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kids and English
Message de cherry(ilonka04) posté le 29-07-2005 à 12:49:42 (S | E | F | I)

What do you think about this subject: can a very young child start to learn any foreign language? I mean 3 year-old for example. Do you know such a child?

Réponse: kids and English de weena, postée le 31-07-2005 à 23:11:54 (S | E)
Hi Cheery!
It is said that a very young child can learn 6 languages at the same time. I know many 3 years-old children who speak 2 or 3 languages but they've heard those languages since their birth.
I think that a three years-old child can easily learn any foreign language as long as he often hears people speaking this language.

Edité par serena le 01-08-2005 05:23

Réponse: kids and English de serena, postée le 01-08-2005 à 05:32:34 (S | E)
Hi Cherry,

I do agree with weena. A child can learn many languages at the same time, but he needs a specific surrounding so as not to forget them after he stops practising. What a 3 year-old child can "catch" from what he's used to hearing is amazing, his parents just have to help him improve if the language he's learning isn't often spoken.
I know such children. Never doubt that they well and truly exist!

Réponse: kids and English de love2justinb, postée le 01-08-2005 à 16:38:39 (S | E)
I'm really agree with weena!!! she said what I think about this

Edité par jeanmi le 01-08-2005 18:55

Réponse: kids and English de jeanmi, postée le 01-08-2005 à 19:00:08 (S | E)

I think that it has widely been proved that children who live with parents speaking foreign languages can very soon speak both languages and can even make the difference between them. For example if the mother speaks French and the father speaks English, the child will talk in French with his mother and in English with his father without confusing. It has also been proved that these children have great abilities to learn other foreign languages.
How I would have liked to be bred by foreign-speaking parents. My grand-parents could speak Flemish but they only spoke in that language when they didn't want us to understand what they were talking about and so they have never taught us it. What a shame!

Very good question, .

Réponse: kids and English de swimminlee89, postée le 22-08-2005 à 01:38:18 (S | E)
Yes, young children learn very quickly, but they forget it later if they don't practice! I went to a Spanish-speaking preschool but never heard a word of Spanish for ten years after that and gradually I forgot, although I understood more than I could speak. Then, when I started taking French (my school did not offer Spanish) I would hear a French word that is similar to a Spanish word and immediately remember what it meant. Sometimes I confuse myself. I guess the moral is to keep practicing so you don't forget.

Réponse: kids and English de ramoureia, postée le 22-08-2005 à 02:13:55 (S | E)
hi cheery,
about your question if children of three years old are able to learn foreign language,absolutely my answer is.
it is not anything difficult...learning a foreign language is not the same thing as learning how to fly,how to resolv mathematic problems...yet that depends of the child;has this child some difficulties...i mean everybody is different from each other so..;some children will have absolutly no difficulties to learn foreign language,the others will not...

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