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Message de chrisg posté le 2004-04-23 23:26:39 (S | E | F | I)
... in english speaking countries ?
Have you ever spent holidays in a real english speaking country : US, UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa ... ?
What's your experience when having to speak in english, and especially for those who really experience in concerned countries, did you succeed driving on the left side of road ??? !!!!!

Your advices in "left driving" are wellcome !

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-04-24 09:21:57 (S | E)
The last time I went to see my mother (she lives near Brighton in the south of England), we drove there...

WOW! a really tiring experience... Of course we had a French car so the driving wheel was on the wrong side... so, my boyfriend drove & I had the task of lokking at the map,giving directions, checking the traffic (to see if he coul turn or overtake) etc...
FORTUNATELY, English drivers are very kind & let you past, or don't really mind if you cross the street in front of them... that was a nice point.

Even if I am English, I have been living in France for over 15 years now... so I feel like a foreigner every time I return there (not often enough unfortunately).

I have only been to England (for a English speaking country) but I have plans to go & see my family (on the other side of my family) in New-Zeland!

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-04-24 09:59:59 (S | E)
waoww !! don't know you was so "international" trademarked !!! ))) Well actually I was planning to spend a couple of weeks in south Africa, in Capetown ! not sure I would be able to drive on the left ...

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-04-24 10:01:59 (S | E)
It's dangerous (in my opinion) but I'm sure you'll manage...
You just have to keep an eye open all the time... it's tiring, you'll see that.

The really scary thing is the roundabouts!!!! when you go round the wrong way it's really weird

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-04-24 10:12:18 (S | E)
I went there once for a business week, but haven't seen so much, except the famous "table mountains", and i enjoyed. Actually, it's quite different from Johannesburg, not so dangerous ...

Réponse: re: USA holidays de rosminet, postée le 2004-04-24 12:27:06 (S | E)
I went to USA in September 2000. I don't have any experience with driving on the left side of road because in USA, they drive, like us, on the right side of the road !!!
What about the experience to speak in English : that depends most of the people you meet, if they want to make effort to understand your accent and if they want to make effort to speak slowly or not !
I think about "left driving", the better is to rent a car in the country. I really think it would be easier to drive on the left side of the road with an English car than a French one !



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