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Message de rosminet posté le 2004-04-26 16:56:31 (S | E | F | I)
Hi everybody from London.

Today, the weather is warm, but also a little bit cloudy. This morning, I applied for different jobs. I hope I'll find soon a job.
This afternoon, I watched a DVD : Final Scream. There were not any subtitles, but it wasn't difficult to be understood. It's not an interesting movie at all !!! Don't watch it !!!
This evening, I have my English lessons from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm (as every Monday and Tuesday evening).

Have a nice day

Talk to you soon !

Réponse: English women de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-26 18:38:38 (S | E)
Is it true he always rain in UK ? Is it true English women are all tall, not very pretty, bad dressed with clothes yellow and pink and funny hats, and they are chatting all the day during ?

Réponse: it de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-26 20:02:30 (S | E)
it always rain and no he.

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-04-26 23:22:02 (S | E)
No, it doesn't always rain in London (in Scotland, I don't know !). But the weather changes very quickly. For example at 8.00 am, a very sunny sky, without any clouds and 1 hour later, a very cloudy sky ! So, I can say that here there are real April showers !!!
English women are not all tall, not pretty, bad dressed with clothes yellow and pink and funny hats !

Réponse: Tell the true de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-27 00:23:54 (S | E)
I see you haven't replied about the reputation of English women for being very talkative. That's significant. They are.
Female solidarity, of course.

Réponse: Nonsense de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-27 16:47:43 (S | E)
I wrote all this nonsense thinking English wowen will be outraged and will shoot at me. But nothing. There isn't English women in this area. gimz0 didn't even react. Perhaps she is OK with this insulting allegations. Perhaps she isn't an English woman. Perhap's she is an impostor. Perhaps she can't understand English who is written here. Who knows !
OuilleouOuille, I move along, quickly and far away.... Byyyyyeeeee

Réponse: re de zit, postée le 2004-04-27 17:48:31 (S | E)
Becareful she'll kill you if she see that! ;-)

Réponse: re de zit, postée le 2004-04-27 18:00:51 (S | E)
I'm a little bit under London, and the weather is the same, like in London. They have a sentence to say that at Calais. When you cannot see the English coasts that means: It rains. And if you can say them that means: It will rain. ;-)
Some women are not really well dressed! Lots of colors, blue, yellow, pink! They are fat, and dare to show their body. As the navel and the spare tyre. ;-)))
At the difference of France, they don't make difference between the others.
I'll not find my girlfriend in England :-((

Réponse: Daredevil de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-28 15:13:23 (S | E)
Daredevil zit ! If Gimz0 see your prose, you're not well (like me..)

Réponse: re de zit, postée le 2004-04-28 15:16:53 (S | E)
Yes so shhhhhhh ;-))
But it's the true, all women are different

Réponse: Treacherous de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-28 15:42:34 (S | E)
Yes, you're right, they are all differents (women), above all... mine !
But here, you not claim English women are differents, you claim they are nasty.
You have heard Chloë, what zit wrote about English women ?

Réponse: re de zit, postée le 2004-04-28 16:07:57 (S | E)
Oh your a sneak maureplain!!! ;-)))



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