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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.

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Like everybody/ correction
Message de funstyle posté le 08-05-2005 à 17:15:46 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour ! Pourriez vous me dire si il y a des fautes svp ! Merci d'avance et merci pour l'aide que vous nous apportez a chaque fois !

Like everybody, I would like to lead a good like, fulled of success and happyness.
About the studies, I wish I would enter in the university of Political sciences. I know that it's a famous school, reserved for an elite but it interests me a lot ! I think I am able to pass the examination of enter. I hope that the studies I will do, will ensure me a good job, and a lot of money !!!

I hope that I won't like alone. In my dreams, I would meet a beautiful girl, with a good situation, not wulger but with class, and intelligent. I don't know if I would like to have children or if I will marry. It's too early ! They are so many people who divorce...On the one hand, without mariage, a separation would be less complicated but on the other hand, a mariage would be symbolic...

When I am an adult, I would like to concrtize the political ideas, I have now. I would bve important in my political partie, not a simple active member like I am about to be. That's in my character, I like managing and being listened by the others...

I would like to speak english fluently. I find that this language sounds good and it's important to speak english in our world... That's why I would like to travel, especially in the USA. This country makes me dream as it symbolizes the strong, the success. They are so many different landscapes that I would like to see... Why not live in the USA during a few years ?

Finally, I would like to have time for my leisures and to enjoy life but I stay realistic and I know that all will not be so easy.

Edité par bridg le 08-05-2005 17:25

Réponse: Redaction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 17:22:18 (S | E)
Un petit début !

Like everybody, I would like to lead a good like, fulled of success and happyness.
Like everybody, I would like to lead a good life, fulled of success and happiness.

Sinon, pour mémoire "English" commence toujours par une majuscule !!!

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 17:35:03 (S | E)
I hope that I won't like alone. In my dreams, I would meet a beautiful girl, with a good situation, not wulger but with class, and intelligent. I don't know if I would like to have children or if I will marry. It's too early ! They are so many people who divorce...On the one hand, without mariage, a separation would be less complicated but on the other hand, a mariage would be symbolic...
I hope that I won't live alone. In my dreams, I meet a pretty, smart and clever girl, having a good situation. I don't already know if I would like to have any children or if I will marry. It's too early ! There are so many people who divorce... On the one hand, without mariage, a separation would be less complicated but on the other hand, a mariage would be symbolic...

In my dreams, I meet : je pense que dans ce cas l'emploi du conditionnel n'est pas nécessaire. C'est en effet du conditionnel dans ta vie réelle, mais c'est du présent dans tes rêves !

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 18:04:34 (S | E)
I would like to speak english fluently. I find that this language sounds good and it's important to speak english in our world... That's why I would like to travel, especially in the USA. This country makes me dream as it symbolizes the strong, the success. They are so many different landscapes that I would like to see... Why not live in the USA during a few years ?
I would like to speak English fluently. I think that this language sounds nice and it's important to speak English nowadays... That's why I would like to travel, especially in the USA. This country makes me dream as it symbolizes the strength, the success. There are so many different landscapes that I would like to see... Why not living in the USA during a few years ?

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 18:11:50 (S | E)
When I am an adult, I would like to concrtize the political ideas, I have now. I would bve important in my political partie, not a simple active member like I am about to be. That's in my character, I like managing and being listened by the others...
When I am an adult, I would like to make my current political ideas a reality. I would be important, and not a simple active member, in my political party. That's in my nature, I like managing and being listened by the others...

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 18:23:46 (S | E)
About the studies, I wish I would enter in the university of Political sciences. I know that it's a famous school, reserved for an elite but it interests me a lot ! I think I am able to pass the examination of enter. I hope that the studies I will do, will ensure me a good job, and a lot of money !!!
About the studies, I hope for studying in the university of Political sciences. I know [that] it's a reputable school, designed for the elite but it interests me a lot ! I think I am able to pass the entrance exam. I hope that the studies I will do, will ensure me a good job, and a lot of money !!!

* reputable = réputé (pour sa qualité, son niveau)
* famous = célèbre, et célèbre ne veut pas forcément dire qualité, niveau élevé ...

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 18:28:05 (S | E)
Finally, I would like to have time for my leisures and to enjoy life but I stay realistic and I know that all will not be so easy.
Finally, I would like to have enough time for my leisures and to enjoy life but I remain realistic and I know that will not be so easy.

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de funstyle, postée le 08-05-2005 à 19:02:00 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup d'avoir consacré de votre temps a mon devoir !

Réponse: Like everybody/ correction de regine_lyon, postée le 08-05-2005 à 19:17:32 (S | E)
You're welcome !

Je ne suis pas prof. d'anglais, ce n'est donc qu'un 'avis éclairé' !!!

L'essentiel, c'est d'essayer de ne pas faire de la traduction mot à mot... même si cela n'est pas facile !

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