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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°70270 : Get et particules

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Get et particules

'They just don't get it' - meaning, 'they just don't understand'.  This has been a complaint frequently seen in the British press during the last few months aimed at both the bankers and the politicians.  'Get' is a useful little verb which can take on a wide variety of meanings when linked with other little words.  Some of these are explored in this test.

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1. He's getting surprisingly well now with the help of the crutches.

2. The little girl was getting herself in class and so the teacher had a few words with her mother.

3. We succeeded in getting the road safely in spite of the heavy traffic.

4. The old dog seemed to accept the little puppy and they were soon getting very well together.

5. During the last few months it has become a national sport to get the bankers.

6. Work has been very stressful and so I'm really looking forward to getting this weekend.

7. Unfortunately we'll have to get in time for an early start on Monday.

8. I'm sure that we'll get with a little help from our colleagues.

9. The man got from the train and looked about him as though lost.

10. Fortunately, I just managed to get before the doors closed.

11. The girl became increasingly annoyed as she struggled to get her friend's dress.

12. We got one train just as our connection was pulling in at the next platform.

13. We had to hurry and just managed to get as the train started to move.

14. The schoolboy managed to get of the cross country run by faking a letter from his mother.

15. The old man finally got his illness with the help of a course of antibiotics.

16. Michael eventually managed to get his wife by taking her out to dinner.

17. We managed to get the long journey without problems but arrived very tired.

18. If you want to see what the problem is you'll have to get the car.

19. She languidly got from the beach and sauntered into the sea.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Get et particules"
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