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Message de dess1 posté le 2004-02-28 10:51:25 (S | E | F | I)
what do you think about war in africa.

Réponse: bad de primael, postée le 2004-02-29 13:05:36 (S | E)
i hate war i think it's bad for manking who is autodestroying itself.
But i think war can be obligated in some cases.
But in africa i think it's a shame because africa could be more wealthy and more peaceful.
see u

Réponse: Binko here! de binko, postée le 2004-04-03 05:37:42 (S | E)

Thanks for asking people to give their idea about war in Africa. Before I start giving my idea, let me first introducing myself. I'm Binko from Africa precisely from Guinea Conakry in West Africa. TAlking about war in Africa, we have to situate the responsability of from first western side and our leader's side. I mean that war in Africa is provocated by the western who do not want ou total freedom yet after years of colonilization. They seek their interest and do not care whatever will happen to the population. In the side of the leaders, they do not take decision by their own, they just follow western ideas to put their people in a situation such that they become weak. Those also seek their interest and no matter how the people is gonna be.
For the western side the question is if we put an end to war in Africa how can UNHCR survive since because there will be no refugies.
I think I have tried to give an answer to your question, I hope it will grasp your need.
See u then.

Réponse: War in Africa de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-15 17:33:12 (S | E)
You're right Binko but I think there are also many and many problems which are due to African people themselves.

Réponse: reponse de skikimo de skikimo, postée le 2004-04-18 11:59:01 (S | E)
I think you're right, I agree with both, but the principal is to know how to avoid that in the future.
The first step, for me, is to give the right to the people to have a good education so that they are less fragile.
Excuse my english, I'm a debutant.

Réponse: peace! de gizm0, postée le 2004-04-18 12:16:24 (S | E)
I am a very peacefull person.. I hate wars...
I'd wish every single war on earth would stop & that people, governments & presidents would just shake hands & make a truce

Peace & Love!
ps Skikimo dabutant = beginner

Réponse: rereponse de avie, postée le 2004-07-04 19:51:36 (S | E)
The war is a war . And the war is horrible ! Peace and love !



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