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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°69856 : Take et particules

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> Tests similaires : - Verbes prépositionnels et verbes à particules - To get - Verbes + up / down - Verbes à particules - Verbes et particules - Verbes à particule : Look - Prépositions et verbes à particules - Prépositions, postpositions : Alice in Wonderland
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Take et particules

The verb 'to take' is widely used in English and, when combined with other words, it 'takes on' - that is, it adopts - a wide variety of meanings.  Just some of these possibilities are explored in this test

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1. He certainly takes his father, to judge by his sullen looks.

2. When you go to the party, take your camera as there will surely be some good pictures.

3. The clock doesn't work so I'm going to take it in the hope of finding out what's wrong.

4. He's clearly not settled in here so you ought to take him for a quiet chat.

5. The way that they have modernised the house has taken much of its charm.

6. You'll have to take that toy as it only causes squabbles.

7. That smell of newly-mown hay always takes me to my days on the farm so long ago.

8. He was completely taken by the con man and so lost thousands.

9. My wife could take many of her friends' mannerisms very amusingly.

10. In going from school to university he really struggled as he couldn't take the new way of working.

11. Take the lid and reduce the liquid by boiling rapidly.

12. They really took a tough challenge when they adopted that child.

13. The aeroplane took and climbed into the sky like a rocket.

14. The starlet was taken to all the best places so as to be seen with other celebrities.

15. The boss took the new assistant immediately as she was so helpful and hard-working.

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