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Phrasal Verbs 7
Message de felin posté le 27-04-2006 à 19:45:50 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Jeudi soir 4/05/06

Now test your knowledge of these verbs by completing these sentences with a verb in the correct form. Try to do this without looking back at the phrasal verbs 2,3,4, 5 & 6 of individual verbs.

a)My father was so ill we had to ............. off the wedding until he was better.
b)The terrible smell in the room ............. me off my food.
c)The last person to leave should ............. off all the lights.
d)Ask the driver to ............. you off at the supermarket.
e)The bus stopped, but no one ............. off.
f)The water supply to the house had ............. off.
g)I ............. the boys off for making so much noise.
h)I think the milk's
i)The town had ............. off by the floods.
j) I drink far too much coffee. I really should ................ down.
k)Can you ................ your CD player down? I can't get to sleep.
l)The car couldn't ................ down in time and crashed into a tree.
m)You'll break that vase! ................ it down!
n)She was ................ down for the job because of her age
o) The three children ........... on very well together.
p) The bus was so full that we couldn't even .......... on it.
q) ............ on a minute. I need to get my coat.
r) How did you ............. that out?
s) I gave them a false address but they didn’t ........... it out.

Good luck.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 7 de whynot95, postée le 28-04-2006 à 06:29:10 (S | E)
Hello dear Felin.

a) My father was so ill we had to put off the wedding until he was better.
b) The terrible smell in the room puts me off my food.
c) The last person to leave should turn off all the lights.
d) Ask the driver to drop you off at the supermarket.
e) The bus stopped, but no one got off.
f)The water supply to the house had been cut off.
g) I told the boys off for making so much noise.
h) I think the milk's gone off.
i) The town had been cut off by the floods.
j) I drink far too much coffee. I really should cut down.
k) Can you turn your CD player down? I can't get to sleep.
l) The car couldn't slow down in time and crashed into a tree.
m) You'll break that vase! Put it down!
n) She was turned down for the job because of her age
o) The three children get on very well together.
p) The bus was so full that we couldn't even get on it.
q) Hold on a minute. I need to get my coat.
r) How did you find that out?
s) I gave them a false address but they didn’t check it out.


Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 7 de bobine, postée le 28-04-2006 à 08:09:31 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

a)My father was so ill we had to put off the wedding until he was better.
b)The terrible smell in the room puts me off my food.
c)The last person to leave should turn off all the lights.
d)Ask the driver to drop you off at the supermarket.
e)The bus stopped, but no one got off.
f)The water supply to the house had gone off.
g)I told the boys off for making so much noise.
h)I think the milk's gone off.
i)The town had been cut off by the floods.
j) I drink far too much coffee. I really should cut down.
k)Can you turn your CD player down? I can't get to sleep.
l)The car couldn't slow down in time and crashed into a tree.
m)You'll break that vase! put it down!
n)She was turn down for the job because of her age
o) The three children get on very well together.
p) The bus was so full that we couldn't even get on it.
q) Hold on a minute. I need to get my coat.
r) How did you find that out?
s) I gave them a false address but they didn’t check it out.

not easy for me , I need to learn the phrasal verbs again.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 7 de nanette33, postée le 28-04-2006 à 10:55:41 (S | E)
Hello Felin

a)My father was so ill we had to put off the wedding until he was better.
b)The terrible smell in the room puts me off my food.
c)The last person to leave should turn off all the lights.
d)Ask the driver to drop you off at the supermarket.
e)The bus stopped, but no one got off.
f)The water supply to the house had beencut off (or had been off)
g)I told the boys off for making so much noise.
h)I think the milk's - off.
i)The town had beencut off by the floods.
j) I drink far too much coffee. I really should cut down.
k)Can you turn your CD player down? I can't get to sleep.
l)The car couldn't slow down in time and crashed into a tree.
m)You'll break that vase! put it down!
n)She was turn down for the job because of her age
o) The three children get on very well together.
p) The bus was so full that we couldn't even go on it.
q) Hang on a minute. I need to get my coat.
r) How did you find that out?
s) I gave them a false address but they didn’t check it out.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 7 de annie, postée le 02-05-2006 à 14:50:46 (S | E)

a)put off
b)puts me off
c)turn off
d)drop off
e)got off
f)cut off
h)going off
i)cut off
j)slow down
l)slow down
m)put it down
n)turned down
o)are getting on
p)get on
q)hold on
s)check it out

Thanks Felin,
me also I had to revise..

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 7 de felin, postée le 04-05-2006 à 20:25:41 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:

a)My father was so ill we had to put off the wedding until he was better.
b)The terrible smell in the room put me off my food.
c)The last person to leave should turn off all the lights.
d)Ask the driver to drop you off at the supermarket.
e)The bus stopped, but no one got off.
f)The water supply to the house had been cut off.
g)I told the boys off for making so much noise.
h)I think the milk's gone off.
i)The town had been cut off by the floods.
j) I drink far too much coffee. I really should cut down.
k)Can you turn your CD player down? I can't get to sleep.
l)The car couldn't slow down in time and crashed into a tree.
m)You'll break that vase! Put it down!
n)She was turned down for the job because of her age.
o) The three children get on very well together.
p) The bus was so full that we couldn't even get on it.
q) Hold on a minute. I need to get my coat.
r) How did you find that out?
s) I gave them a false address but they didn’t check it out.

Merci à tous pour votre participation.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 7 de elcy23, postée le 16-06-2006 à 13:35:53 (S | E)
Now test your knowledge of these verbs by completing these sentences with a verb in the correct form. Try to do this without looking back at the phrasal verbs 2,3,4, 5 & 6 of individual verbs.

a)My father was so ill we had to .put............ off the wedding until he was better.
b)The terrible smell in the room .puts on............ me off my food.
c)The last person to leave should ....turn......... off all the lights.
d)Ask the driver to ...drop.......... you off at the supermarket.
e)The bus stopped, but no one off.
f)The water supply to the house had ..been cut........... off.
g)I the boys off for making so much noise.
h)I think the milk's
i)The town had off by the floods.
j) I drink far too much coffee. I really should .turn............... down.
k)Can you ..slow.............. your CD player down? I can't get to sleep.
l)The car couldn't .......laid......... down in time and crashed into a tree.
m)You'll break that vase! ......put.......... it down!
n)She was ..let.............. down for the job because of her age
o) The three children ...goes........ on very well together.
p) The bus was so full that we couldn't even .......... on it.
q) .....hang....... on a minute. I need to get my coat.
r) How did you ..put........... that out?
s) I gave them a false address but they didn’t ...check........ it out.

Modifié par felin le 16-06-2006 14:13
Bonjour elcy23,
La correction au dessus de votre post.
Merci pour votre participation.



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