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Trouvez les erreurs
Message de felin posté le 04-11-2005 à 13:28:47 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Mercredi soir 9/11/05

Trouver les erreurs:


I find the way children spend hours just at watching TV at quite depressing. It can't be good for their imagination. I'm not very keen on watching myself. I'd rather to read a good book. I wish children would have switch off the TV and learn to enjoy the pleasures of reading. I have always been very fond of the reading - this comes from my mother who was a marvellous storyteller. When it was the time for us to go to bed she would say It's time we have had another story.' If she'd said 'Get into bed and switch the light off' it would have been not very different. As it was, we began to look forward go to bedtime because we were expecting yet another unforgettable tale. If only wish I had had more the time to tell my children more stories when they were growing up. If they had been got into the habit of listening to stories at bedtime, they'd have grown to love literature more. They can't stand to reading books now because they'd sooner they play some computer games instead.

Good luck.

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de 11armand11, postée le 04-11-2005 à 14:55:08 (S | E)
I find the way children spend hours just at watching TV at quite depressing. It can't be good for their imagination. I'm not very keen on watching myself. I'd rather to read a good book. I wish children would have switch off the TV and learn to enjoy the pleasures of reading. I have always been very fond of the reading - this comes from my mother who was a marvellous storyteller. When it was the time for us to go to bed she would say ‘It's time we have had another story.' If she'd said 'Get into bed and switch OFF the light off' it would have been not very different. As it was, we WERE begInNING to look forward goING to bedtime because we were expecting yet another unforgettable tale. If I only wish I had had more the time to tell my children more stories when they were growing up. If they had been got into the habit of listening to stories at bedtime, they'd have grown to love literature more. They can't stand to reading books now because they'd sooner they RATHER play some computer games instead.

difficile, celui-là. Merci et à bientôt.

Réponse: :p8 de 11armand11, postée le 04-11-2005 à 14:56:30 (S | E)

euh... et puis bonjour, aussi...

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de felin, postée le 09-11-2005 à 17:06:19 (S | E)
Bonsoir Armand

Don't worry you didn't say to me "bonjour"

Oh mon pauvre vous etes seul sur mon post . Bravo vous etes courageux car vous participez .

Voici la correction:

I find the way children spend hours just at watching TV at quite depressing. It can't be good for their imagination. I'm not very keen on watching myself. I'd rather to read a good book. I wish children would have switch off the TV and learn to enjoy the pleasures of reading. I have always been very fond of the reading - this comes from my mother who was a marvellous storyteller. When it was the time for us to go to bed she would say It's time we have had another story.' If she'd said 'Get into bed and switch the light off' it would have been not very different. As it was, we began to look forward go to bedtime because we were expecting yet another unforgettable tale. If only wish I had had more the time to tell my children more stories when they were growing up. If they had been got into the habit of listening to stories at bedtime, they'd have grown to love literature more. They can't stand to reading books now because they'd sooner they play some computer games instead.

pour votre participation.

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de carol, postée le 09-11-2005 à 17:38:20 (S | E)
good evening!

I find the way children spend hours just at watching at TV quite depressing. It can't be good for their imagination. I'm not very keen on watching myself. I'd rather toread a good book. I wish children would have switch off the TV and learn to enjoy the pleasures of reading. I have always been very fond of the reading - this comes from my mother who was a marvellous storyteller. When it was the> time for us to go to bed she would say It's time we have had another story.' If she'd said 'Get into 'Go to bed and switch off the light off' it wouldn't have been not very different. As it was, we began to look forward to going to bedtime because we were already expecting yet an other unforgettable tale. If only wish I had had more the time to tell my children more stories when they were growing up. If they had been got into the habit of listening to stories at bedtime, they'd have grown induced to love literature more. They can't stand to reading books now because previously, they have played some computer games instead.

All taht is very uncertain!!
Thank you anyway for this exercise!

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de felin, postée le 09-11-2005 à 19:11:05 (S | E)
Bonsoir Carol

La correction est faite, pourriez vous regarder en haut svp, merci.

pour votre participation.

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de phrantic, postée le 09-11-2005 à 22:34:46 (S | E)
I find the way children spending hours just at watching tv, quite depressing. It can't be good for their imagination. I'm not very keen on watching tv myself. I'd rather read a good book. I wish children could switched off the TV and learned to enjoy the pleasures of reading. I have always been very fond of reading - this comes from my mother who was a marvellous storyteller. When it was time for us to go to bed she said "it's time to have another story".' If she'd said 'Go straight into bed and switch the light off' It wouldn't have been different. As it was, we began to look forward to going to bed because we were already expecting another unforgettable tale. I wish I had the time to tell my children more stories when they were growing up. If they had got used to have more time listening to stories at bedtime. They would have been used to fancy literature. They can't stand reading books now because they are keen on playing games instead.

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de felin, postée le 10-11-2005 à 12:49:02 (S | E)
Bonjour Phrantic

La correction est faite, pourriez vous regarder en haut svp, merci.

pour votre participation.

Réponse: Trouvez les erreurs de traviskidd, postée le 10-11-2005 à 16:59:17 (S | E)
I would omit "some" before "computer games", because you don't have certain games in mind.

Also, "sooner" is an acceptable synonym of "rather" (at least after "would").

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