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Message de chapoteau posté le 2004-04-26 18:16:26 (S | E | F | I)
According to a magazine many people, men in particular intend to wear the same clothes for several years. Meanwhile, according to the same magazine it's the opposite for women who entend to wear clothes in style. Why do you think women need more clothing than men?

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-04-26 18:24:50 (S | E)
I think that generally women need more clothing than men because they don't want to be old-fashioned. But some men don't want too to be old-fashioned.
I also think the society must be blamed for that, because according to the magazines, women must be fashionable !

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-04-26 20:45:40 (S | E)
I have TONS of clothes, and so what ?

Réponse: it's only a money problem! de brubri, postée le 2004-04-26 20:59:18 (S | E)
I think if the men intend to wear the same clothes for several years,it's above all the men doesn't like spend their money.
they are stingier than the women.
Je débute en anglais,n'hésitez pas à me reprendre si besoin!

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-04-26 22:13:49 (S | E)
men don't get as FAT as women (LAUGHS!)
so they don't need to change/buy clothes as much as women )
I know what I'm talking about ) a real YO-YO

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-04-27 06:27:22 (S | E)
clothes for women are cheaper than those for men ....

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-04-27 08:01:56 (S | E)
that's not necessarily true
My eyes go wild when my sister tells me she has bought a new T-shirt which cost her 80 euros!!!

Réponse: A tie for a new man de maureplain, postée le 2004-04-27 09:31:54 (S | E)
And for a change, men don't need an other suit, they only have to buy a new tie !

Réponse: tied men tied-up de shmoopy56, postée le 2004-04-27 09:55:00 (S | E)
I think it's important for women because so many have to "dress up" for their "jobs on the side" if you know what I mean. Since far fewer men work the streets they have little consideration for clothing.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-04-27 10:34:19 (S | E)
where do you live schmoopy ???????? certainly not in towns like Paris ... don't you ?



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