Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Message de anais121 posté le 01-10-2005 à 18:29:30 (S | E | F | I)
bonjour, pourriez vous me corriger mes exercices s'il vous plaît
1//link the following sentences with wether, in spiteof yet, however, whenever, consequently:
he was rich and proud in spite of yet he was unhappy
she discovered his secret, consequently she was furious
she was happy whenever she could make a profit
he wondered whether he should stay or leave
in spite of yet herd he tried, he could not love her
consequently her exasperation, she did not beat him
merci d'avance
j'aurais également besoin de la correction de cet exercice sur la 2ème partie de la phrase merci d'avance
a) he had not set foot there for more than fifteen years= it was more than fifteen years ago that he setted his foot here before
b)she had demolished most of the originel buildings.= most of the original buildings was destroyed by her having demolishing it
c)perhaps he preferred drinking alcohol.=he was an alcoholic
d)she could not conceal her contempt= she was not doing any effort to conceal her contempt
e)I'll break your bloody legs if you don't leave my stock alone= unless you suck my leaves alone I'll break your bloody legs
f) "you can't remember", she shouted that you couldn't be remembered
g) why did I marry this woman?=he wondered why his woman was so dumb.

Edité par bridg le 01-10-2005 18:52
Message de anais121 posté le 01-10-2005 à 18:29:30 (S | E | F | I)

1//link the following sentences with wether, in spiteof yet, however, whenever, consequently:
he was rich and proud in spite of yet he was unhappy
she discovered his secret, consequently she was furious
she was happy whenever she could make a profit
he wondered whether he should stay or leave
in spite of yet herd he tried, he could not love her
consequently her exasperation, she did not beat him
merci d'avance
j'aurais également besoin de la correction de cet exercice sur la 2ème partie de la phrase merci d'avance
a) he had not set foot there for more than fifteen years= it was more than fifteen years ago that he setted his foot here before
b)she had demolished most of the originel buildings.= most of the original buildings was destroyed by her having demolishing it
c)perhaps he preferred drinking alcohol.=he was an alcoholic
d)she could not conceal her contempt= she was not doing any effort to conceal her contempt
e)I'll break your bloody legs if you don't leave my stock alone= unless you suck my leaves alone I'll break your bloody legs
f) "you can't remember", she shouted that you couldn't be remembered
g) why did I marry this woman?=he wondered why his woman was so dumb.

Edité par bridg le 01-10-2005 18:52
Réponse: correction de anais121, postée le 01-10-2005 à 18:40:36 (S | E)
au moins le 1
Edité par bridg le 01-10-2005 18:55
Merci de ne pas écrire en abrégé sur le site.
Réponse: correction de aimen7, postée le 01-10-2005 à 19:19:18 (S | E)
Bonjour anais,
Serais-tu fâchée avec les majuscules et la ponctuation

1//link the following sentences with wether, in spite of, yet, however, whenever, consequently:
he was rich and proud
she discovered his secret, consequently she was furious
she was happy whenever she could make a profit
he wondered whether he should stay or leave
Tu dois revoir l'utilisation de (however, yet, et in spite of).
a) he had not set foot there for more than fifteen years= it was more than fifteen years ago that he
b)she had demolished most of the
c)perhaps he preferred drinking alcohol.=he was an alcoholic
d)she could not conceal her contempt= she was not doing any effort to conceal her contempt
e)I'll break your bloody legs if you don't leave my stock alone= unless you suck my leaves alone I'll break your bloody legs (Cette phrase est incompréhensible, désolée)
f) "you can't remember", she shouted that
L'absence de ponctuation, de majuscules ainsi que les fautes d'orthographe rendent une correction difficile.

Voilà j'espère quand même t'avoir aidé.

Edité par bridg le 01-10-2005 21:39

Réponse: correction de jardin62, postée le 02-10-2005 à 12:24:44 (S | E)
Bonjour anais, aimen a raison de te demander plus de rigueur avec la ponctuation, sinon on se perd, et c'est souvent une perte de temps.
Il faudrait aussi que tu dises l'énoncé exact de l'exercice 2, personnellement je ne vois pas bien ce qui t'a été demandé de faire entre la phrase de départ et celle que tu demandes à corriger.