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Message de grabuge posté le 28-09-2005 à 10:06:01 (S | E | F | I)


Une petite révision sur les modaux, ça vous tente ?
Evidemment plusieurs réponses sont possibles en fonction du sens de la phrase...

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone . . . (be) busy.
2. I . . . (go) for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I . . . (not say) such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It . . . (not be) Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I . . . (not leave) my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I ... (let) you know what was happening.
7. He . . . (warn) us that he was going to leave his job.
8. They. . . (not leave) without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you . . . (tell) your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it . . . (be) any of them.

Correction mardi et par MP

Réponse: Modaux/difficile de gewurz, postée le 28-09-2005 à 10:27:00 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge,

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone must have been busy.
2. I could have gone for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I shouldn't/musn't say such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It musn't/can't be/have been Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I can't have left my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I should have let you know what was happening.
7. He should have warned us that he was going to leave his job.
8. They can't have left without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you should have told your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it may have been any of them.

Edité par gewurz le 28-09-2005 10:31

Réponse: Modaux/difficile de magmatic_rock, postée le 28-09-2005 à 10:43:44 (S | E)
Coucou Grabuge,

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone must have been busy.
2. I could have gone for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I shouldn't say such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It can't be Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I mustn't have left my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I can't let you know what was happening.
7. He couldn't warn us that he was going to leave his job.
8. They may leave without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you ought to have told your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it might have been any of them.

Pas facile tout ça!

Edité par grabuge le 28-09-2005 10:45 - d'où le titre

Edité par magmatic_rock le 28-09-2005 10:46

Réponse: Modaux/difficile de zen34, postée le 28-09-2005 à 14:45:43 (S | E)
Salut Grabuge,

Pas simple de faire le bon choix!

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone must have been busy.
2. I could have gone for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I would not say such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It cannot have been Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I cannot have left my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I should have let you know what was happening.
7. He should have warned us that he was going to leave his job.
8. They cannot leave without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you should have told your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it might have been any of them.

Réponse: Modaux/difficile de masselotte, postée le 30-09-2005 à 09:31:08 (S | E)
Bonjour grabuge

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone must have been busy .
2. I might have gone for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I shouldn't have said such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It do not have to be Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I mustn't leave my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I should have let you know what was happening.
7. He could have warned us that he was going to leave his job.
8. They couldn't have left without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you should have told your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it could have been any of them.

Edité par masselotte le 30-09-2005 22:41 merci grabuge

Réponse: Modaux/difficile de chris57, postée le 30-09-2005 à 13:47:54 (S | E)
Hello grabuge .

Je me lance je suis pas sur de certaines phrases mais je pense pas etre le seul

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone must have been(be) busy.
2. I could have gone(go) for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I should not say (not say) such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It cannot have been (not be) Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I cannot have left my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I should have let (let) you know what was happening.
7. He should warn (warn) us that he was going to leave his job.
8. Theycannot leave (not leave) without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you may tell (tell) your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it might have been (be) any of them.


See you soon


Réponse: Modaux/difficile de post-scriptum, postée le 30-09-2005 à 21:32:45 (S | E)
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone must have been busy.
2. I could have gone for a swim if I'd wanted to
3. I shouldn't say such a terrible thing.
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It can't have been Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5. I can't have left my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
6. I'm sorry, I should have let you know what was happening.
7. He should have warned us that he was going to leave his job.
8. They can't have left without being seen by anybody.
9. I think you needed tell / should have told your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it might have been any of them.

Merci Grabuge, et à bientôt.

Réponse: Modaux/difficile de jardin62, postée le 30-09-2005 à 22:02:27 (S | E)
Hello !
1- She tried to contact me but the phone must have been (very) busy!
2- I would have gone for a swim if I had wanted to.
3- I shouldn't have said such a terrible thing.
4- I don't know who wrote that letter. It can't have been Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
5- I can't have left my keys at home. I am sure they were in my pocket.
6- I am sorry, I couldn't let you know what was happening.
7- He should have warned us he was going to leave his job.
8- They can't have left without being seen by anybody.
9- I think you should have told your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
10- We don't know who took the money. the office was full of people, it may have been any of them.


Réponse: Modaux/difficile de grabuge, postée le 05-10-2005 à 13:24:13 (S | E)

Voici la correction avec toutes les possibilités.

1. She tried to contact me, but the phone . . . (be) busy.
must have been
could have been
2. I . . . (go) for a swim if I'd wanted to.
might have gone
could have gone
3. I . . . (not say) such a terrible thing.
shouldn't have said
should not have said
could not have said
4. I don't know who wrote that letter. It . . . (not be) Mrs Johnson, as she wasn't in the office that day.
couldn't be
can't have been
5. I . . . (not leave) my keys at home - I'm sure they were in my pocket.
can't have left
6. I'm sorry, I ... (let) you know what was happening.
should have let
could have let
might have let
7. He . . . (warn) us that he was going to leave his job.
could have warned
should have warned
might have warned
8. They. . . (not leave) without being seen by anybody.
couldn't have left
9. I think you . . . (tell) your parents you were going to be late. They were very worried.
should have told
ought to have told
could have told
10. We don't know who took the money. The office was full of people, it . . . (be) any of them.
could've been
might have been
might've been

Evidemment, chacune de ces formes modales s'emploie selon le contexte.

Merci de votre participation.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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