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Prononciation du mot prestige en anglais (fichier audio)

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Prononciation du mot : prestige

MOT TROUVE - Fichier audio
Définition du mot : prestige (sur ordinateurs, double-cliquez dessus).
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Autres mots dans la base :

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | A | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| pabulum | pace | pachyderm | pacifiable | pacifically | pacification | pacific | pacifier | pacifism | pacifist | pacify | packability | package | packet | pack | pact | paddler | paddle | paddling | paddock | padre | pad | paean | paganish | paganism | pagan | pageant | page | paid | pailful | pail | painfuller | painfully | painful | painkiller | painkilling | painless | painstaking | painter | paint | pain | pair | palace | palatability | palatable | palate | palatially | palatial | palaver | paleographer | paleography | paleontological | paleontology | palette | pale | palimpsest | palindrome | palindromic | palingenesis | palisade | pallet | palliate | palliation | palliative | pallid | pallor | pall | palmary | palmlike | palm | palmy | palpability | palpable | palpitate | palpitation | palship | palterer | paltering | palter | paltry | pal | pamperer | pampering | pamper | pamphlet | panacean | panacea | panache | pancreas | pancreatic | panda | pandemic | pandemonium | pander | pandora | paned | panegyrical | panegyric | panel | pane | pang | panic | panoply | panorama | panoramic | pantechnicon | pantheism | pantheist | pantheon | panther | pantomime | pantomimic | pantry | pant | pan | paper | papoose | papyri | papyrus | parable | parabola | parachute | parachutic | parade | paradigmatic | paradigm | paradise | paradisial | paradoxicality | paradoxical | paradox | paragon | paragraphic | paragraph | parallax | parallelism | parallel | paralyses | paralysis | paralyzation | paralyze | parameter | parametric | paramountcy | paramount | paramour | paranoiac | paranoia | paranoidal | paranoid | paranormality | paranormal | parapeted | parapet | paraphernalia | paraphrase | parasite | parasitic | parasol | parcel | parchment | parch | pardon | paregoric | parental | parentheses | parenthesis | parenthetical | parent | pare | pariah | parish | parity | parklike | park | parlance | parley | parliament | parlor | parlous | parochially | parochial | parodic | parodist | parody | parol | paroxysmal | paroxysm | parqueted | parquetry | parquet | parral | parricide | parrot | parry | parse | parsimonious | parsimony | partiality | partially | partial | participant | participate | participation | participator | particle | particularity | particularize | particularly | particular | partisanly | partisan | partition | partly | partnerless | partner | parturition | part | party | parvenus | parvenu | par | pasquinade | passage | passel | passenger | passe | passible | passionate | passionless | passion | passivate | passivation | passive | passivity | passport | pass | pastel | pasteurization | pasteurize | paste | pasticheur | pastiche | pastime | pastorally | pastoral | pastorship | pastor | pastry | pasture | past | pasty | patch | patchwork | patent | paternalism | paternalist | paternally | paternal | pathetical | pathetic | pathologically | pathological | pathologic | pathology | pathos | paths | path | patience | patient | patinas | patina | patio | patois | patriarchal | patriarch | patriarchy | patrician | patricidal | patricide | patrimonial | patrimony | patriotically | patriotic | patriotism | patriot | patrol | patronage | patronal | patronization | patronize | patron | patsy | patterned | pattern | patulous | pat | paucity | paunchy | pauperism | pauper | pause | pavement | pave | pavid | pawky | pawnbroker | pawnbroking | pawn | paw | payment | pay | peaceable | peaceably | peacefully | peaceful | peace | peach | peachy | peacockish | peacock | peak | peaky | pearl | pearly | peart | pear | peasant | pease | pea | pebble | pebbly | pecan | peccadillo | peckish | peck | pectoral | peculate | peculation | peculiarity | peculiar | pecuniarily | pecuniary | pedagog | pedagogy | pedal | pedantically | pedantic | pedantry | pedant | peddler | peddle | peddling | pedestal | pedestrian | pediatrician | pediatrics | pediatrist | pedigreed | pedigree | pedimental | pediment | peek | peelable | peel | peep | peerless | peer | peeve | peevish | pejorative | pelagic | pelf | pell-mell | pellucidly | pellucid | pelt | penalization | penalize | penally | penalty | penal | penance | pencel | penchant | pendant | pending | pendulous | pendulum | penetralia | penetrate | penetration | penicillin | peninsular | peninsula | penitentiary | penitent | pennant | pennate | pennies | penny | penological | penology | pensione | pension | pensive | pentagon | penultimate | penumbrae | penumbral | penumbra | penurious | penury | pen | peones | peon | peopleless | people | pepperiness | pepper | peppery | pepsin | peptic | perambulate | perambulation | perceivable | perceive | percentage | percent | perceptibility | perceptible | perceptional | perception | perceptive | perceptivity | perceptual | perch | percipient | percolate | percolation | percussionist | percussion | percussive | perdition | peregrinate | peregrination | peregrine | peremptorily | peremptory | perennially | perennial | perfectionism | perfectionist | perfection | perfectly | perfectness | perfect | perfidious | perfidy | perforate | perforation | perforce | performability | performance | perform | perfume | perfunctorily | perfunctory | pergola | perhaps | pericope | perigean | perigee | perilous | peril | perimeter | periodical | periodicity | periodic | period | peripatetic | peripheral | periphery | periphrases | periphrasis | periphrastically | periphrastic | periscope | perishability | perishable | perish | peristyle | perjure | perjuring | perjury | perkily | perky | permanence | permanent | permeability | permeable | permeate | permeative | permissibility | permissible | permission | permissive | permittee | permit | permutable | permutational | permutation | permute | pernicious | perorational | peroration | peroxide | peroxidic | perpendicularity | perpendicular | perpend | perpetrate | perpetration | perpetual | perpetuate | perpetuation | perpetuity | perplexity | perplex | perquisite | persecutee | persecute | persecution | perseverance | persevere | persiflage | persistence | persistency | persistent | persist | persnicketiness | persnickety | personable | personage | personality | personalization | personalize | personal | personhood | personification | personifier | personify | personnel | person | perspective | perspicacious | perspicacity | perspicuity | perspicuous | perspiration | perspire | persuade | persuasion | persuasive | pertain | pertinacious | pertinacity | pertinent | perturbable | perturbational | perturbation | perturb | pert | perusal | peruse | pervade | pervasive | perverse | perversion | perversity | pervert | pervious | per | pesky | pessimism | pessimistically | pessimistic | pessimist | pestering | pester | pesticide | pestilentially | pestilential | pestilent | pestle | pest | pesty | petalled | petal | peter | petitionary | petition | petrel | petrifaction | petrify | petroglyph | petrographer | petrography | petroleum | petrologic | petrology | petrol | pettily | pettish | petty | petulance | petulant | pet | phalanges | phalanx | phantasmal | phantasm | phantomlike | phantom | pharisaically | pharisaical | pharisaic | pharisee | pharmaceutically | pharmaceutical | pharmacist | pharmacological | pharmacology | phase | phasic | phatically | phatic | phenomena | phenomenologist | phenomenology | phenomenon | phenom | phial | philanderer | philandering | philander | philanthropically | philanthropical | philanthropic | philanthropist | philanthropy | philatelic | philatelist | philately | philistine | philistinism | philological | philology | philosopher | philosophically | philosophical | philosophic | philosophy | phlegmatically | phlegmatic | phobia | phoenixlike | phoenix | phonetically | phonetic | phone | phoney | phonily | photoconductive | photoelectrically | photoelectric | photographer | photographically | photographic | photograph | photography | photolithograph | photolithography | photorespiration | photosphere | photospheric | photosynthesis | photosynthesize | photo | phraseologist | phrase | phyla | phylogeny | phylum | physically | physical | physician | physicist | physic | physiognomy | physiologically | physiological | physiologic | physiologist | physiology | physique | piano | piazza | piazze | picaresque | pickax | picket | pickle | pickup | pick | picnicky | picnic | pictographic | pictograph | pictorially | pictorial | picture | piddle | piddling | piebald | piecemeal | piece | pierce | pier | piety | pigeon | piglike | pigmentary | pigment | pigsty | pig | pile | pilferable | pilfering | pilfer | pilgrimage | pilgrim | pillage | pillar | pillory | pillow | pillowy | pill | pilotage | pilotless | pilot | pinch | pineapple | pine | pinhead | pinioned | pinion | pinkie | pink | pinnace | pinnacle | pinpoint | pint | pin | piny | pioneer | pious | pipeful | pipeline | pipe | piquancy | piquant | pique | piracy | pirate | piratical | pirogue | pirouette | piscatorial | pistol | piston | pitcherful | pitcher | pitch | pitfall | pithily | pith | pithy | pitifully | pitiful | pitiless | pittance | pit | pity | pivotally | pivotal | pivot | pi | placate | placatingly | placebo | place | placidity | placid | plagiarism | plagiarist | plagiarize | plague | plainspokenness | plainspoken | plaintiff | plaintive | plain | plait | planetary | planetlike | planet | plane | plangent | planktonic | plankton | plank | planless | plantable | plantation | plant | plan | plaque | plasterer | plastering | plaster | plastery | plasticity | plastic | plateau | plateaux | plateful | plate | platform | platitude | platitudinous | platonically | platonic | platypi | platypus | plaudit | plausibility | plausible | plausibly | playbill | player | playfully | playful | playground | play | playwright | plaza | pleadable | pleaded | plead | pleasant | pleaser | please | pleasure | pleat | plea | plebeianism | plebeian | plebiscitary | plebiscite | pledge | plenary | plenipotentiary | plenitude | plentifully | plentiful | plenty | plenum | plethora | plethoric | pliability | pliable | pliant | pliers | plight | plinth | ploddingly | plod | plotless | plot | plough | ploy | pluckily | pluck | plucky | plug | plumaged | plumage | plumber | plumb | plume | plumlike | plummet | plump | plumule | plum | plunderer | plundering | plunder | plunge | pluralism | pluralist | plurality | plurally | plural | plush | plus | plutocracy | plutocrat | pluvial | ply | pneumatically | pneumatic | pneumonia | poach | pocketful | pocket | pococurante | pococurantism | podgy | podiatric | podiatry | podia | podium | pod | poem | poetaster | poetic | poetry | poet | pogrom | poignancy | poignant | poikilothermic | poikilotherm | pointer | pointless | point | poise | poisonous | poison | poke | pokey | pokily | polarity | polarizability | polarization | polarize | polar | polemically | polemical | polemicist | polemic | pole | policeman | police | policy | polish | polite | politically | political | politician | politicization | politicize | politics | politic | polity | pollen | pollinate | pollination | pollster | pollutant | pollute | pollution | pollutive | poll | poltroon | polyandrous | polyandry | polygamist | polygamy | polyglot | polygonal | polygon | polymathematicianic | polymath | polymeric | polymer | polysemous | polysemy | polytheism | polytheist | pommel | pomposity | pompous | pomp | poncho | ponderer | pondering | ponderous | ponder | pond | poniard | pontifical | pontificate | ponytailed | ponytail | pony | pool | poorish | poor | pope | populace | popularity | popular | populate | populational | population | populous | pop | porcelainlike | porcelain | porch | porcine | porcupine | pore | pork | porosity | porous | porphyry | porpoise | porridge | porridgy | portability | portable | portend | portentous | portent | porter | portfolio | portico | portion | portly | portraiture | portrait | portrayal | portray | port | poser | poseur | pose | posited | position | positively | positive | posit | possessional | possession | possess | posse | possibility | possible | possibly | postage | postal | postcardlike | postcard | posterior | posterity | poster | posthumous | postiche | postlude | postman | postmodernism | postmodern | postmortem | postnatal | postponable | postpone | postprandial | postscript | postulate | postulation | posture | post | posy | potability | potable | potation | potato | potency | potentate | potentiality | potentially | potential | potentiate | potentiation | potent | pother | potion | potpourri | potshot | pottery | pot | pouched | pouch | poultice | poultry | pound | pourable | pour | pout | poverty | powderer | powdering | powder | powerfully | powerful | power | practicability | practicable | practicality | practically | practical | practice | practitioner | pragmatically | pragmatical | pragmatic | pragmatism | pragmatist | prairie | praise | prancer | prance | prankster | prank | prate | pratingly | prattler | prattle | prattling | praxes | praxis | prayer | pray | preachingly | preach | preamble | precarious | precautionary | precaution | precedence | precedent | precede | preceptorship | preceptor | precept | precinct | preciosity | precious | precipice | precipitant | precipitate | precipitation | precipitative | precipitous | precise | precisionist | precision | preclude | preclusion | precocious | precocity | precognition | precognitive | preconception | precursor | precursory | predator | predatory | predecessor | predestination | predestine | predetermine | predial | predicament | predicate | predicative | predictability | predictably | prediction | predict | predigest | predilection | predispose | predisposition | predominance | predominant | predominate | preeminence | preeminent | preemption | preemptive | preemptor | preempt | preen | prefabricate | prefabrication | preface | prefatory | preferability | preferable | preference | preferentially | preferential | preferment | prefer | prefiguration | prefigurement | prefigure | pregnancy | pregnant | prehensile | prehensility | prehistorically | prehistorical | prehistoric | prehistory | prejudice | prejudicially | prejudicial | prelate | prelibation | preliminary | preliterate | prelude | premature | prematurity | premeditate | premeditation | premeditator | premiere | premier | premise | premium | premonition | premonitorily | premonitory | prenatally | prenatal | preoccupation | preoccupied | preoccupy | preordainment | preordain | preparation | prepare | preponderance | preponderant | preponderate | preponderation | prepositional | preposition | prepossess | preposterous | preprandial | prerequisite | prerogatived | prerogative | presageful | presage | prescience | prescient | prescribe | prescription | prescriptive | prescript | presence | presentational | presentation | presentimental | presentiment | presently | present | preservability | preservative | preserve | presidential | president | preside | pressure | press | prestidigitation | prestidigitator | prestigeful | prestige | prestigious | presto | presumable | presumably | presumedly | presume | presumption | presumptuous | pretence | pretend | pretensionless | pretension | pretentious | preternaturally | preternatural | pretext | prettily | pretty | prevail | prevalence | prevalent | prevaricate | prevarication | preventability | prevention | preventive | prevent | previewer | preview | previous | previsional | prevision | prey | price | prickle | prickly | prick | pridefully | prideful | pride | prier | priest | prig | primacy | primal | primarily | primary | primateship | primate | primer | primevally | primeval | prime | primitive | primitivity | primogeniture | primordially | primordial | primp | prim | princely | princeship | princess | prince | principally | principal | principled | principle | prink | printer | print | priorate | priority | prior | prism | prisoner | prison | prissily | prissy | pristine | privacy | private | privation | privilege | privily | privy | prize | probability | probable | probably | probational | probation | probe | probity | problematically | problematical | problematic | problem | proboscides | proboscis | procedure | proceed | processes | procession | process | proclaim | proclamation | proclivity | procrastinate | procrastination | procreate | procreation | procrustean | proctorial | proctor | procurable | procure | prodigality | prodigal | prodigious | prodigy | prodrome | producer | produce | producible | productional | production | productive | productivity | product | prod | profane | profanity | professional | profession | professorial | professor | profess | proffering | proffer | proficiency | proficient | profile | profitability | profitable | profiteer | profitless | profit | profligacy | profligate | profoundly | profound | profundity | profuse | profusion | progenitor | progeny | prognathous | prognoses | prognosis | prognosticate | prognosticative | programmability | program | progressive | progress | prohibition | prohibitive | prohibit | projectile | projectional | projection | projector | project | prolate | proletarian | proletariat | proliferate | proliferation | prolificacy | prolific | prolixity | prolix | prolog | prolonger | prolong | promenade | prominent | promiscuity | promiscuous | promisee | promise | promontory | promotability | promoter | promote | promotional | promotion | promptly | prompt | promulgate | promulgation | proneness | prone | prong | pronounceability | pronouncement | pronounce | pronoun | pronunciational | pronunciation | proof | propagable | propaganda | propagandist | propagate | propagation | propellant | propeller | propel | propensity | propertyless | property | proper | prophecy | prophethood | prophetically | prophetical | prophetic | prophet | prophylactically | prophylactic | propinquity | propitiate | propitiator | propitiatory | propitious | proponent | proportional | proportion | proposal | propose | propositional | proposition | propound | proprietary | proprietorship | proprietor | propriety | propulsion | propulsive | prop | prorogue | prosaically | prosaic | proscenium | proscribe | prosecutable | prosecute | prosecution | prosecutor | proselyte | proselytization | proselytize | prose | prosodist | prosody | prospective | prospector | prospectus | prospect | prospering | prosperity | prosperous | prosper | prostrate | protagonist | protean | protection | protective | protect | protege | protein | protestation | protest | protocol | protonic | proton | protoplasmic | protoplasm | prototype | protractive | protract | protreptic | protrude | protrusible | protrusive | protuberance | protuberant | proud | provable | provenance | provender | proven | proverb | prove | providence | provident | provide | province | provincialism | provincial | provisional | provision | provisory | proviso | provocation | provocative | provoke | prowess | proximate | proximity | proxy | prudence | prudent | prudery | prude | prudish | prune | prurience | prurient | pry | psalm | psephological | psephology | pseudomorphic | pseudomorph | pseudonym | pseudopodia | pseudopodium | pseudoscience | pseudoscientific | psychedelic | psychiatric | psychiatry | psychically | psychical | psychic | psychoanalysis | psychoanalyst | psychoanalytically | psychoanalytical | psychoanalytic | psychologically | psychological | psychologic | psychologist | psychology | psychopathically | psychopathic | psychopath | psychoses | psychosis | psychosomatically | psychosomatic | psychotically | psychotic | psych | pterodactyl | puberty | publication | publicity | publicize | public | publishable | publisher | publish | puckering | pucker | puckish | pudding | puddle | puerilely | puerile | puff | pugilism | pugilistic | pugilist | pugnacious | pugnacity | puissance | puissant | puke | pulchritude | pulchritudinous | pullet | pulley | pullulate | pullulation | pull | pulmonary | pulpiness | pulpit | pulp | pulsate | pulse | pulverizable | pulverize | pummelling | pummel | pumpkin | pump | punch | punctilious | punctuality | punctual | punctuation | puncture | punditry | pundit | pungency | pungent | punily | punishability | punishment | punish | punitive | pun | puny | pupil | puppetlike | puppet | puppyhood | puppy | purblindly | purblind | purchasable | purchase | purebred | purely | pure | purgation | purgative | purgatory | purge | purification | purifier | purify | puristic | purist | puritanically | puritanical | puritanism | purity | purlieu | purloin | purpler | purple | purport | purpose | purselike | purse | pursue | pursuit | pursy | purveyance | purveyor | purvey | purview | pushily | push | pushy | pusillanimous | putative | putrefaction | putrefactive | putrefy | putrescent | putridity | putrid | putsch | puttee | put | puzzler | puzzle | puzzling | pygmy | pyjamas | pylon | pyramidal | pyramid | pyre | pyromaniac | pyromania | python | pyxides | pyxis


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