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Message de titousse posté le 2004-03-24 17:07:12 (S | E | F | I)
September 11 March 2001-11, 2004. 911 days after the collapse of the twin towers of World Trade Center in New York, it is Europe which was aimed by islamist terrorism.
The wire of this tragic morning of the "11 M", as call it the Spaniards, with its 190 died and approximately 1500 wounded, the international reactions, the political reversal who followed themselves from there with the victory of the Socialists and the rout of Jose Maria Aznar,the bounces of the investigation and the islamist track, the homages to the victims, European solidarity, reinforced safety and the threats in France and in the world.

Réponse: it is normal de tattiba, postée le 2004-05-24 12:50:09 (S | E)
we are responsible for all coming by day in the world, there is more injustice

Réponse: re de rosminet, postée le 2004-05-24 13:00:58 (S | E)
There are a lot of injustice in the world. I'm against what happened on September 2001 in USA, in Spain in March 2004 or in Palestin every day.

In fact, I'm against all cruel acts in the world, whatever the victims.



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