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Prononciation du mot oaf en anglais (fichier audio)

Vous êtes ici : Cours d'anglais > Outils | Audio/Vidéo > Lire un mot à haute voix > Lire le mot oaf
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Prononciation du mot : oaf

MOT TROUVE - Fichier audio
Définition du mot : oaf (sur ordinateurs, double-cliquez dessus).
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Autres mots dans la base :

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | A | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| oafish | oaf | oaken | oak | oared | oar | oases | oasis | oaths | oath | oatmeal | obbligato | obdurate | obedience | obedient | obeisance | obeisant | obelisk | obese | obesity | obey | obfuscate | obfuscation | obituarist | obituary | objectification | objectify | objectionable | objectionably | objection | objective | objectivity | objectless | object | objurgate | objurgation | oblation | obligate | obligation | obligatorily | obligatory | oblige | oblique | obliquity | obliterate | obliteration | oblivion | oblivious | oblong | obloquy | obnoxious | obscene | obscure | obscurity | obsequious | obsequy | observability | observable | observance | observational | observation | observatory | observer | observe | observingly | obsessional | obsession | obsessive | obsess | obsidian | obsolescence | obsolescent | obsolete | obstacle | obstetrician | obstetrics | obstinacy | obstinate | obstreperous | obstruction | obstructive | obstruct | obtainability | obtain | obtrude | obtrusive | obtuse | obverse | obviate | obviation | obviously | obvious | occasionally | occasional | occasion | occidental | occident | occlude | occult | occupational | occupation | occupier | occupy | occurrence | occurring | occur | ocean | o_clock | octagonal | octagon | octane | octave | october | octogenarian | octopi | octopus | ocular | oculist | odds | ode | odious | odist | odium | odometer | odored | odoriferous | odorous | odor | od | odyssey | offal | offbeat | offence | offend | offenseless | offensive | offering | offertory | offer | offhand | officer | office | official | officiate | officiation | officious | offish | off-road | offset | offshore | offspring | offstage | off | often | of | ogler | ogle | ogling | ohmic | ohm | oh | oilily | oilskin | oil | oily | ointment | okay | old | oleaginous | olfaction | olfactory | oligarchy | olive | omen | ominous | omission | omit | omnibus | omnificent | omnipotent | omnipresent | omniscient | omnivorous | once | onerous | oneself | one_s+self | one | ongoingness | ongoing | onion | oniony | onlooker | onlooking | only | onomatopoeia | onomatopoeic | onset | onslaught | onstage | ontically | ontic | ontologist | ontology | onto | onus | onwards | onward | on | oomph | ooze | opacity | opalescence | opalescent | opaque | openability | opened | opener | openly | open | operate | operational | operation | operative | operator | opera | operetta | operettist | ophthalmologic | ophthalmology | opiate | opine | opinionated | opinioned | opinion | opium | opponent | opportuneness | opportune | opportunism | opportunist | opportunity | oppose | opposite | oppositional | opposition | oppression | oppressive | oppressor | oppress | opprobrious | opprobrium | optically | optical | optician | optima | optimism | optimist | optimization | optimizer | optimize | optimum | optionality | optional | option | optometrist | opulence | opulent | opus | oracle | oracularity | oracular | orality | oral | orange | orate | oration | oratorio | orator | oratory | orbital | orbit | orchard | orchestrational | orchestration | orchestra | orchidlike | orchid | ordainment | ordain | ordeal | orderable | ordering | orderliness | orderly | order | ordinance | ordinarily | ordinary | ordination | ordnance | ore | organically | organic | organismic | organism | organizable | organization | organize | organ | orgulous | orgy | orientally | oriental | orientational | orientation | orient | orifice | orificial | originality | originally | original | originate | origination | origin | orison | ornamentally | ornamental | ornamentation | ornament | ornate | ornery | ornithological | ornithology | orotundity | orotund | orphanage | orphanhood | orphan | orthodontics | orthodontic | orthodox | orthodoxy | orthography | orthopaedics | orthopedist | or | oscillate | oscillational | oscillation | oscillatory | osculate | osculation | osculatory | osmosis | osseous | ossify | ostensible | ostensibly | ostentation | ostentatious | ostracism | ostracize | ostrichlike | ostrich | other | otherwise | otherworldly | otiose | otiosity | otter | ought | ounce | ourselves | ours | our | oust | outbreak | outburst | outcast | outcome | outcry | outdated | outdid | outdistance | outdoors | outdoor | outdo | outermost | outer | outface | outfit | outfox | outgo | outgrew | outgrowth | outgrow | outlandish | outlaw | outlet | outline | outlook | outlying | outmode | output | outrageous | outrage | outran | outright | outrun | outset | outside | outskirt | outspeak | outspoke | outstand | outstrip | outward(s) | outward | out | outweigh | outwit | oval | ovation | oven | overaction | overact | overall | overbear | overblown | overbore | overburden | overcame | overcast | overcharge | overcoat | overcome | overcrowd | overdosage | overdose | overdue | overflow | overgraze | overhang | overhaul | overhead | overheard | overhear | overhung | overlap | overlook | overnight | overpoweringly | overpower | overreach | override | overrode | overrule | oversaw | overseas | oversee | overshadow | oversight | overstatement | overstate | overtake | overthrew | overthrow | overtime | overtook | overture | overturn | overt | over | overweening | overwhelm | overwrought | ovine | ovoidal | ovoid | owe | owl | ownership | owner | own | oxen | oxide | oxidic | oxidizable | oxidize | ox | oxygenic | oxygen | oxymora | oxymoronic | oxymoron | oyster


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