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how long ?
Message de clarinette posté le 08-01-2005 à 12:17:39 (S | E | F | I)
This time you have to write questions with how long ?
examples :
Jim is learning Chinese. How long has he been learning Chinese ?
I know Bob. How long have you known Bob ?
A vous maintenant et bon courage, vous avez des indications dans la correction du since and for 2.
1- My sister is married. How long
2- Boris is on holiday. How long
3- I live in Glascow.
4- It is snowing.
5- Jack smokes.
6- I know about her problem.
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat.
8- Diana teaches English in Germany.
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth.
10- Colin has a car.
Ready, steady, Go !
Message de clarinette posté le 08-01-2005 à 12:17:39 (S | E | F | I)
This time you have to write questions with how long ?
examples :
Jim is learning Chinese. How long has he been learning Chinese ?
I know Bob. How long have you known Bob ?
A vous maintenant et bon courage, vous avez des indications dans la correction du since and for 2.
1- My sister is married. How long
2- Boris is on holiday. How long
3- I live in Glascow.
4- It is snowing.
5- Jack smokes.
6- I know about her problem.
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat.
8- Diana teaches English in Germany.
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth.
10- Colin has a car.
Ready, steady, Go !
Réponse: re:how long ? de gewurz, postée le 08-01-2005 à 12:31:10 (S | E)
Eddy Eddy Eddy steady go, Eddy go home (musique)
1- My sister is married. How long has your sister been married ?
2- Boris is on holiday. How long has Boris been on holiday ?
3- I live in Glascow. How long have you been living in Glascow ?
4- It is snowing. How long has it been snowing ?
5- Jack smokes. How long has Jack been smoking ?
6- I know about her problem. How long have you known about her problem ?
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. How long have they been looking for it ?
8- Diana teaches English in Germany. How long has she been teaching English ?
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth. How long has he been in love with Margareth ?
10- Colin has a car. How long has he had a car ?
Merci Clarinette.
Réponse: re:how long ? de grabuge, postée le 08-01-2005 à 12:43:46 (S | E)
1- My sister is married. How long has your sister benn marrying?
2- Boris is on holiday. How long has Boris been on holiday ?
3- I live in Glascow. How long have you been living in Glascow ?
4- It is snowing. How long has it been snowing ?
5- Jack smokes. How long has Jack been smoking ?
6- I know about her problem. How long have you known about it (pas de forme progressive pour know)
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. How long have they been looking for ?
8- Diana teaches English in Germany. How long has Diana been teaching English in Germany ?
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth. How long has Denis been in love with Margareth ?
10- Colin has a car. How lond has Colin had a car ?
Edité par grabuge le 2005-01-09 12:23:15
Réponse: re:how long ? de clarinette, postée le 08-01-2005 à 12:59:54 (S | E)
Puis-je me permettre de faire remarquer à nos courageux premiers candidats qu'ils n'ont pas bien consultés la correction du précédent exercice since for 2. sur l'utilisation du Present Perfect Continuous and Simple.
Edité par clarinette le 2005-01-08 14:06:34
Réponse: re:how long ? de grabuge, postée le 09-01-2005 à 12:25:38 (S | E)
Merci Clarinette ! Avec ce superbe soleil, ce ciel bleu qui m'appelle, me voilà presque obligée de rester à réviser since et for, le present perfect simple et continuous.... Voilà un bien beau dimanche en perspective ? Quoique, peut-être...ferais-je celà demain ???
Réponse: re:how long ? de clarinette, postée le 09-01-2005 à 12:31:27 (S | E)
Ah les lacheurs !!!!! Eh bien moi, je n'ai pas de soleil, le ciel est plutot gris et la petite famille est allée chanter à l'église. Alors peinarde, je révise. Ne vous étonnez pas après que j'ai fait des progrès que vous n'aurez pas fait !!
Ainsi va la vie.
Réponse: re:how long ? de gewurz, postée le 09-01-2005 à 12:38:45 (S | E)
achebede ? C'est pas bon ? sniff, c'est hopeless
Réponse: re:how long ? de clarinette, postée le 09-01-2005 à 12:57:26 (S | E)
Sorry ?! Translation please. I don't get you ? Maybee because I'm learning too much
Réponse: re:how long ? de bobbyker, postée le 09-01-2005 à 13:08:46 (S | E)
Bonjour clarinette.
1- My sister is married. How long has your sister been married?
2- Boris is on holiday. How long has Boris been on holidays?
3- I live in Glasgow? How long have you lived in Glasgow?
4- It is snowing. How long has it been snowing?
5- Jack smokes. How long has Jack smoked?
6- I know about her problem. How long have you known about her problem?
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. How long have they been looking for a flat?
8- Diana teaches English in Germany. How long has she taught English in Germany?
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth. How long has Dennis been in love with Margareth?
10- Colin has a car. How long has Colin had a car?
Ooops! I forgot that teach was not a regular verb!!! Sorry
Edité par bobbyker le 2005-01-10 21:10:50
Réponse: re:how long ? de gewurz, postée le 09-01-2005 à 13:22:34 (S | E)
one never learns enough. Here also, the weather is gloomy. But you can recognize a magnificent city "au fait que" even if the weather is rotten, you're happy to have a stroll across the streets.
Comment traduit-on "au fait que..." ? Dans mon dictionnaire, il y a 10 000 traductions pour "fait" mais pas celle-ci...
Réponse: re:how long ? de bobbyker, postée le 09-01-2005 à 14:03:13 (S | E)
Bonjour Gewurz.
Moi je traduirais ton "au fait que " par "by the simple fact of " (par le simple fait que) ou "by the very fact that" (par le fait même que)
Réponse: re:how long ? de gewurz, postée le 09-01-2005 à 14:10:23 (S | E)
I would choose "by the very fact that".
Thanks Bobbyker.
Réponse: re:how long ? de zen34, postée le 10-01-2005 à 16:40:41 (S | E)
Salut clarinette,
Exercice encore une fois trés interessant.
1-How long has your sister been married?
2-How long has Boris been in holiday?
3-How long have you lived in Glascow?
4-How long has it snowing?
5-How long has Jack smoked?
6-How long have you known about her problem?
7-How long Jack and Jill have been looking for a flat?
8-How long has Diana taught English in Germany?
9-How long has Dennis been in love with Margareth?
10-How long has Colin had a car?
Réponse: re:how long ? de abdoudou26, postée le 10-01-2005 à 19:15:06 (S | E)
My sister is married. How long has your sister been married?
2- Boris is on holiday. How long has Boris been on holiday?
3- I live in Glascow. how long have you been living in glascow?
4- It is snowing. how long has it been snowing?
5- Jack smokes. how long has Jack been smoking?
6- I know about her problem. how long have you known about her problem?
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. How time have Jack and Bill been looking for a flat?
8- Diana teaches English in Germany. How long has Diana been teaching English in Germany?
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth. How long has Dennis been in love with Margareth?
10- Colin has a car. How long has Colin had a car?
Réponse: re:how long ? de celbaz, postée le 11-01-2005 à 05:12:56 (S | E)
Nice exercice Clarinette, you know what us poor French like in English !
1- My sister is married. How long has she been married ?
2- Boris is on holiday. How long has he been on holidays ?
3- I live in Glasgow. How long have you lived in Glasgow ?
4- It is snowing. How long has it been snowing ?
5- Jack smokes. How long has he smoked ?
6- I know about her problem. How long have you known about her problem ?
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. How long have they been looking for a flat ?
8- Diana teaches English in Germany. How long as she taught English in Germany ?
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth. How long as he been in love ?
10- Colin has a car. How long has he had a car ?
Réponse: re:how long ? de larenaudiere, postée le 11-01-2005 à 06:13:02 (S | E)
1-How long has she been married?
2-How long has he been on holiday?
3-How long have you been living in Glasgow?
4-How long has it been snowing?
5-How long has Jack been smoking?
6-How long have you known about her problem?
7-How long have they been looking for a flat?
8-How long has Diana been teaching English in Germany?
9-How long has Dennis been in love with Margareth?
10-How long has Colin been having a car?
I'm very interested in this exercise because I'd would like to know how my English is getting on.Certainly,probably bad.
Edité par larenaudiere le 2005-01-11 06:32:30
Réponse: re:how long ? de clarinette, postée le 11-01-2005 à 14:05:20 (S | E)
Et voilà le corrigé qui delvrera de toutes vos incertitudes :
1- My sister is married. How long has she been married?
2- Boris is on holiday. How long has he been on holiday ?
3- I live in Glascow. How long have you lived in Glascow ?/... have you been living in....
4- It is snowing. How long has it been snowing ?
5- Jack smokes. How long has Jack been smoking ? / ...has jack smoked.
6- I know about her problem. How long have you known about it?
7- Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. How long have they been looking for a flat?
8- Diana teaches English in Germany. How long has she been teaching English in Germany ? / ...has Diana taught in...
9- Dennis is in Love with Margareth. How long has he been in love with Margareth ? / ...have they been in love?
10- Colin has a car. How lond has he had a car ?