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why trying to be in fashion ?
Message de sokhou posté le 06-06-2005 à 16:26:43 (S | E | F | I)

why do we try to be on the in fashion ?
It's a question for everybody and please answer me (or better: could you give me an answer ?)
I'm not against the new fashion but I think that you are not obliged to follow that if you can fell feel better with the old fashion, if you prefer that. But nowadays I pick up from the people that they are not free to wear clothes as they want, they often ask some questions as is it on the in fashion. That's my opinion maybe you have another opinion one but I think that we are waiting to discuss, that's why we are here.
Bye and fell feel free to say what you think.
Have a great time for everyone

Edité par serena le 10-06-2005 14:25
Title corrected too.

Réponse: why try to be on the fashion ? de rockpoetry, postée le 06-06-2005 à 17:53:15 (S | E)
Hi !
Nice topic ! and I agree with you in some ways : being a fashion victim is not that great...Everyone has to feel free to wear what they want.
Nevertheless, in my view, the way you dress up, the way you style your hair, the kind of glasses you wear can reveal a lot of your personality and sometimes your mood too. So, sometimes it does matter, especially if you are going to a job interview...[you'd better watch out]
Anyway, nowadays, there is a recent fad for tatoos and body piercings. I personally am not into that stuff. Well, I guess the fact is that the young need connections with people who share the same interests. Thus, they feel better when they wear the same specific clothing and so on...Actually, I can understand that feeling of belonging, and I am not at all against. What matters is that they don't go to extremes and they keep on being open-minded about the way they think.
For some people, I guess fashion is like a photography of a stage of their life. That's all. Not really the case for my part. Right now, I am what I am, with my casual clothing, I don't need any sequin fashion bag or some other things like that - But, Ok, if some day I become a celebrity, you can easily imagine that I will tell you another kind story...ahaha

Have a nice day !

Edité par serena le 10-06-2005 14:42
Hope you'll be a VIP one day!

Réponse: why trying to be in fashion ? de lethidee, postée le 09-06-2005 à 19:41:37 (S | E)

Is it very so necessary to be on the in fashion ? Isn't it only a game of appearance and attraction? It would become fascination but it depends of on money that we get, of on time and also of on esthetic choice.
I think I'm not really on the in fashion but I have sometimes want to wear this pink Tshirt or this blue dress or these beautiful red shoes.
And what about you ?

Edité par serena le 10-06-2005 14:37

Réponse: why trying to be in fashion ? de mery26, postée le 10-06-2005 à 12:21:05 (S | E)

I like this topic because it actually touches me. I live in a Belgian city (near Charleroi to be precise) where the majority of people (especially 20-30 years) feel bound to follow the latest fashion. I often notice that they carry all the same kind of clothing and the same hairstyles. Lately, geled hair styled in a semi-mohawk falling down along the neck is very popular, as well as wearing jeans and Convers.

For my part, I look at everything and only choose what I really like, without caring about what's in or not. But it's an unusual behaviour here. And I must confess that it really makes me laugh all this agitation and wasted money around useless outfits which will be old-time next year. I can't understand. (I'm not at all a fashion victim).

But don't get me wrong. I'm not telling that choosing a style which you really like it's bad. I have nothing against other people tastes, quite the contrary. I just find ridiculous to want at all cost to follow the latest fashion only to be like everyone else. And, here at Charleroi, it's unfortunately a very marked tendency. And, when you refuse to do so, you are often looked like you are a freak.

So be it, I'm a freak

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