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Preterit - Révisions
Message de grabuge posté le 24-09-2005 à 17:54:16 (S | E | F | I)


Je vous propose une petite révision des verbes au preterit.

- Mettre le verbe qui convient au preterit afin de compléter les phrases.

be - pass - be - dance - pay - plan - do - visit - give - wake up

1. My brother -- me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2. A couple of years ago I -- some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3. What -- (you) last week ? Anything exciting ?
4. The college exhibition -- very good this year, unfortunately.
5. You -- a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6. I -- untel 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7. We -- for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8. -- Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9. -- (William) his driving test last week ?
10. Anna -- her trip to Australia last year very carefully.

A vous, la correction pour la fin de la semaine..

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de lyne, postée le 24-09-2005 à 19:05:22 (S | E)
Bonjour grabuge et merci,

1. My brother gave me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2. A couple of years ago I visited some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3. What did you do last week ? Anything exciting ?
4. The college exhibition was very good this year, unfortunately.
5. You danced a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6. I woke up until 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7. We paid for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8. Was Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9. Did William pass has driving test last week ?
10. Anna planed her trip to Australia last year very carefully.

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de jier, postée le 24-09-2005 à 21:54:47 (S | E)
Good evening, Grabuge

1 My brother gave me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2 A couple of years ago, I visited some friends in LA. I had a great time with them.
3 What did you do last week ? Anything exciting ?
4 The college exhibition was not very good this year, unfortunately.
5 You danced a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6 I didn't wake up until 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7 We paid for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8 Was Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9 Did William pass his driving test last week ?
10 Anna planned her trip to Australia last week very carefully.

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de magmatic_rock, postée le 24-09-2005 à 22:00:17 (S | E)
Coucou grabuge,

1. My brother gave me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2. A couple of years ago I visited some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3. What did you do you last week ? Anything exciting ?
4. The college exhibition wasn't very good this year, unfortunately.
5. You danced a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6. I didn't wake up until 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7. We paid for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8. Was Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9. Did William pass his driving test last week ?
10. Anna planned her trip to Australia last year very carefully.

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de post-scriptum, postée le 25-09-2005 à 13:10:42 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

1. My brother gave me a reallu good CD for my last birthday.
2. A couple of years ago I visited some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3. What did you do last week? Anything exciting?
4. The college exhibition wasn't very good this year, unfortunately.
5. You danced a lot at the party last night! Are you tired now?
6. I didn't wake up until 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours!
7. We paid for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8. Was Julie angry with me yesterday? I hope not.
9. Did William pass his driving test last week?
10. Anna planned her trip to Australia last year very carefully.

Merci, et à une autre fois peut-être.

Edité par post-scriptum le 25-09-2005 14:49

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de joy813, postée le 25-09-2005 à 13:56:37 (S | E)

1. My brother gave me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2. A couple of years ago I visited some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3. What did you do last week ? Anything exciting ?
4. The college exhibition wasn't very good this year, unfortunately.
5. You danced a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6. I didn't wake up until 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7. We paid for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8. Was Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9. Did William pass his driving test last week ?
10. Anna planned her trip to Australia last year very carefully.

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de sandrineg, postée le 25-09-2005 à 14:55:52 (S | E)
1 My brother gave me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2 A couple of years ago, I visited some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3 What did you do last week ? anything exciting ?
4 The college exhibition was very good this year, unfortunately.
5 You danced a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6 I woke up until 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7 We paid for our tickets months ago, but now, there's no room for us on the plane.
8 Was Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9 Did William pass his driving test last week ?
10 Anna planed her trip to Australia last year very carefully.

Réponse: Preterit - Révisions de isa71, postée le 25-09-2005 à 22:09:59 (S | E)
hello grabuge

1. My brother gave me a really good CD for my last birthday.
2. A couple of years ago I visited some friends in Los Angeles. I had a great time with them.
3. What did you do last week ? Anything exciting ?
4. The college exhibition was very good this year, unfortunately.
5. You danced a lot at the party last night ! Are you tired now ?
6. I woke up untel 10 o'clock this morning. I slept for more than 11 hours !
7. We paid for our tickets months ago, but now there's no room for us on the plane.
8. was Julie angry with me yesterday ? I hope not.
9. did William pass his driving test last week ?
10. Anna planned her trip to Australia last year very carefully.


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