoraria | honorarium | honor | hoodlike | hood | hoodwink | hoof | hook | hooliganism | hooligan | hooplike | hoop | hooves | hopeful | hopeless | hope | hop | horde | horizonal | horizontality | horizontal | horizon | hormonally | hormonal | hormonelike | hormone | horned | horn | horology | horoscope | horrendous | horrifically | horrific | horrifyingly | horrify | horror | horsefly | horseless | horsepower | horse | hortative | hortatory | horticultural | horticulture | hosepipe | hose | hospitable | hospitably | hospitality | hospital | hostage | hostelry | hostess | hostilely | hostile | hostility | host | hotbed | hoteldom | hotel | hothead | hottish | hot | hound | hour | houseclean | houseful | household | houses | house | housewifeliness | housewife | housewives | hovel | hoverer | hovering | hover | hove | however | howler | howl | how | hoydenish | hoyden | hubbub | hubristic | hubris | hub | hucksterism | huckster | huddler | huddle | huddling | hue | huffily | huffish | huffy | huge | huggable | hug | hulk | hullabaloo | hull-less | hull | humaneness | humane | humanitarianism | humanitarian | humanity | humanness | human | humbleness | humbler | humble | humdinger | humdrum | humidification | humidify | humidity | humid | humiliate | humiliation | humility | hummable | hummingbird | hummock | hummocky | humorist | humorous | humor | hump | humus | hum | hunch | hundredfold | hundred | hunger | hungrily | hungry | hung | hunkering | hunker | hunk | hunter | hunt | hurdle | hurler | hurling | hurl | hurrah | hurricane | hurry | hurtle | hurtling | hurt | husbandry | husband | hush | husk | husky | hustings | hut | hyaline | hybridism | hybrid | hydra-headed | hydrant | hydrate | hydraulically | hydraulic | hydrocarbon | hydroelectrically | hydroelectric | hydrogenous | hydrogen | hydrophobia | hydroplane | hydroponics | hydroponic | hyena | hyenic | hygiene | hygienic | hygrometer | hygrometric | hygroscopicity | hygroscopic | hymn | hyperacidity | hyperacid | hyperactivity | hyperbolae | hyperbola | hyperbole | hyperbolically | hyperbolical | hyperbolic | hyperbolist | hyperborean | hypercritically | hypercritical | hyperopia | hyperopic | hypersensitive | hypersensitivity | hypersonically | hypersonic | hypertension | hypertensive | hyperthyroidism | hypertonicity | hypertonic | hypertrophic | hypertrophy | hyphenless | hyphen | hypnoses | hypnosis | hypnotically | hypnotic | hypochondriacally | hypochondriacal | hypochondriac | hypochondria | hypocrisy | hypocrite | hypocritically | hypocritical | hypodermically | hypodermic | hypostases | hypostasis | hypostatic | hypotenuse | hypothecate | hypothecation | hypothenuse | hypotheses | hypothesis | hypothesize | hypothetically | hypothetical | hypoxia | hypoxic | hysteria | hysteric


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