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Prononciation du mot sabbatic en anglais (fichier audio)

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Prononciation du mot : sabbatic

MOT TROUVE - Fichier audio
Définition du mot : sabbatic (sur ordinateurs, double-cliquez dessus).
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| sabbatical | sabbatic | sable | sabotage | saboteur | saccharine | saccharinity | saccharin | sacerdotally | sacerdotal | sacheted | sachet | sackful | sack | saclike | sacrament | sacred | sacrifice | sacrilege | sacrilegious | sacrosanctity | sacrosanct | sac | saddening | sadden | saddleless | saddle | sadism | sadist | sad | safari | safeguard | safety | safe | saffron | sagacious | sagacity | saga | sage | saguaro | sag | said | sailed | sailor | sail | saintdom | saintly | saint | sake | salaam | salacious | salad | salaried | salary | salesclerk | salesmanship | salesman | salesperson | sale | salient | saline | salinity | saliva | sallow | sally | salmon | saltatory | saltily | saltlike | salt | salty | salubrious | salubrity | salutarily | salutary | salutational | salutation | salutatory | salute | salvage | salvational | salvation | salver | salve | salvo | same | sampler | sample | sampling | sanatoria | sanatorium | sancta | sanctify | sanctimonious | sanction | sanctuary | sanctum | sandaled | sandal | sand | sandwich | sandy | saneness | sane | sangfroid | sanguinarily | sanguinary | sanguineness | sanguine | sang | sanitarily | sanitary | sanitation | sanitization | sanitize | sanity | sank | sapidity | sapid | sapience | sapient | sapless | sapling | sapphire | sap | sarcasm | sarcastic | sarcophagi | sarcophagus | sardine | sardonically | sardonic | sartorially | sartorial | sashed | sash | satanically | satanic | satchelful | satchel | satellite | sate | satiate | satiety | satiny | satire | satirically | satirical | satiric | satirizable | satirize | satisfaction | satisfactorily | satisfactory | satisfyingly | satisfy | satrap | saturate | saturation | saturator | saturdays | saturday | saturnalian | saturnalia | saturnine | saturn | sat | satyric | satyr | saucerlike | saucer | sauce | saunterer | saunter | sausage | savagery | savage | savanna | savant | saveable | save | savoir+faire | savorily | savorless | savor | savory | savvy | sawdust | saw | sayer | say | scabbard | scabrous | scab | scad | scaffolding | scaffold | scald | scale | scalpel | scalp | scampering | scamper | scampish | scamp | scandalous | scandal | scannable | scantily | scantling | scant | scanty | scan | scapegoat | scarce | scarcity | scare | scarf | scarification | scarifier | scarify | scarlet | scarp | scar | scatheless | scathe | scatterer | scatter | scavenger | scavenge | scenario | scenery | scene | scenically | scenical | scenic | scentless | scent | schedule | schematically | schematic | schematization | schematize | scheme | schismatic | schism | schizophrenia | schizophrenic | schlock | schlocky | schnorrer | scholarly | scholarship | scholar | school | schooner | science | scientifically | scientific | scientist | scintillate | scintillator | scintilla | sciolism | sciolist | scion | scissor | scoff | scold | scoopful | scoop | scooter | scope | scorchingly | scorch | score | scornfully | scornful | scorn | scorpion | scotch | scoundrelly | scoundrel | scourge | scour | scout | scowlingly | scowl | scraggy | scrambler | scramble | scrambling | scram | scrape | scrappy | scrap | scratch | scrawl | scrawly | scream | screech | screed | screen | scree | screwdriver | screwlike | screw | scribble | scribbling | scrimmage | scrimp | scrimpy | scripture | script | scroll | scrooge | scrub | scruffily | scruffy | scrumptious | scrunch | scruple | scrupulous | scrutable | scrutinize | scrutiny | scud | scuffle | scuffling | scuff | scullion | sculptor | sculpture | sculpt | scummy | scum | scurrilous | scurry | scurvy | scutter | scuttle | scythe | seafaring | seal | seaman | seamlessly | seamless | seamlike | seamstress | seam | seamy | seaport | searchable | search | seascape | seaside | seasonable | seasonably | seasonality | seasonal | seasoning | season | seat | sea | sebaceous | secede | secession | seclude | seclusion | seclusive | secondarily | secondary | second | secrecy | secretarial | secretary | secrete | secretin | secretionary | secretion | secretive | secret | sectarianism | sectarian | section | sect | secularity | secular | secure | security | sedate | sedative | sedentary | sedimentation | sediment | sedition | seditious | seduce | seductive | sedulity | sedulous | seeable | seeded | seedily | seedling | seed | seedy | seek | seemingly | seemly | seem | seepage | seep | seethe | see | segmentary | segment | segregate | segregative | seine | seise | seismically | seismic | seize | seldom | selectable | selection | selective | selectivity | select | selenium | self-expression | self-expressive | selfish | self-limiting | self-realization | self-sufficient | self-taught | self | self-winding | sellable | seller | sell | semantically | semantical | semantic | semaphore | semblance | semester | semestral | semiannual | semicircle | semicircular | semicivilized | semiconductor | semiconscious | semidetached | seminally | seminal | seminar | seminary | semiskilled | sempiternal | senatorship | senator | send | senescence | senescent | seneschal | senilely | senile | senility | senior | sensational | sensation | senseless | sense | sensible | sensibly | sensitive | sensitivity | sensitization | sensitize | sensor | sensory | sensuality | sensual | sensuosity | sensuous | sentence | sententious | sentient | sentimentalism | sentimentalist | sentimentality | sentimentalization | sentimentalize | sentimental | sentiment | sentinel | sentry | sent | separately | separate | separation | sepses | sepsis | september | septic | sepulcher | sepulchrally | sepulchral | sequacious | sequacity | sequence | sequentially | sequential | sequestering | sequester | sequestrate | sequoia | seraphim | seraph | serenade | serendipity | sereneness | serene | serenity | sere | serfage | serf | sergeant | serially | serial | series | serious | sermonic | sermon | serpentine | serpent | serrate | serration | serried | servanthood | servant | serve | serviceability | serviceable | service | servilely | servile | servitude | sessional | session | setback | settleable | settlement | settle | settling | set | seventeenth | seventeen | sevenths | seventh | seventieth | seventy | seven | several | severance | severe | severing | severity | sever | sewability | sewage | sewer | sewn | sew | sextant | sexton | sex | shabbily | shabby | shackle | shack | shadeless | shade | shadily | shadowily | shadowless | shadow | shadowy | shady | shafts | shaft | shakeable | shake | shale | shaley | shallop | shallowly | shallow | shall | shamble | shambling | shamefully | shameful | shameless | shame | shampoo | sham | shapeless | shape | shard | shareholder | share | sharklike | shark | sharpener | sharpening | sharpen | sharp | shatteringly | shatter | shaven | shaves | shave | shawl | sheaflike | sheaf | shear | sheather | sheathe | sheaths | sheath | sheaves | shed | sheen | sheep | sheer | sheetlike | sheet | shelfful | shelf | shell | shelterless | shelter | shelves | shelve | shepherd | sherbert | sherbet | sherd | sheriffdom | sheriff | she | shibboleth | shield | shiftable | shiftless | shift | shill | shimmering | shimmer | shindy | shine | shingle | shipbuilder | shipbuilding | shipment | shipshape | ship | shipwreck | shipwright | shirk | shirtless | shirt | shiver | shoal | shock | shoddy | shod | shoe | shone | shook | shoot | shopkeeper | shoplifter | shoplift | shoppe | shop | shopworn | shore | shorn | shortage | shortcoming | shortcut | shortener | shortening | shorten | shortfall | shorthand | shortish | shortly | shortsighted | short | shot | shouldered | shoulder | should | shout | shovel | shove | showable | showed | showerless | shower | showily | showpiece | show | showy | shrank | shred | shrewd | shrewlike | shrew | shriek | shrill | shrimplike | shrimp | shrine | shrinkable | shrink | shrivelling | shrivel | shroud | shrub | shrug | shuck | shuddering | shudder | shuffler | shuffle | shuffling | shunt | shun | shutterless | shutter | shuttle | shut | shyer | shyster | shy | sibilant | sibling | sibyllic | sibyl | sicked | sickle | sickness | sic | sidereal | sideshow | sidesplitting | sidestep | sidetrack | sidewalk | side | sideways | sidle | sidling | siege | sieve | sift | sigher | sightseer | sightsee | sight | sigh | signal | signatory | signature | significance | significant | signify | sign | silence | silent | silhouette | silicate | silica | siliceous | silicon | silklike | silk | sillily | sill | silly | silt | silty | silva | silversmith | silverware | silver | simian | similarity | similar | simile | similitude | simperer | simpering | simper | simpleness | simpler | simpleton | simple | simplicity | simplification | simplify | simplistically | simplistic | simply | simulate | simulation | simulative | simultaneity | simultaneous | sincere | sincerity | since | sinecure | sinew | sinewy | singable | singeing | singer | singe | single | singularity | singular | sing | sinister | sinkable | sinkhole | sink | sinner | sinuate | sinuous | sin | sip | siren | sirocco | sir | sister | site | situate | situation | sit | sixteenth | sixteen | sixthly | sixths | sixth | sixtieth | sixty | six | size | sizzler | skate | skeane | skein | skeletonic | skeleton | skeptically | skeptical | skepticism | skeptic | sketchily | sketch | sketchy | skewer | skew | skiff | skillet | skillfully | skillful | skill | skimpily | skimp | skimpy | skim | skinflint | skinless | skin | skippable | skip | skirmish | skirt | skittish | skit | skive | ski | skulduggery | skulk | skulled | skull | skunk | skylight | skyrocket | skyscraper | sky | slablike | slab | slackening | slacken | slack | slag | slake | slam | slanderer | slandering | slander | slangily | slang | slant | slantways | slapdash | slap | slatelike | slate | slather | slattern | slaughter | slavering | slaver | slavery | slave | slavish | slay | sleave | sleaze | sleazily | sleazy | sledgehammer | sledge | sled | sleek | sleeper | sleepily | sleeplike | sleep | sleepy | sleet | sleety | sleeved | sleeve | sleight | sleigh | slender | slew | sliceable | slice | slick | slide | slid | slight | slime | slimily | slimpsy | slim | slimy | slinger | sling | slink | slippage | slipper | slippery | slipshod | slip | slither | slitless | slit | sliver | slobberer | slobbering | slobber | slogan | slog | sloop | slope | sloppily | sloppy | slothfully | slothful | sloths | sloth | slot | slouch | slough | sloughy | slovenly | sloven | slowish | slowly | slow | sluggard | sluggish | sluice | slumberer | slumbering | slumberous | slumber | slump | slum | slung | slunk | slurp | slur | slyer | sly | smallish | small | smarmily | smarmy | smart | smash | smatterer | smatter | smear | smelled | smell | smile | smiley | smirch | smirk | smiter | smite | smithereens | smogless | smog | smokeless | smoke | smolder | smooth | smote | smother | smothery | smouldering | smudge | smuggler | smuggle | smuggling | smug | smutch | smutchy | smuttily | smutty | snack | snaggy | snag | snaillike | snail | snakelike | snake | snakey | snakily | snappily | snappish | snappy | snap | snare | snarl | snatch | snazzy | sneaked | sneak | sneer | sneeze | snickerer | snickering | snicker | snide | sniff | sniggerer | sniggering | snigger | snip | snitch | sniveler | snivelling | snivel | snobbery | snobbish | snob | snoop | snootily | snooty | snore | snouted | snout | snowdrift | snowflake | snowily | snowless | snowstorm | snow | snowy | snub | snuffler | snuffle | snuffling | snuggle | snuggling | snug | soak | soap | soar | soberer | soberly | sober | sobriety | sobriquet | sob | so-called | soccer | sociability | sociable | sociably | socialism | socialistic | socialist | socialite | social | society | sociologically | sociological | sociologic | sociologist | sociology | sociopath | socket | sock | soda | soddenness | sodden | sodium | sod | sofa | softballer | softball | softener | softening | soften | softish | software | soft | soggily | soggy | soil | sojourn | solacement | solace | solar | solder | soldierly | soldier | sold | solecism | solecistic | solely | solemnity | solemn | sole | solicitation | solicitorship | solicitor | solicitous | solicitude | solicit | solidarity | solidification | solidify | solidity | solid | soliloquy | solitarily | solitary | solitude | soli | solo | solstice | solubility | soluble | solution | solvability | solvable | solvency | solvent | solve | somatically | somatic | somber | somebody | somehow | someone | something | sometimes | sometime | some | somewhat | somewhere | somnambulism | somnambulist | somnolence | somnolent | sonata | songlike | song | sonhood | sonically | sonic | sonnet | sonority | sonorous | son | soon | soothe | soothsayer | soot | sophism | sophisticate | sophistication | sophistry | sophist | sophomoric | soporific | soprano | sop | sorcery | sordid | sore | sorrily | sorrowfully | sorrowful | sorrow | sorry | sort | sought | soulfully | soulful | soul | soundly | sound | soupcon | soup | sourceless | source | sourish | sourpuss | sour | souse | southeast | southernmost | southern | southwards | southward | south | southwest | souvenir | sovereignty | sovereign | sovietism | soviet | so | sow | sox | soya | soy | spacecraft | spaceship | space | spacious | spackle | spackling | spadeful | spade | spall | spangle | spanish | spank | span | spareable | spare | sparkle | sparkling | sparkly | spark | sparrowlike | sparrow | sparse | sparsity | spasmodically | spasmodic | spasm | spate | spatiality | spatial | spatula | spat | spawn | speakable | speakership | speaker | speak | spear | specialistic | specialist | speciality | specialization | specialize | specially | special | specie | specifiable | specifically | specification | specificity | specific | specify | specimen | speciosity | specious | specked | speckle | speck | spectacle | spectacular | spectatorial | spectator | specter | spectrally | spectral | spectra | spectrum | speculate | speculation | speculative | speculator | speechless | speech | speedster | speed | speleological | speleology | spellbind | spellbound | spelled | spell | spelunker | spendable | spendthrift | spend | spent | sphagnum | sphere | spherically | spherical | spheric | spheroidal | spheroid | sphinges | sphinxlike | sphinx | spiceless | spice | spiderish | spider | spidery | spieler | spiel | spikelike | spike | spillable | spilled | spill | spindly | spined | spineless | spinet | spine | spinney | spinsterhood | spinster | spin | spiny | spirally | spiral | spire | spiritual | spirit | spite | spit | splashily | splash | splashy | spleen | splendid | splendor | splendrous | splenetically | splenetic | splent | splice | splinter | splintery | splint | split | splurge | spoilage | spoilsport | spoil | spokesmanship | spokesman | spoke | spoliation | sponge | spongy | sponsorial | sponsor | spontaneity | spontaneous | spoof | spool | spoonerism | spoon | spoor | sporadically | sporadic | spored | spore | sportive | sportsmanlike | sportsmanship | sportsman | sport | spot | spousal | spouse | spout | sprain | sprang | sprawl | spray | spreadability | spread | spree | sprightly | sprig | springboard | springe | springtime | spring | sprinkler | sprinkle | sprinkling | sprint | sprocket | sprout | spruce | spryer | spry | spume | spumous | spunk | spun | spurious | spurn | spur | spy | squabble | squalid | squall | squalor | squanderer | squandering | squander | squarely | square | squash | squat | squeak | squeamish | squeezability | squeeze | squelch | squint | squirm | squirmy | squirrel | stability | stabilization | stabilize | stableman | stable | stab | staccato | stack | stadia | stadium | staffs | staff | stagecoach | stageful | stage | staggerer | staggering | stagger | stagily | stagnancy | stagnant | stagnate | stagnation | stagy | staid | stainable | stainless | stain | staircase | stair | stairway | stake | stalely | stalemate | stale | stalked | stalk | stall | stalwart | stamen | stamina | stammerer | stammering | stammer | stampede | stamp | stance | stanch | standardization | standardize | standard | standoffish | standpoint | standstill | stand | stank | stanzaic | stanza | stapler | staple | starchily | starchy | stardom | stare | stark | starless | startlement | startle | startling | start | starvation | starve | star | stases | stash | stasis | stately | statement | statesmanlike | statesman | state | statical | static | stationary | stationery | station | statistically | statistical | statistic | statuary | statuette | statue | stature | status | statute | statutorily | statutory | staunch | stay | steadfastness | steadfast | steadily | steady | steak | stealable | stealthily | stealth | stealthy | steal | steamer | steam | steed | steel | steepish | steepled | steeple | steep | steer | stein | stelae | stela | stele | stellar | stem | stenchful | stench | stencil | stenographer | stenographic | stenography | stentorian | steplike | step | stepwise | stereochemical | stereochemistry | stereotype | stereo | sterilely | sterile | sterilization | sterilize | sternness | stern | stertorous | stethoscope | stethoscopic | stewardess | steward | stew | stickily | stickler | sticklike | stickpin | stick | sticky | stiffener | stiffening | stiffen | stiffish | stiff | stifle | stigmal | stigmata | stigmatization | stigmatize | stigma | stiletto | still | stilt | stimulant | stimulate | stimulation | stimuli | stimulus | stingily | stingingly | sting | stingy | stink | stinky | stint | stipend | stippler | stipple | stippling | stipulate | stipulation | stipulator | stipulatory | stir | stitch | stockade | stockily | stock | stocky | stodge | stodgily | stodgy | stoicism | stoic | stoke | stole | stolidity | stolid | stomach | stonewall | stone | stoney | stonily | stood | stool | stoop | stoppable | stop | storable | storage | storehouse | storeroom | store | storey | stormily | storm | stormy | story | stouthearted | stoutish | stout | stove | stowaway | straddler | straddle | straddling | straggler | straggle | straggling | straightener | straightening | straighten | straightforward | straightish | straight | strain | straitening | straiten | strait | strand | strange | strangler | strangle | strangling | strangulation | strap | stratagem | strata | strategical | strategic | strategist | strategy | stratify | stratosphere | stratospheric | stratum | strawberry | straw | strawy | stray | streak | streaky | streamline | stream | street | strengthener | strengthening | strengthen | strengths | strength | strenuosity | strenuous | stressfully | stressful | stress | stretchability | stretch | strewn | strew | striate | striation | strictly | stricture | strict | stridency | strident | strider | stride | stridulate | stridulation | strifeless | strife | strike | stringent | stringless | string | stripe | stripling | strippable | stripped | strip | striver | strive | strode | stroke | stroll | stronger | strongish | strong | strove | struck | structural | structureless | structure | struggler | struggle | struggling | strum | strut | stubbornness | stubborn | student | studied | studious | studio | study | stuffily | stuff | stuffy | stultification | stultify | stumbler | stumble | stumbling | stump | stung | stuntman | stunt | stun | stupefyingly | stupefy | stupendous | stupidity | stupid | stupor | sturdily | sturdy | stutterer | stutter | stygian | styleless | style | stylish | styli | stylization | stylize | stylus | stymie | styptic | suave | suavity | subaerially | subaerial | subaltern | subaqueous | subcutaneous | subdividable | subdivide | subdue | subjective | subjectivity | subjectless | subject | subjugate | subjugation | sublimable | sublimate | sublimation | sublime | subliminal | submarine | submergence | submerge | submission | submissive | submittal | submit | suborder | subordinate | subornation | suborn | subpoena | subreption | subreptitious | subscribe | subscription | subscript | subsequently | subsequent | subservience | subservient | subsidence | subside | subsidiarily | subsidiary | subsidization | subsidize | subsidy | subsistence | subsistent | subsist | subspecies | subspecific | substanceless | substance | substantiality | substantial | substantiate | substantiation | substantive | substantivize | substitute | substrata | substrate | substratum | subsumable | subsume | subterfuge | subterranean | subterraneous | subtitle | subtleness | subtler | subtlety | subtle | subtraction | subtract | suburbanization | suburbanize | suburban | suburb | subventionary | subvention | subversionary | subversion | subvert | sub | subway | succedanea | succedaneous | succedaneum | succeed | successfully | successful | successional | succession | successive | successor | success | succinctly | succinct | succor | succubi | succubus | succulent | succumb | such | suckle | suckling | suck | suddenness | sudden | sudorific | suede | sue | sufferable | suffering | suffer | suffice | sufficient | suffocate | suffocatingly | suffrage | suffragist | suffuse | suffusion | sugarless | sugar | suggestibility | suggestible | suggestion | suggestive | suggest | suicide | suitability | suitable | suitcase | suite | suitor | suit | sulfur | sulkily | sulky | sullenness | sullen | sully | sulphury | sultrily | sultry | summability | summarily | summarizable | summarization | summarize | summary | summational | summation | summerlike | summer | summit | summonable | summoning | summon | sumptuary | sumptuous | sum | sundays | sunday | sundering | sunder | sundry | sunlight | sunnily | sunny | sunrise | sunset | sunshine | sunshiny | sun | superabound | superannuate | superannuation | superb | supercilious | supererogatory | superficiality | superficially | superficial | superfluity | superfluous | superimposable | superimpose | superintendent | superintend | superiority | superior | superlative | supermarket | supernally | supernal | supernaturally | supernatural | supernova | supernumerary | supersede | supersonically | supersonic | superstition | superstructural | superstructure | supervene | supervention | supervise | supervision | supervisor | supervisory | super | supine | supper | supplantation | supplant | supplely | supplementary | supplement | suppler | supple | suppliant | supplicant | supplicate | supplication | supportability | support | suppose | suppositional | supposition | supposititious | suppressibility | suppression | suppress | suppurate | suppuration | supremacy | supreme | surcease | surcharge | surefire | surely | sure | surface | surfeit | surf | surgeon | surgery | surge | surlily | surly | surmise | surmountable | surmount | surname | surpassable | surpass | surplus | surprise | surprisingly | surrealism | surrealist | surreal | surrendering | surrender | surreptitious | surrogate | surroundings | surround | surveillance | surveyor | survey | survival | survive | survivor | susceptibility | susceptible | susceptibly | susceptive | susceptivity | suspect | suspendered | suspender | suspend | suspenseful | suspense | suspension | suspicion | suspicious | sustainedly | sustain | sustenance | sutural | suture | svelte | swaggerer | swaggering | swagger | swallow | swamp | swampy | swam | swank | swan | swap | swarm | swarthy | swart | swathe | swath | sway | swear | sweater | sweatily | sweat | sweaty | sweep | sweetener | sweetening | sweeten | sweet | swell | sweltering | swelter | swept | swerve | swiftness | swift | swig | swill | swim | swindler | swindle | swindling | swine | swing | swipe | swirlingly | swirl | switcheroo | switch | switchyard | swollen | swordlike | sword | swore | swot | swung | sybarite | sybaritic | sycophantically | sycophantic | sycophant | syllabi | syllable | syllabus | syllogism | syllogistic | sylvan | symbioses | symbiosis | symbiotic | symbolically | symbolical | symbolic | symbolism | symbolize | symbol | symmetrically | symmetrical | symmetric | symmetry | sympathetically | sympathetic | sympathize | sympathy | symphony | symposia | symposium | symptomatically | symptomatic | symptomless | symptom | synapse | synchronize | synchronous | syncopate | syncopation | syncopative | syncopator | syncretize | syndicate | syndrome | synergically | synergic | synonymic | synonymous | synonym | synopses | synopsis | synoptically | synoptical | synoptic | syntactically | syntactical | syntactic | syntax | syntheses | synthesist | synthesis | synthesize | synthetically | synthetic | syringe | systematically | systematic | systematization | systematize | systemically | systemic | systemless | system


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