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Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise
Message de felin posté le 07-10-2005 à 18:30:54 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Mardi (11/10/05)

Verb + noise
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the above following verbs:
make, sleep through, shut out , can't stand .

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’ much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to......the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I ...........the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to.................all that noise.

Adjective + noise
2. Complete the sentences with the above following adjectives:
an awful, deafening, funny, a piercing, background, a squeaking.

1. The engine's making a.........noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was.............1 had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much.....................noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible..............noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that............noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a................noise which made me jump out of my skin.

3. Adjective + silence
Choose the correct collocation:

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her big / long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward / awful silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in surprised / stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete / full silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

Good Luck

Edité par traviskidd le 09-10-2005 01:47

Merci Traviskid
Edité par felin le 11-10-2005 18:44

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de post-scriptum, postée le 09-10-2005 à 17:58:45 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin,

Pour la première partie, ma foi...
1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut out the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep throught all that noise.

Ici, cela se corse : les nuances ne me semblent pas totalement évidentes...
1. The engine's making an awfull noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was so deafening I had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much funny noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that background noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a piercing noise which made me jump out of my skin.

Heureusement, je crois bien me rattraper ici...
1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

A bientôt, Miss Felin. Friendship.

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de post-scriptum, postée le 09-10-2005 à 21:01:31 (S | E)
Je suis tout seul, ce soir. Tout le monde a déserté. Ohé! où êtes-vous ? Ma laisserez-vous ainsi seul très longtemps ? Attention, si vous ne venez pas, je vais crier, dessiner sur les murs, faire des bêtises...

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de felin, postée le 09-10-2005 à 21:04:39 (S | E)
Bonsoir Post et tout le monde

Vraiment je n'ai aucune idee peut etre les exercices sont difficiles ou alors ils n'aiment pas, mais j'aimerai savoir quand meme car je ne veux pas continuer comme ca vu que personne ne participe et ca ne sert a rien.
Dites moi quels genre des exercices que vous preferiez

Merci Post pour ta participation.

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de isa71, postée le 09-10-2005 à 23:15:49 (S | E)

Verb + noise
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
make, sleep through, shut out , can't stand .

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut out the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep through all that noise

2. Complete the sentences with the above following adjectives:
an awful, deafening, funny, a piercing, background, a squeaking.

1. The engine's making an awful noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was deafening 1 had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much background noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible a squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that funny noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a piercing noise which made me jump out of my skin.

3. Adjective + silence
Choose the correct collocation:

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awful silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.


Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de chris57, postée le 09-10-2005 à 23:19:30 (S | E)
Good evening everybody

There my try.

For the first part :

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut up the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep through all that noise.

For the second part :

1. The engine's making an awful noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was deafening 1 had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much background noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible a squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that a piercing noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a funny noise which made me jump out of my skin.

And the last one :

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her big / long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward / awful silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in surprised / stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete / full silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

Voila je te laisse pas seul post-scriptum, mais la dernière partie est franchement pas facile pour moi

Bonne soirée à vous tous.

Thank you felin for this exercice

Edité par chris57 le 09-10-2005 23:19 oupsss

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de joy813, postée le 09-10-2005 à 23:38:05 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re.making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut out the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep through all that noise.

1. The engine's making an awful noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was deafening. I had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much background noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that funny noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a piercing noise which made me jump out of my skin.

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

and sorry to be so late

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de lisa93, postée le 10-10-2005 à 11:25:12 (S | E)
1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut out the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep through all that noise.

1. The engine's making a funny noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was deafening 1 had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much background noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that awful noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a piercing noise which made me jump out of my skin.

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

Have a nice day


Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de samia51, postée le 10-10-2005 à 20:46:29 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin

Verb + noise
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the above following verbs:
make, sleep through, shut out , can't stand .

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’ much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to.SHUT OUT the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I CAN'T STAND the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to.SLEEP THROUGH all that noise.

Adjective + noise
2. Complete the sentences with the above following adjectives:
an awful, deafening, funny, a piercing, background, a squeaking.

1. The engine's making AN AWFUL .noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was.DEAFENING I had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much.BACKGROUND.noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible.SQUEAKING.noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that.FUNNY.noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a.PIERCING.noise which made me jump out of my skin.

3. Adjective + silence
Choose the correct collocation:

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de soleilvert, postée le 10-10-2005 à 23:44:35 (S | E)
Hello FELIN,

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut out the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep trough all that noise.


Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de soleilvert, postée le 10-10-2005 à 23:59:08 (S | E)
I didn't see the others exercices ,

Adjective + noise
2. Complete the sentences with the above following adjectives:
an awful, deafening, funny, a piercing, background, a squeaking.

1. The engine's making a funny noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was an awful noise 1 had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much background noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that deafening noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a piercing noise which made me jump out of my skin.

3. Adjective + silence
Choose the correct collocation:

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her big silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

The third was quite difficult, we will see.

Réponse: Verbs+Adjectives+ Noise de felin, postée le 11-10-2005 à 18:31:45 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

1. Keep the noise down. I can't work when you’re making so much noise.
2. I tried unsuccessfully to shut out the noise of the roadworks outside my house. In the end, I had to turn up my hi-fi to drown it out.
3. I can't stand the noise of a door banging. It drives me up the wall.
4. I just don't know how the baby manages to sleep through all that noise.

1. The engine's making a funny noise. I need to get the garage to look at it. I've
got a feeling it's going to cost me a lot of money!
2. The noise of the disco was deafening.1 had a headache after an hour.
3. I can't make out what he's saying on the tape. There’s too much background noise.
4. One wheel on the trolley is making a horrible squeaking noise. It needs some oil.
5. Will you stop that awful noise this instant! I can't hear myself think.
6. The fire alarm gave out a piercing noise which made me jump out of my skin.

1. After eight months a letter arrived from her daughter, ending her big / long silence.
2. I wasn't relaxed, so our conversation was full of awkward / awful silences.
3. When they told us we had won a million pounds in the prize draw, we just sat there in surprised / stunned silence. We just couldn't believe it.
4. I've been getting nuisance phone calls recently. Every time I answer the phone there is complete / full silence. Nobody speaks, but I know someone is there.

pour votre participation

chris57, lisa93, soleilvert, Bienvenue dans notre groupe. Participez aussi souvent que vous le pouvez. Vous verrez on apprend beaucoup en participant. Merci.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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