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Voyage/ traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 07-05-2006 à 18:17:20 (S | E | F | I)

Voici un petit texte pour retrouver le goût du voyage
correction par mp .
See you soon

Comme vous le savez peut-être, Betty est allée en Australie il y a 4 ans. Son voyage a été fantastique et elle habitait dans une grande maison près de la plage. Elle a passé 4 mois là-bas, d’ octobre à février. Pensez-vous aller en Australie un jour ? vous allez me dire que ça revient cher, que c’est loin de la France, que vous ne savez pas parler australien ; mais quand vous aurez pris la décision de partir, rien ne vous empêchera de tout quitter. J’espère que vous m’enverrez un petit mot quand vous partirez afin que je puisse penser à vous.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de husserl, postée le 07-05-2006 à 19:16:56 (S | E)
Hey Lucile,

As you may know it, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she lived in a large house by the beach. She spent four months over there, from October to February.
Do you thing you will ever go to Australia ? (tant pis, je la tente...)
You gonna say it's too expensive, that it's much too far from France, that you can't speak Australian ; but when you've decided to go (on going ?), nothing will prevent you from leaving everything.
I hope you'll send me a little note when you leave so that I can think of you.


Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de coco02, postée le 07-05-2006 à 19:19:15 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucille,

As you may know it, Betty flew to Autralia 4 years ago. Her journey was fantastic and she lived in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months there, from October to February. Do you imagine going to Australia one day ? You will say to me that it costs a lot, that it is far from France, that you can’t speak Australian ; but when you took the desicion to leave , nothing will prevent you from getting away from it all. I hope you will drop me a line when you depart so as I can think of you.

Modifié par coco02 le 07-05-2006 20:20

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 07-05-2006 à 19:44:45 (S | E)
Coucou Lucile

Allez un petit exercice après trois semaines de pause ça va faire du bien

As you may know it, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her travel was tremendous and she lived in a big house nearby the seaside. She spent four months over there, from October through February. Do you think you will go to Australia someday? You're gonna tell me it costs a lot (it's expensive), it's far away from France, you cannot speak Australian, but when you make the decision to leave nothing will prevent you from leaving. I hope you'll drop me a line when you leave so that I can think about you.


Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de marrina, postée le 07-05-2006 à 19:49:07 (S | E)
hello lucile,

Perhaps as you know it, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Its travel was fantastic and she lived in a large house near the beach. She spent four months over there, from October at February. Do you think to go to Australia one day?
You will say to me that it costs a lot, that is far from France, that you can't speak
Australian; but when you took the decision to leave, nothing will prevent you from all leaving. I hope that you will send a little word to me when you go away that I can thinck for you.


Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de bridg, postée le 07-05-2006 à 21:10:27 (S | E)
Vive l'Australie et Vive Lucile , je me languissais de n'avoir plus de nouvelles de Betty , je suis rassurée , elle va bien

Voici ma proposition:
As you may know Betty went to Australia four years ago. It was a fantastic trip and she stayed in a big house by the beach. She spent four months over there from October to February.
Do you envision going to Australia once? You're to tell me it's expensive, it's far from France, you don't know the Australian language; but when you decide to go over there nothing will keep you from getting away from it all. I wish you'll send me a quick note when you leave so that I can think of you.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de traviskidd, postée le 07-05-2006 à 22:23:33 (S | E)
As you may know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she stayed in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months there, from October to February. Do you think you'll ever go to Australia? You're going to tell me that it's expensive, that it's far from France, that you don't know how to speak Australian. But once you've made the decision to go, nothing will stop you from just packing up and leaving. I hope you'll send me a little note when you leave so I can think of you.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de zodiac97500, postée le 07-05-2006 à 23:54:49 (S | E)

bonsoir Lucile 83

maybe you know it. Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her trip was fantastic
and she was living in a big house near the beach
She spend four monyh there,from October to february.
Do you plan to go to Australia one day ?
You can tell me that it is expensive,that it is far from France,that you don't
know to speak Australian;but once you take the decision to leave,nothing will
stop you to walk the step . I hope that you will send me a little note when you
leave , so I can think about you

Thank you

take care

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de whynot95, postée le 08-05-2006 à 00:44:49 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile.

Malgré l'heure tardive et la fatigue je tente....

As you may know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she lived in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months over there, from October to February. Are you thinking of going to Australia one day? You're going to tell me that it's expensive, that it's far from France, that you can't speak Australian; but when you make the decision to go, nothing will stop you from leaving everything. I hope you'll send me a little note when you leave so I can think of you.

Many thanks.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de bobine, postée le 08-05-2006 à 10:14:23 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile,

As you may know, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her journey was fantastic and she stayed in a big house near the beach. She spent four months there, from October to February. Do you think of going to Australia one day ? You are going to tell me that it's expensive, that it’s far from France, that you can't speak Australian; but when you take the decision of leaving, nothing will prevent you from leaving all that. I hope you’ll send me a little note when you leave so that I can think of you.

Thanks !!!

Modifié par bobine le 08-05-2006 14:49

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de lakata, postée le 08-05-2006 à 13:54:11 (S | E)

Hello Lucile!

As you may know, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she lived in a large house near the beach. She spent four months over there, from October to February.
Are you thinking of going to Australia one day? You're going to tell me it's an expensive business, it's far away from France, you can't speak Australian...But when you have decided to go, there will be nothing preventing you from leaving everything.
I hope you will send me a few words when you leave so that I could think of you.

Lucile pour ce délicat donc formateur exercice!

Modifié par lakata le 08-05-2006 14:00

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de maya13, postée le 08-05-2006 à 14:44:06 (S | E)
hello lucile,

As you may know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. She had a fantastic trip and she stayed in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months over there from October to February. Are you thinking of going to Australia sometimes ? You are going to say that it is expensive, that it is far from France and that you can't speak Australian. But when you make the decision to set off, nothing will prevent you from leaving everything. I hope you'll send me a quick note when you leave so that I can think of you.

thank you.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de nadege25, postée le 08-05-2006 à 14:46:21 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

May be, as you know, Betty went to Australia there is 4 years ago. Her travel was fantastic and she lived in a large house near the beach. She stayed 4 mounths there, october to february. Do you think going to Australia one day? You will say me that it is expensive, that is far to France, that you don't speak Australian language ; but when you will take the decision to leave, nothing will stop you for all leave. I hope that you will spend me a little card when you will go for I can think to you.

Thanks for you exercise.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2006 15:14

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de steeve34, postée le 08-05-2006 à 15:52:17 (S | E)
hello lucile,

As you probably know, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her journey was terrific and she lived in a large house near the beach. She spent four months over there from October to February.
Are you thinking of going to Australia one day ?
You'll surely tell me that it's expensive, it's too far away from France, and you can't speak English. But when you have decided to go away, nothing will prevent you from abandoning everything. I hope you send me a note when you leave, so that I may think of you.

Bravo pour ce thème grammatical où l'on rencontre, de perverses chausse- trap(p)es dans toutes les phrases.
Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2006 16:19
...perverses chausse-trappes...ou ..chausse-trapes..exact, les 2 sont désormais admis.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de masselotte, postée le 08-05-2006 à 15:56:41 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile83

As you may know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was fantastic she stayed in the big house near of the beach. She spent 4 months there, from October to February. Do you think going to Australia a day ? You’re going to tell me that it’s too expensive , it’s far from France, you don’t talk Australian; but when you take the decision to leave , nothing will stop you to get away from it all. I hope you will send me a note when you leave in order that I can think of you

Modifié par masselotte le 08-05-2006 20:36
merci lucile83

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de nanette33, postée le 08-05-2006 à 16:42:44 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

As you know maybe, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she lived in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months over there from October till February. Do you think of going to Australia one day? You will tell me that it's expensive, is far of France, you don't know how to speak Australian ; but when you make the decision to leave, nothing will prevent you from all leaving. I hope that you will send me a little letter when you'll leave so that I can think of you.

Modifié par nanette33 le 08-05-2006 16:45

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de nick27, postée le 08-05-2006 à 17:40:53 (S | E)
Hello ...

As you may know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was great and she stayed in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months there, from October to February. Do you think about going to Australia one day? You might tell me it is expensive, it is far away from France, you don't speak Australian ; but when you make the decision of going there, nothing will prevent you from leaving everything behind. I hope that you will send me a little message when you leave so that I think about you.

See you

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de mct06paa, postée le 08-05-2006 à 19:36:36 (S | E)
Hello lucile83

Perhaps, as you know it, Betty went to Autralia four years ago. Her travel was fantastic because she lived in a big house in front of beach. She spent four month from october to february. Do you think to go in Autralia, one day ? You will said it's expensive, it's far away from France, you can't speak Australia and when you would decided to go nothing you prevent you to leave everything.
I hope you will send me a small word when you will went it that I can think for you.

Thanks you very much and see you !

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de stefke, postée le 08-05-2006 à 23:07:47 (S | E)
Bon je me lance...

As you may know it, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her travel was wonderful and she lived in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months overthere, from October to February. Do you think you'll ever go to Australia? You're going to tell me that it's expensive, that it's far from France, that you can't speak Australian ; but when you'll have decided to leave, nothing is going to be able to stop you dropping everything. I hope you'll send me a word when you leave so that I can think about you.

Ps ==> Il me semblait que les australiens parlaient anglais ?

Lucile83 pour cet exercice.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2006 07:51
Je comprends ce que vous voulez dire, mais les anglais parlent anglais,les écossais parlent écossais,les australiens parlent australien,...
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2006 11:10
"s" corrigé après faute de frappe.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de felin, postée le 08-05-2006 à 23:44:46 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

Je me lance avant que je parte. car j'aime bien votre traduction comme d'habitude.

As you may know Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she lived in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months there from October to February. Are you thinking of going to Australia one day?/Do you think we’ll go to Australia one day? You’re going to tell me that it’s expensive, that it’s far from France, that you can’t speak Australian/Chinese; but when you have made the decision to go nothing will stop/prevent you from leaving. I hope you will drop me a note when you leave so I can think of you.

See you soon.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de lucile83, postée le 09-05-2006 à 11:22:17 (S | E)
et à toutes et tous !
Voici ma proposition et quelques précisions qui peuvent être utiles :

As you may know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip was marvellous and she stayed in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months over there, from October to February. Do you think you ‘ll ever go to Australia ? you’re going to tell me it’s expensive, it’s far from France, you can’t speak Australian ; but when you have made the decision to go, nothing will prevent you from leaving everything. I hope you will drop me a line when you go so that I can think of you.

Fautes les plus courantes:

1)voyage = plusieurs traductions possibles à-priori mais
* travel = le fait de voyager, indénombrable qui s’emploie sans article
ex : air travel is expensive
*journey = le voyage tout seul (trajet)
ex : it was a nice journey
*trip = voyage + séjour
ex : he went on a business trip to London
*voyage = voyage en bateau mais s’emploie peu
Ici on pouvait donc employer journey ou trip, selon qu’on pensait au séjour aussi ou pas.

2)elle habitait = to live / to stay
*to live = habiter en permanence, vivre quelque part
*to stay = habiter pendant un séjour, séjourner
Ici c’était obligatoirement « stay ».

3)pas de futur dans une subordonnée de temps, ce qui a valu à certains un petit smiley tout rouge .

4)attention tout au début à cette phrase :
Perhaps as you know it,
Si vous traduisez ainsi le mot “perhaps”,/ « maybe » mal placé portera sur l’action d’aller en Australie et non de savoir, ce qui fausse totalement la phrase.

See you soon

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de annie, postée le 09-05-2006 à 15:53:10 (S | E)
Hello Lucille

As you may know it, Betty went in Australia four years ago. His trip was fantastic and she lived in a large house near the beach. She spent four months over there, from october to february.Do you think to go in Australia a day ? You're going to talk me that is expensive, it's far from France,you can't speak Australian English, but when you decide to go out, nothing stop you from leaving everything. I hope you'll send me a little letter when you start off in order to think about you.


Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de mikilili64, postée le 11-06-2006 à 22:09:10 (S | E)
coucou Lucile,
voici ma traduction:
As you maybe know, Betty went to Australia 4 years ago. Her trip has been fantastic and she lived in a big house near the beach. She spent 4 months there, from october to february. Do you think you will go to Australia someday? you can say me that it's very expensive, it's far from France, you can't speak australian ; but when you will have decided to go, nothing will keep you to leave(aïe aïe aïe).
I hope you will send me a letter when you will leave, for thinking to you.

Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de coferam, postée le 12-06-2006 à 14:35:06 (S | E)

Bonjour Lucile,

As you know maybe, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her travel was fantastic and lived in a big house near the beach. She spent four months over there, from october to February. Do you thing going to Australia someday ? You go telling me that is expensive, it is far from France, you do not speak Australian ; but when you have taken the decision to leave, nothing will prevent you from leaving everything. I hope you will send me a note when you leave, so that I can think of you.


Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de booboz97, postée le 12-06-2006 à 17:30:01 (S | E)

As you may know, Betty went to Australia four years ago. Her trip was fantastic and she lived in a big house next to the sea. She spent four months over there, from October to February. Do you intend to go to Australia one day ? You will say to me it is expensive, it is far from France, and that you cannot speak Australian, but once you have decided to leave, nothing will prevent you from leaving everything behind. I hope you will send me a letter when you leave so that I can think of you.


Réponse: Voyage/ traduction de lucile83, postée le 12-06-2006 à 17:53:26 (S | E)
Merci de lire ma proposition 3 ou 4 posts au-dessus, ce qui vous permettra de faire une auto-correction.
See you soon



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