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Home > Help > Legal notices > Privacy policy [FRENCH VERSION]
PRIVACY POLICY (latest update: April, 20th 2018)
- Data are not sent or transmitted to anyone else
- They are stored by the webmaster of the site (Laurent Camus) who can access all the data.
- There is only one database for all the sites (
- The data are stored in France for one year after the last log in.

How to update your data or delete them:
- To update your data
- To close your account
- To contact us.
If there is a problem with your data, please contact us. We will do our best to help you.
If no solution is found, you will be able to contact a supervising authority.

Right to data portability and data access:

All the data from the registration form will be sent to the webmaster, who will enter them into a database. The email address will be shared with Splio, who will send you the lesson on our behalf. The data will not be used for anything else. We will not share them with anyone else. You will not get spam mail. When you join us, we must log the details of your registration. You allow us to store all the details (IP, browser...) which will enable us to prove you have subscribed to our newsletter. We won't use these details, and we will not share them with anyone else. They will be stored in France. You can contact us at anytime to delete your details, update them or access them. The only way to contact us is the contact form. You can't contact us by replying to the message. To unsubscribe, please click on the link at the very bottom of the message. The lesson is 100% free.

Like most sites, we use log files (server logs) which maintain a history of page requests (with client IP addresses, request date/time, page requested, HTTP code, bytes served...)
These files are accessible only to the webmaster. We don't use these files for stats or anything else. The police can request to access these files.

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