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Expression : English
Message de jeanmi posté le 05-08-2005 à 10:13:13 (S | E | F | I)


Un nouveau sujet d'expression qui concerne tout le monde sur ce site :

Why and what are you learning English for?

Au plaisir de corriger vos petits essais.

Réponse: Expression : English de joy813, postée le 05-08-2005 à 10:49:46 (S | E)
Hello Jeanmi

Well, like everybody, I learnt English at school when I was younger (it was yesterday ), but I wasn't very good at it !
Every year I had to do again an exam in September (I failed in June) because I wasn't interested in literature and so on .... and I was convinced that I was not endowed for foreign languages. (I learnt Dutch too (it's the second language in Belgium, so it's an obligation to learn it ) , and it was the same disaster ).
So, during the holidays I learned by heart without understanding what I studied to pass my exam in September !

Ten years later, I left to live in Italy, and I didn't speak about a word!
I wondered if I was going to be able to learn Italian ... and .... miraculously, after 6 months I began to speak the language !
When I came back after 3 years, I had a dream .... I wanted to speak English ...... but I didn't have time !

Four years ago, I lost my job and I decided to realise my dream ...
I've been learning English since then and it's a real pleasure because I really love this language.
Even if it's going better every day, I don't speak it fluently yet, but I'm full of hope this will happen soon, so I don't give up !

Edité par jeanmi le 06-08-2005 12:15
Excellent job, Congratulations

Réponse: Expression : English de grabuge, postée le 05-08-2005 à 11:18:15 (S | E)
Hello Jeanmi

When I was young, I didn't wasn't (1) interested in learning the English language because I was recalcitrant to the set works ! So, I learnt another languages but I was hopeless...
Since I've been an adult, I've been fond of travels and I had some funny adventures because I didn't speak English. My last trip on October 04 sparked off me the decision to learn English because I was alone in a country where some people spoke English. When I was back, I decided to learn English and since, I've been learning it almost every day because I became (2)started to have a passion for this language and I'm very happy because my English has been improved quickly. Now, I love reading some books in English and I see as it serves me to understand some articles published on the internet. However, I like the complicated things and I learn above my level, I don't know if it's good or no.
Well, for my job too, it seems very important. I search for a good job and some offers in my speciality demand at least an intermediate level in English. So my passionate will give me some opportunities.


Edité par jeanmi le 06-08-2005 12:18

Very good job Grabuge
1. to be interested in : s'intéresser à, to interest : intéresser
2. to become = devenir ; to start = commencer
Revoies également la leçon sur le passif...

Réponse: Expression : English de cat3, postée le 05-08-2005 à 15:36:24 (S | E)

This exercise is difficult for me ; but I try to do it

I wanted to speak English,because my son lives and is married in England
I go sometimes sometimes go (1) to London,and it's important to aunderstand and to speak English
3 years ago,I started evening English -courses,one by week
But,since I have discovered this wonderful "site Anglais facile",I've been (2) working with real pleasure,and I believe I progress a little
When I go went (3) to London ,in June,I was a little familiar with this language
Before I worked on this site,I aunderstood nothing
I hope to progress again

,for your very necessary correction

Edité par cat3 le 05-08-2005 15:37

Edité par jeanmi le 06-08-2005 12:26
Good job
Quelques explications :
1. Les adverbes "sometimes", "always", "never", "often"... sont toujours placés avant le verbe.
2. Lorsque vous utilisez "since" ou "for" pour traduire "depuis", le verbe de la principale est au present perfect. ==> I've been learning English since I discovered the site.
3. Quand je suis allée en Angleterre en juin : action passée, datée, terminée donc utilisation du prétérit simple = I went.

Réponse: Expression : English de lucile83, postée le 05-08-2005 à 16:58:37 (S | E)

When I was 10 I started learning English at school and I must say I was quite good at it but I was not very interested in it. When I was 14 my parents decided I ‘d better go to England with a group of students. A month and a half later I could speak fluent English ; I went to England every year since then ; I really loved the language, the people, the way of life, The Beatles…it was in the 60’s…..and I decided to share what had become a passion. How could I do that ? well, some years later I became an English teacher ! Don’t believe I stopped learning because I have been learning about the language, the civilisation, the culture and so on every day since then, and I am still learning . In fact I have been learning English for 49 years because it is my favourite hobby as well as my job.

See you soon

Edité par jeanmi le 06-08-2005 12:34
you are a Lucile. Je pense que nombre de personnes devraient suivre ton exemple.

Réponse: Expression : English de jeanmi, postée le 06-08-2005 à 12:54:26 (S | E)
for those who have already answered, It is not too late for the others to compose...

Réponse: Expression : English de bridg, postée le 06-08-2005 à 14:22:02 (S | E)

I don’t know why I’ve been learning English for a few months. In fact, learning new stuffs is a pleasure. I was 19 when I began to work with a “BAC” and step by step, exams after exams I grew up in my job.
At school I wasn’t interested in learning English and I thought I never could understand anything. Later my husband was bilingual and worked in an American Company; we travelled a lot in different English spoken countries. As he worked all day long I used to be on my own. I began to memory some sentences, sounds; I was able to translate medical documentations. And one year ago I was atop in my job,since two years I haven't had anything to study, any exam to pass until the day when I bought a DVD lector. Why I wanted to see my movies en in English I don’t know but it was the starting point.
Edité par jeanmi le 08-08-2005 17:42
Very good job, Bridg.
Edité par bridg le 08-08-2005 18:11
to be atop= être au sommet /atop sur, tout en haut

Réponse: Expression : English de cat3, postée le 06-08-2005 à 15:47:00 (S | E)
Je prends note de ces explications


Réponse: Expression : English de traviskidd, postée le 07-08-2005 à 01:09:49 (S | E)
Une action commencée dans le passé et qui n'a jamais cessé jusqu'à présent, nécessite le present perfect progressive. Les mots "for" ou "since" ne sont pas obligatoires; la notion de "depuis quelque temps" est déjà comprise.

I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life. -- Foreigner

Bien sûr, quand je dis "jamais" ci-dessus je ne parle pas forcément de "chaque seconde".

He's been learning English since he was 12. ne veut pas (forcément ) dire que l'étude de l'anglais le hante incessamment, même dans ses rêves, depuis son 12e anniversaire.

Réponse: Expression : English de serena, postée le 07-08-2005 à 01:21:48 (S | E)
En tout cas, l'anglais peut hanter au point d'en faire des cauchemars !

Réponse: Expression : English de cat3, postée le 07-08-2005 à 09:14:12 (S | E)
bonjour traviskidd

Je pense donc que j'aurais pu dire"I've been learning English,I discovered the site" ?


Réponse: Expression : English de post-scriptum, postée le 07-08-2005 à 20:42:04 (S | E)
Good evening,

Why and what am I learning English for?

Well, everybody has their own way of doing things. I'm not obliged to learn English for my job. I don't want to prove anything to anybody. I have all the time to do it because I won't take any exam in a few months. No, it isn't a challenge for me!

By the merest accident, I met a poor little girl in my way through a Non-Governmental Organization. So much poverty in the world made me culpable feel guilty and that is why I decided to do something. So my wife and I contacted a non-profit NGO which proposed to us to help a very poor little girl. She lives over there, in Asia. She is really a very poor little girl. Her future was probably the prostitution. As a matter of fact, I'm actually ashamed of not having done anything earlier! I should like to be stated that we are at least four members on this Web site who are helping a poor child in the world.

At the moment, my Asian godchild is ten years old only. She doesn't speak French at all and I don't speak her dialect. My goddaughter is coming back at to school where she is learning English. So, I always write my letters in English. These letters are translated from English to her dialect. When she writes to me, her letters are translated in English. When I wrote my first letter, I understood that I had forgotten all the vocabulary and the grammatical rules too. I hadn't spoken English since I learnt English at school twenty years ago. This is why I wanted to learn English again and then I discovered this Web site in February 2005.

Six months later, I don't speak English fluently yet, but I improved it little by little. One day, I actually enjoyed taking part in an exercise on this forum. I thought I should pass unnoticed on this Web site but I missed! As a matter of fact, I've met quite a lot of members for months. Everybody is very kind with me. Now, I come here for my own pleasure and also try to make myself useful if possible for others members. However, I have a break in my learning because I have loads of things to do for at the moment.

See you later.

Edité par post-scriptum le 07-08-2005 20:42
Bon sang, je crois bien avoir dépassé les 5 lignes réglementaires...
Edité par post-scriptum le 08-08-2005 09:46
correction personnelle de deux mots
Edité par jeanmi le 08-08-2005 14:25
post-scriptum, you essay is perfect.
Congratulations for what you do for that poor little Asian girl, everybody should read your text and it's a wonderful message of hope.
See you...
Edité par post-scriptum le 08-08-2005 15:29
Thanking you

Réponse: Expression : English de vinigarda, postée le 08-08-2005 à 00:36:50 (S | E)
hi haw how (1) are you u i I hope the ae u you are fine
iIt (2)is a good question .why are u you learning engslais English (1).
tT (2) o stare start (3) with ,i I (4) thank think (5) that learning is nesisery necessary (1) because it helps (6) peaple people (1) to commenicate communicate (1) with eche ather each other (1) because angslais English (1) was new is (7) the first language in the word ,for that reason it will be the most inportant language and i I (4) will neserery have to (8) learn it .
to sun sum (9) up engslais English (1) is the first language because it is the language of the stong contrie now reson incompréhensible , it is necessary to learn it .
ok im I'm vVinigarda it is a good question thanks .
ok bye

Edité par bridg le 08-08-2005 12:30
Je ne corrige pas les fautes,volontairement, je laisse à jeanmi le soin de le faire , mais en plus de celles-ci, ayez,s'il vous plaît, à l'avenir l'amabilité de ne pas utiliser d'abrégé sur les forums.

Edité par jeanmi le 08-08-2005 14:31
Thank you Bridg, Effectivement, il est important d'écrire correctement par respect pour ceux qui vont lire votre post et également par respect pour celui qui va le corriger.
1) Soyez davantage attentive à l'orthographe des mots, rédigez votre texte sur papier avant de le taper et relisez-le une fois tapé avant de l'envoyer, toujours cette notion de respect. Pour le mot "English", il vous suffisait de relire et faire davantage attention à l'énoncé!
2) Quand vous commencez une phrase, mettez une majuscule.
3) to stare at = fixer du regard, to start with = commencer, démarrer
4) "Je" en anglais se traduit "I" avec une majuscule.
5) to thank = remercier, to think = penser
6) Lorsque vous conjuguez un verbe au présent avec he, she, it mettez un S à la fin du verbe.
7) L'anglais EST la langue internationale, utilisez le présent, WAS est du prétérit et sous-entend que l'action est terminée.
8) have to = "devoir" synonyme de MUST (expriment l'obligation)
9) sun = soleil, to sum up = résumer

Vous devriez pour pouvoir vous améliorer tenir compte des conseils donnés ci-dessus, par Bridg et moi-même, notamment le point 1 et faire un maximum d'exercices pour débutants.

Réponse: Expression : English de tracy77, postée le 17-08-2005 à 19:14:36 (S | E)
well, I'm learning English because one day I'd like to work in the international business and maybe to live in the USA so I'm trying to learn the most while I'm still in France like so that it won't be difficult for me in the future years!!!

Edité par jeanmi le 17-08-2005 19:17
N'oubliez pas les majuscules, ce sont des fautes à part entière, notamment pour "I" et les nationalités et noms de pays.

Réponse: Expression : English de anon, postée le 18-08-2005 à 11:01:16 (S | E)

I'm very fond of English for the acquisition of French is over, so maybe is this a marked penchant for languages and the pleasure of learning.
Nevertheless, I've got a preference for English because of this wonderful country which is Ireland. When you're 10 years old and that you're playing in a campsite at finding amethysts in Connemara, jumping over footwalls close to thatched cottages and admiring dream sceneries, all that give magnificient memories and feelings that learning English makes possible to relive and support.

Edité par jeanmi le 24-08-2005 10:36

Réponse: Expression : English de mary83, postée le 18-08-2005 à 18:08:51 (S | E)
I'm learning English because I want to travel with my husband. He doesn't speak English. We went to Ireland last year and we like this country, particularly Donegal.
I started learning English at school, when I was young, and I want to perfect it.

Edité par marie37400 le 18-08-2005 22:05

Réponse: Expression : English de magmatic_rock, postée le 24-08-2005 à 09:44:08 (S | E)
Hello Jeanmi I'm happy to participate again in yours exercises!

Well, English and I it's a long story!
At the beginning, namely 11 years ago when I was in "6ème" I started to learn this language and as soon as this from that moment on I hated it! Why? Because I had a teacher for 3years who hated me and it was mutual! So, when I was in "collège" I've never worked this matter subject and when I arrived in "2nd" i was really bad! I was so much discouraged by my level that I gave up. Then, I went to the faculty and I'm keen on geology and for this job I have to be bilingual so, I had to work my English but the first year I had 3 then the second years I had 5! And there I said stop! Now I've to work a lot and I discovered this web site where I found a lot of exercises really interesting exercises and thanks to beginner's courses I started to understand a lot of things and I started to love this language. Since then I've been taking part in all exercises (when I can indeed) and above all I discovered that behind this web site it was there were a lot of sweet people who are there to help you so now, I do alike! So I work for my studies but now, I confess too I also work because I'm fond of this web site.

and sorry for the delay.

Edité par jeanmi le 24-08-2005 10:37
and good job. If you don't understand some of the corrections, ask me on this forum or by MP.

Réponse: Expression : English de oil, postée le 15-09-2005 à 16:04:12 (S | E)

Contrary to most of people I never learnt English at school. A few years ago, I began to learn it because I wanted to have another job. For this post it was necessary to speak a little (bit of) English, but I didn't know one word (except yes or no). At this moment I decided to have take lessons with the continuing education. My first year was the best (one)! I have had a very good teacher and I worked by myself with a book "l'anglais facile". I continued some years then I gave up. It became more and more difficult, I had "bad" teachers and above all I had lost my motivation. This period lastsed fifteen years but two years ago I resumed my English lessons. This time, lessons were given by an other another institution. The turning point was the teacher I have had. It is incredible how important it is for me to have somebody who gives me the motivation. He was very involved and was always asking at (to) each of us : what have you done for your English this week? We could feel he was happy when we made progress. It is like this site. I think I have become an "addict". There is no day, I don't read or listen to English. I have so many things to learn... It seems to me infinite! But I like it very much. I think it is a good thing to make my brain work and I am so happy when I understand somebody speaking (*) (good! ) in English on the TV or elsewhere. I have planned plan to go to Spain and I am sure it will help me (I must point out I don't speak Spanish…). The best thing my teacher has learnt taught (to) me is: to love learning,

(*) is it : and I am so happy when I understand what is said by English people who speak on the TV...

Edité par traviskidd le 15-09-2005 20:33
To add a subject to a gerund, you may simply add it in front of the verb! (Ex. "somebody speaking")

Réponse: Expression : English de cacoa, postée le 15-09-2005 à 16:33:53 (S | E)
Dear All

I have been learning english for several point;

Before beginning my text, I informe you, i wasn't very bad in school because generally English teacher wasn't like me . ..

So I have understood that in all plant, if you want win more money, have a better salary, you must speak english with success ..

So, after analysis this situation, I have began to buy book, for example " l'anglais de A à Z"..
Also, using the web.

In 3 years, I have increased my english tree time more that school, and now I like read english book,
I use also this web to increase my knowledge.

In my "job life", I have taken a new responsibility, and now I could speak by phone with everybody ...

My aims is to speak english fluently, but I didn't gather that to learn a new language is so long !! !!

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