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The letter "C" part 1
Message de marit64 posté le 02-02-2005 à 23:34:42 (S | E | F | I)

everybody, here is a new exercise. Find the words beginning with "C"
1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current..........
2- I'm a box of wood or metal wire for holding birds or animals............
3- I'm a food, usually a dessert, made by baking a mixture of ingredients...........
4- I show you the days and the months of the year...............
5- I can be the young of a cow or the back part of your leg below the knee .............
6- If I can't teach my class I will have to ..............
7- If you pay close attention to something or someone or if you protect them you ............. about them.
8- One who works with wood is a ..............
9- To take from one place to another is to .............
10-A large natural hollow in rock or in the earth is a .................
Good luck and have fun.

Réponse: re:The letter de speedjo905, postée le 02-02-2005 à 23:51:50 (S | E)
1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current..........
2- I'm a box of wood or metal wire for holding birds or animals-- cage
3- I'm a food, usually a dessert, made by baking a mixture of ingredients - cake
4- I show you the days and the months of the year - calendar
5- I can be the young of a cow or the back part of your leg below the knee --- calf
6- If I can't teach my class I will have to ---
7- If you pay close attention to something or someone or if you protect them you ............. about them.
8- One who works with wood is a --- carpenter
9- To take from one place to another is to .............
10-A large natural hollow in rock or in the earth is a cavity

Edité par speedjo905 le 2005-02-03 00:50:33

Réponse: re:The letter "C" part 1 de clarinette, postée le 03-02-2005 à 00:17:06 (S | E)
Oh, je me dépêche de me jeter dessus :

1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current..CABLE
2- I'm a box of wood or metal wire for holding birds or animals...CAGE....
3- I'm a food, usually a dessert, made by baking a mixture of ingredients...crumble........
4- I show you the days and the months of the year...calendar............
5- I can be the young of a cow or the back part of your leg below the knee .....calf........
6- If I can't teach my class I will have to ....cancel
7- If you pay close attention to something or someone or if you protect them you about them.
8- One who works with wood is a .carpenter.............
9- To take from one place to another is to ...carry..........
10-A large natural hollow in rock or in the earth is a cave.................

bien marit 64. Je vais pouvoir aller me coucher maintenant.

Réponse: re:The letter "C" part 1 de felin, postée le 03-02-2005 à 01:10:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit

Je vais essayer

1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current CABLE
2- I'm a box of wood or metal wire for holding birds or animals CAGE
3- I'm a food, usually a dessert, made by baking a mixture of ingredients CAKE
4- I show you the days and the months of the year CALENDAR
5- I can be the young of a cow or the back part of your leg below the knee CALF
6- If I can't teach my class I will have to CANCEL
7- If you pay close attention to something or someone or if you protect them you CARE about them.
8- One who works with wood is a CARPENTER
9- To take from one place to another is to ......? I CAN'T FIND...
10-A large natural hollow in rock or in the earth is a CAVE


Réponse: re:The letter "C" part 1 de gewurz, postée le 03-02-2005 à 01:18:55 (S | E)
1- cable
2- cage
3- cake
4- calendar
5- calf
6- ?
7- care
8- carpenter
9- carry


Réponse: re:The letter "C" part 1 de larenaudiere, postée le 03-02-2005 à 05:26:43 (S | E)
1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current: cable.
2- I'm a box of wood or metal wire for holding birds or animals:cage.
3- I'm a food, usually a dessert, made by baking a mixture of ingredients:cake
4- I show you the days and the months of the year:calendar.
5- I can be the young of a cow or the back part of your leg below the knee:calf.
6- If I can't teach my class I will have to cancel
7- If you pay close attention to something or someone or if you protect them you care about them.
8- One who works with wood is a cabinetmaker.
9- To take from one place to another is to carry.
10-A large natural hollow in rock or in the earth is a cave

Réponse: re:The letter "C" part 1 de sixa, postée le 03-02-2005 à 11:22:58 (S | E)

1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current..........
Je suis une corde solide ou un ensemble de fils pour transporter le courant électrique = Cable

2- I'm a box of wood or metal wire for holding birds or animals............
je suis une boite en bois ou en métal pour attraper des oiseaux ou des animaux = Cage

3- I'm a food, usually a dessert, made by baking a mixture of ingredients...........
Je suis habituellement un dessert, composé avec un mélange d' ingrédients chauds =Cake

4- I show you the days and the months of the year...............
Je vous montre les jours et les mois de l' année =Calendar

5- I can be the young of a cow or the back part of your leg below the knee .............
Je peux être le petit de la vache ou la partie arrière située en dessous de votre genou = Calf

6- If I can't teach my class I will have to ..............
Si je ne puis enseigner ma classe, J' aurai un =Criticism

7- If you pay close attention to something or someone or if you protect them you ............. about them.
Si vous prêtez attention à quelque chose ou à quelqu' un ou si vous les défendez, vous =Defend à leur sujet

8- One who works with wood is a ..............
Une personne qui travaille avec le bois est un =Cabinetmaker

9- To take from one place to another is to .............
Prendre la place d' un autre est =Cheeky

10-A large natural hollow in rock or in the earth is a .................
Un large creux naturel dans le rocher ou dans le coeur est une =Cave

Merci pour l' exercice
PS : je traduis ou j' essaie de traduire pour me faire travailler mon Anglais bien défaillant.
Bonne journée

Réponse: re:The letter "C" part 1 de grabuge, postée le 03-02-2005 à 14:29:42 (S | E)
1- I'm a strong rope or a set of wires for carrying electric current..........
2- cage
3- cake or cookies
4- calendar
5- calf
6- If I can't teach my class I will have to ..............
7- care
8- carpenter
9- change

Merci Marit.

Réponse: The letter "C" part 1 de marit64, postée le 06-02-2005 à 22:31:53 (S | E)
Congratulations for your good work. Here are the answers, but other ones might be good too.

1- cable 2- cage 3- cake--cookies 4- calendar 5- calf
6- cancel 7- care 8- carpenter 9- carry 10- cave--cavern--crater

Thanks a lot for your participation my
You'll get another one in a moment.

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