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ø, the, a ou an (2)
Message de zen34 posté le 03-10-2005 à 15:06:32 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous,
Même principe que le précèdent exercice.
Bon courage!
1/ (ø, the, a, an) Europe is (ø, the, a, an) cradle of (ø, the, a, an) science and (ø, the, a, an) technology. However it can no longer claim (ø, the, a, an) lead in most of (ø, the, a, an) major areas of (ø, the, a, an) research and (ø, the, a, an) technological development.
2/ For several decades (ø, the, a, an) United States has played (ø, the, a, an) leading role on (ø, the, a, an) international scientific scene, and (ø, the, a, an) number of (ø, the, a, an) economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by (ø, the, a, an)
3/ (ø, the, a, an) Europe does not lack (ø, the, a, an) potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into (ø, the, a, an) different countries, (ø, the, a, an) Europe does not make (ø, the, a, an) most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ (ø, the, a, an) dispersed funding, (ø, the, a, an) isolated research, (ø, the, a, an) lack of (ø, the, a, an) mobility among (ø, the, a, an) research scientists, (ø, the, a, an) duplication of (ø, the, a, an) effort under (ø, the, a, an) national programmes: these factors tend to reduce (ø, the, a, an) impact of (ø, the, a, an) European research work.
From European Files, Commission of the European Communities, 1991
Message de zen34 posté le 03-10-2005 à 15:06:32 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous,
Même principe que le précèdent exercice.

Bon courage!
1/ (ø, the, a, an) Europe is (ø, the, a, an) cradle of (ø, the, a, an) science and (ø, the, a, an) technology. However it can no longer claim (ø, the, a, an) lead in most of (ø, the, a, an) major areas of (ø, the, a, an) research and (ø, the, a, an) technological development.
2/ For several decades (ø, the, a, an) United States has played (ø, the, a, an) leading role on (ø, the, a, an) international scientific scene, and (ø, the, a, an) number of (ø, the, a, an) economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by (ø, the, a, an)
3/ (ø, the, a, an) Europe does not lack (ø, the, a, an) potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into (ø, the, a, an) different countries, (ø, the, a, an) Europe does not make (ø, the, a, an) most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ (ø, the, a, an) dispersed funding, (ø, the, a, an) isolated research, (ø, the, a, an) lack of (ø, the, a, an) mobility among (ø, the, a, an) research scientists, (ø, the, a, an) duplication of (ø, the, a, an) effort under (ø, the, a, an) national programmes: these factors tend to reduce (ø, the, a, an) impact of (ø, the, a, an) European research work.
From European Files, Commission of the European Communities, 1991
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de aimen7, postée le 03-10-2005 à 16:53:12 (S | E)
Hello zen,
1/ Europe is the cradle of science and technology. However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the major areas of research and technological development.
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and the number of economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by Japan.
3/Europe does not lack potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into different countries, Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/Dispersed funding, isolated research, lack of mobility among the research scientists, duplication of effort under national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of the European research work.
From European Files, Commission of the European Communities, 1991
Merci zen.
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de felin, postée le 03-10-2005 à 17:12:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Zen
1/ Europe is a cradle of ø science and ø technology. However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the major areas of ø research and ø technological development.
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on an international scientific scene, and the number of ø economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by ø Japan.
3/ ø Europe does not lack ø potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into ø different countries,ø Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ø dispersed funding, an isolated research, ø lack of ø mobility among the research scientists, ø duplication of ø effort under ø national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of the European research work.

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de fik, postée le 03-10-2005 à 17:23:47 (S | E)
Hello zen,
1/ Europe is the cradle of science and technology. However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the major areas of research and technological development.
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and a number of economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by Japan.
3/Europe does not lack potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into a different countries, Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/Dispersed funding, isolated research, lack of mobility among the research scientists, the duplication of effort under national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of the European research work.
From European Files, Commission of the European Communities, 1991
Merci zen
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de isa71, postée le 03-10-2005 à 21:56:31 (S | E)
hello zen
1/ ø Europe is the cradle of ø science and ø technology. However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the major areas of ø research and ø technological development.
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and the number of ø economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by ø
3/ ø Europe does not lack ø potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into ø different countries, ø Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ ø dispersed funding, ø isolated research, the lack of ø mobility among the research scientists, ø duplication of ø effort under the national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of the European research work.
From European Files, Commission of the European Communities, 1991

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de grabuge, postée le 04-10-2005 à 09:16:53 (S | E)
Hello Zen,
1/ 0 Europe is the cradle of 0 science and 0 technology. However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the major areas of 0 research and 0 technological development.
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and 0 number of the economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by 0
3/ 0 Europe does not lack 0 potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into 0 different countries, 0 Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ 0 dispersed funding, 0 isolated research, 0 lack of 0 mobility among the research scientists, the duplication of 0 effort under 0 national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of the European research work.
Merci Zen, dur, dur...

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de lucile83, postée le 04-10-2005 à 16:21:04 (S | E)
Here is my try :
1/ Europe is the cradle of science and technology. However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the major areas of research and technological development.
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and a number of the economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by Japan.
3/ Europe does not lack potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into different countries, Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ dispersed funding, isolated research, lack of mobility among the research scientists, duplication of effort under the national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of an European research work.
See you soon

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de zen34, postée le 05-10-2005 à 15:20:25 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,
Voici le bilan pour l'instant:
Aimen: 1)Parfait, 2)1 erreur, 3)Parfait, 4)Parfait, 5)2 erreurs
Felin: 1)1 erreur, 2)2 erreurs, 3)Parfait, 4)Parfait, 5)3 erreurs
Fik: 1)Parfait, 2)Parfait, 3)Parfait, 4)1 erreur, 5)3 erreurs
Isa: 1)Parfait, 2)1 erreur, 3)Parfait, 4)Parfait, 5)4 erreurs
Grabuge: 1)Parfait, 2)2 erreurs, 3)Parfait, 4)Parfait, 5)3 erreurs
Lucile: 1)Parfait, 2)1 erreur, 3)Parfait, 4)Parfait, 5)3 erreurs
Je donnerai la correction vendredi ;)
Edité par zen34 le 05-10-2005 15:20
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de lucile83, postée le 05-10-2005 à 16:26:12 (S | E)
Pour plus de clarté je poste ici mes 2 phrases corrigées, en espérant n'avoir pas augmenté le nombre de fautes

Pour la 5 c'est la Bérésina !!!!!

2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and a number of economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by Japan.
5/ dispersed funding, isolated research, lack of mobility among research scientists, duplication of effort under national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of European research work.
See you soon

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de zen34, postée le 05-10-2005 à 16:35:43 (S | E)
Lucile: Perfect score!

Edité par lucile83 le 06-10-2005 06:56
Thanks to you

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de pepe69, postée le 05-10-2005 à 18:52:37 (S | E)
Hello Zen
C'est parti:
1.Europe is the cradle of science and technology.However it can no longer claim the lead in most of the mayor areas of research and technological development.
2.For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and a nomber of economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by Japan.
3.Europe does not lack potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending , while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4.Neverthless, divided as it is into different countries, Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5.Dispersed funding, isolated research , lack of mobility among research scientists, duplication of effort under national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of European research work.
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de aimen7, postée le 06-10-2005 à 10:00:24 (S | E)
Hello zen,
2/ For several decades the United States has played a leading role on the international scientific scene, and
5/Dispersed funding, isolated research, lack of mobility among
J'ai comme l'impression d'avoir ajouté des erreurs au lieu d'en oter!!!
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de fik, postée le 06-10-2005 à 11:43:48 (S | E)

Here my correction
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into different countries, Europe does not make the most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/Dispersed funding, isolated research, lack of mobility among research scientists, duplication of effort under national programmes: these factors tend to reduce the impact of European research work.
From European Files, Commission of the European Communities, 1991

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de zen34, postée le 07-10-2005 à 17:21:24 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,
Voici la correction:
1/ (ø) Europe is (the) cradle of (ø) science and (ø) technology. However it can no longer claim (the) lead in most of (the) major areas of research and (ø) technological development.
2/ For several decades (the) United States has played (a) leading role on (the) international scientific scene, and (a) number of (ø) economically crucial technological sectors are dominated by (ø) Japan.
3/ (ø) Europe does not lack (ø) potential. It has many research scientists. Its research spending, while lower than that of its competitors, is still quite respectable.
4/ Nevertheless, divided as it is into (ø) different countries, (ø) Europe does not make (the) most of its substantial intellectual and economic potential.
5/ (ø) dispersed funding, (ø) isolated research, (ø) lack of (ø) mobility among (ø) research scientists, (ø) duplication of (ø) effort under (ø) national programmes: these factors tend to reduce (the) impact of (ø) European research work.

Edité par lucile83 le 08-10-2005 07:49
Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de adam, postée le 07-10-2005 à 18:14:59 (S | E)

a veut dire un ou une et enfin idem pour an
pourquoi a ou an ? parce quand la première lettre du nom est une voyelle alors c'est an sinon on met a

Edité par lucile83 le 08-10-2005 07:53

Réponse: ø, the, a ou an (2) de traviskidd, postée le 09-10-2005 à 03:18:04 (S | E)
Mais c'est bien plus dur que ça ... que veut dire ø, hein?

(Il a dû y avoir un celèbre philosophe qui a posé cette question ... Qu'est-ce que rien?