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Message de sirius posté le 2004-04-30 23:16:44 (S | E | F | I)
Could someone tell me what are the differences between american and english because i don't think there are that different i mean i doesn't seem too be so different could someone blow up my mind?

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-04-30 23:30:47 (S | E)
Could you be more accurrate, I mean, please provide us with few behaviours you'd like us to share opinion on ?

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-05-01 19:00:52 (S | E)
"The Americans are identical to the British in all respects except, of course, language."
Oscar Wilde

"Giving English to an American is like giving sex to a child. He knows it's important but he doesn't know what to do with it."
Adam Cooper (19th century)

"We (the British and Americans) are two countries separated by a common language."
G.B. Shaw

The Englishman commented to the American about the "curious" way in which he pronounced so many words, such as schedule (pronounced shedule). The American thought about it for a few moments, then replied, "Perhaps it's because we went to different shools!"

“England and America are two countries separated by the same language”
—George Bernard Shaw

“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master–that's all.”

British English followed by American English version
twenty to four = twenty of four
River Thames = Hudson River
really good = real good
different to/from = different than/from
in future... = in the future...
I burnt it = I burned it
He's got off the chair. = He's gotten off the chair./He got off the chair.
I sneaked out quietly. = I snuck out quietly.
I shan't tell anyone. = I won't tell anyone.
I'd like you to go now.= I'd like for you to go now.
I'll go and get the car.= I'll go get the car.
Come and take a look.= Come take a look.
I've just eaten. = I just ate.
I want to get out. = I want out.
They've one innings left. (cricket) = They have one inning left. (baseball)
There were six millions. = There were six million.
He's in hospital. = He's in the hospital.
I've not seen it yet. = I didn't see it yet.
I'll see you at the weekend. = I'll see you on the weekend.
Monday to Friday inclusive = Monday through Friday
I was in the toilet/WC. = I was in the bathroom/restroom.
(alphabet) Z ('zed') = Z ('zee')
A lorry = a truck.
A lift = an elevator.
A fortnight = two weeks.
A chemist = a person who works in a drugstore.
A dual carriageway = a divided highway.
Trousers = Pants
Pants / Underwear / Knickers = Underwear /panties
Jumper / Pullover / Sweater / = Jersey Sweater
Pinafore Dress = Jumper
Vest = Undershirt
Waistcoat = Vest
Wellington Boots / Wellies = Galoshes
Mac (slang for Macintosh) = Rain Coat
Plimsolls = Gym Shoes
Trainers / Plimsolls / Pumps = Sneakers
Braces = Suspenders
Dressing Gown = Robe
Nappy = Diaper
Pinny / Apron = Apron
Polo Neck = Turtle Neck
Swimming costume / Cozzy = Bathing Suit
Friend = Mate
Glue = Gum
Rubber = Eraser
Maths = Math
Public School = Private School
State School = Public School
Holiday = Vacation
School dinner = Hot Lunch
Sleeping Policeman = Speed bump
Car = park
Parking = Lot
Car Journey = Road Trip
Zebra Crossing / Pedestrian Crossing = Cross Walk
Lollipop Man or Lady = Crossing Guard
Motorway = Freeway
Traffic Jam / Tailback = Traffic Jam
Articulated Lorry = Tractor Trailer / Trailer Truck
Petrol = Gas / Gasoline
Pavement = Sidewalk
Petrol Station = Gas Station
Skip = Dumpster
Diversion = Detour
Fire Engine = Fire Truck
Semi-Detached = House Duplex
Flat = Apartment
Terrace = Town House
Chemist = Drug Store / Druggist
Bungalow = House (one story)
Ranch = House
dessert = What's for afters
are you hungry = Are you feeling peckish
Biscuit / Bickie
(A cookie is a large biscuit) = Cookie
Scone = Biscuit
Fairy Cake = Cup Cake
Courgette = Zucchini
Sweets = Candy
Sausage / Banger = Sausage
Crisps = Potato Chips
Chips (French Fries in McDonald's) = French Fries
Starter = Appetizer
Sweets = Dessert
Jacket Potato / Baked Potato = Baked Potato
Jam = Jelly
Jelly = Jello
Aubergine = Eggplant
Sandwich / Butty / Sarny = Sandwich
Ice ly = Popsicle
Bill (at restaurant) = check
Grill = Broil
Food / Grub / Nosh = Food
Rasher = A slice of bacon
Eggy bread (fried) = French Toast
Runner beans = Green beans
Soldiers (We dip soldiers in our soft boiled eggs) = Finger sized slices of toast.
Take-away = Take out
Bonnet = Hood
Windscreen = Windshield
Boot = Trunk
Reversing lights = Back-up lights
Exhaust pipe = Tail pipe
Wing / Mudguard = Fender
The Toilet / Loo / The John = Bathroom / Restroom
Tap = Faucet
Garden = Backyard / Yard
Cupboard = Closet
Bin / Dust Bin = Trash Can
Telephone / Blower = Telephone
Television / Box / Telly/ TV = TV / Television
Cooker = Range or Stove
Couch / Sofa / Settee = Sofa
Hand Basin / Sink = Sink
Run the bath = Fill the tub
Girl / Lass = Girl
Boy / Lad = Boy
Man / Bloke / Gentleman / Guy / Chap = Man / Guy
Lady / Woman = Lady
Policeman / Bobby / Copper = Policeman / Cop
Postman = Mailman
Dustman = Garbage Man
Friend / Pal / Chum / Mate / Buddy = Friend / Buddy
Cashier = Teller
Lollypop Man = Crossing Guard
Mum = Mom
Football = Soccer
Rounders = Baseball
Bat (table tennis) = Paddle (ping pong)
Plaster = Band-Aid
Autumn = Fall
Bank Holiday = National Holiday
Queue = Stand in a Line
Quid (slang for pound) = Bucks
Surgery = Doctor's office
Trodden on = Stepped on
I'm knackered = I'm Beat
Come round = Come over
Off you go = Go ahead
It's gone off = It's spoiled
Lady bird = Lady bug
Colour = color
Centre = center
Defence = defense (noun form)
Licence (noun form) = license
Alright = all right
Manoeuvre = maneuver
tyre = tire

for more examples read

Réponse: Closed ! de maureplain, postée le 2004-05-01 19:18:52 (S | E)
Merci Chloë, j'espère que cela va clore un débat que sirius essaie toujours de relancer sous différentes formes alors que les réponses lui sont déjà données et que je ne pense pas que ce thème soit de nature à passionner les habitués du site. Les bons dictionnaires donnent généralement le mot Anglais et le mot Américain ainssi que les tournures de phrases dans les deux versions.
Full stop. I'm hoping.

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-05-01 19:20:48 (S | E)
i agree momo... It's the last freaking post I 'll make in here

Réponse: re de pascalina44, postée le 2004-05-01 21:28:47 (S | E)
Pour avoir vécu au total 5 ans aux Etats-Unis je peux t'assurer qu'il y a de nombreuses différences entre l'anglais britannique et l'anglais américain: différences dans les expressions utilisées, le vocabulaire, parfois même en grammaire, sans parler de l'accent!

Réponse: re de sirius, postée le 2004-05-01 22:56:57 (S | E)
ah ouais c'est vrai j'imaginais pas qu'il y avait autant de differences!!!!!



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