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Notion/Forms and places of Power

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Notion/Forms and places of Power
Message de sisousou posté le 13-02-2017 à 01:54:25 (S | E | F)
j'ai mon Bac Blanc la semaine prochaine, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à corriger ma notion sur Forms and places of Power s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The notion I’m going to talk about is the notion of power. It can be defined as the ability or official capacity to exercise control. South Africa is a country which has experienced many changes on 6o years. It was a republic with apartheid and today SA is a democracy with equality between black and white people. So, how did black South Africans achieve recognition? First I will speak about the past oppression, then the recognition with the power sharing and at the end the situation in SA today.

Apartheid was a political and social system in South Africa while it was under white minority rule. This was in use from 1948 to 1994. In the system, the people of South Africa were divided by their race and the races were forced to live apart from each other. There were laws that kept up the racial separation. The white domination had control on blacks, they banned mixed marriages, black freedom of circulation and removed the black right vote. The country was representing by social inequality, domination and submission.

The picture of georg gester illustred perfectly this situation, their a focus of a white bench in the foreground. It divides the picture into two parts and acts as prisonbars .A Europeens with a white shirt and panama hat and a black womans are sitting on each side of the bench. They are ignoring each other. In the background, the rocks symbolize the limits of freedom. In the middle the blacks birds could the whites and treated like animals. This photo is clearly a representation of the appartheid, the separation between whites and coloureds in South Africa in the 70s.The four main idea are the existance of four racial group, the superiority of the white group, because they supposite to be more civilized than other, and the domination by them to black people And finaly the formation of a singl nation with Afrikans.

The opening of the movie Invictus shows the opposition between white and black teenagers during apartheid. The white are playing rugby on a green grass contrary to the black that are playing in wasteland.  Then, there are black movements created to resist to this domination. The end of the Apartheid dates from 1991.Recognition with power sharing: is symbolized by the election of Nelson Mandela in 1994. It was the first black president in SA. He could be elected thanks to the new constitution giving blacks the right to vote. He promotes a message of peace and reconciliation. One scene on “Invictus” shows white and black teenagers playing together thanks to Nelson Mandela.

Other blacks people stood yp against discrimination. This is the case of the students of Soweto in June 16th 1976. They rise up against the laws of the Apertheid. Fortunely, 50 policeman tried to stop them with teargas but after used guns and killed a hundread students.

If SA became a democracy there are still inequalities. All of South afrikans have the same right but a gap between these two communities remains. Black doesn’t have the same living conditions, jobs and doesn’t live in the same places like white. The city of Soweto is an example of this gap.

During the 20th century until now, South Africa has experienced many changes in the way power was distributed and re-distributed: from apartheid and white domination to power-sharing and recognition of black people’s rights. To conclude about our notion of “power”, I can say that the exercise of power in a community requires that its members aaccept a complex system of relations, rules and regulations to create a social cohesion and to live in peace and equality without conflicts.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-02-2017 08:04

Réponse : Notion/Forms and places of Power de laure95, postée le 13-02-2017 à 11:07:34 (S | E)
Où sont les mots de liaison?

- many changes on (pas la bonne préposition)6o years.

- il serait bien de commencer par dire "first".
- minority rule: ?
- In the system: mal dit.
- the (pas de the)people of South Africa were divided by their race and the races were forced to live apart from each other.
- There were laws that kept up the (pas de the)racial separation.
- The country was representing (participe passé)by social inequality, domination and submission.

- illustred: ce mot n'existe pas.
- their (pas le bon mot)a focus of a white bench in the foreground.
- acts as prisonbars: ?
-.A Européens: ce mot n'existe pas.
- a ( A = un, une)black womans are sitting on each side of the bench.
- In the middle the blacks birds could (il manque un verbe)the whites and (il manque BE conujugué)treated like animals.
- coloureds: pas de "s".
- The four main idea (pluriel) are the existance (orthographe)of four racial group (pluriel),
- supposite: ?
- to be more civilized than other (pluriel)
- singl: orthographe.

- un "Second" serait le bienvenu.
- The end of the Apartheid dates (passé) from 1991.
- It (he pas it)was the first black president in SA.
-He promotes (passé)a message of peace and reconciliation.
- One scene on (pas la bonne préposition) “Invictus”

- yp
- This is (passé)the case of the students of Soweto in (on pas in)June 16th 1976.
- They rise (passé) up against the laws of the Apertheid.
- Fortunely
-a hundread

- If SA became (présent perfect)a democracy
- (the) Black doesn’t (faute de conjugaison) have the same living conditions, jobs and doesn’t (faute de conjugaison) live

-During (from pas during)the 20th century until now, South Africa has experienced many changes in the way power was (present perfect) distributed

- conclusion un peu courte.

Réponse : Notion/Forms and places of Power de here4u, postée le 13-02-2017 à 17:41:15 (S | E)
Hello !

The notion I’m going to talk about is the notion of power. It can be defined as the ability or official capacity to exercise control. South Africa is a country which has experienced many changes on 6o years. It was a republic with apartheid and today SA is a democracy with equality between black and white people. So, how did black South Africans achieve recognition?very clumsy! ) First I will speak about the past oppression, then the recognition with the power sharing and at the end the situation in SA today.

Apartheid was a political and social system in South Africa while it was under XXX white minority rule. Revoir la construction.This was in use from 1948 to 1994. In the system, the people of South Africa were divided by their race and the races were forced to live apart from each other. (très mal dit ! A reconstruire) There were laws that kept up the racial separation. The white domination had control on blacks, they??? who are "they"? banned mixed marriages, black freedom of circulation and removed the black right vote. The country was representing by social inequality, domination and submission.

The picture of georg gester illustred perfectlyadverbe mal placé !) this situation XXX, their a focus of a white bench in the foreground. It divides the picture into two parts and acts as prisonbars .A Europeens with a white shirt and A panama hat and a black womans are sitting on each side of the bench. They are ignoring each other. In the background, the rocks symbolize the limits of freedom. In the middle the blacks birds could the whites and treated like animals.Sorry! it doesn't make sense...) This photo is clearly a representation of the appartheid, the separation between whites and coloureds in South Africa in the 70s.The four main idea are the existance of four racial group, the superiority of the white group, because they supposite= are supposed to be more civilized than other, and the domination by them to black people(A revoir!) And finaly the formation of a singlE nation with Afrikans.(really not clear!)

The opening of the movie Invictus shows the opposition between white and black teenagers during apartheid. The white are playing rugby on a green grass contrary to the black that are playing in wasteland. Then, there are black movements created to resist to this domination. The end of the Apartheid dates from 1991.Recognition with power sharing: is symbolized by the election of Nelson Mandela in 1994. It was the first black president in SA. He could be elected thanks to the new constitution giving blacks the right to vote. He promotes a message of peace and reconciliation. One scene on “Invictus” shows white and black teenagers playing together thanks to Nelson Mandela.

Other blacks people stood yp against discrimination. This is the case of the students of Soweto in June 16th 1976. They rise=tense! up against the laws of the Apertheid. Fortunely,???? 50 policeman tried to stop them with teargas but after= later used guns and killed a hundread students.

If SA became a democracy there are still inequalities. All of South afrikans have the same right but a gap between these two communities remains. Black doesn’t have the same living conditions, jobs and doesn’t live in the same places like white. The city???(township!) of Soweto is an example of this gap.

During the 20th century until nowconstruction? , South Africa has experienced many changes in the way power was distributed and re-distributed: from apartheid and white domination to power-sharing and recognition of black people’s rights. To conclude about our notion of “power”, I can say that the exercise of power in a community requires that its members aaccept a complex system of relationsXXXX, rules and regulations to create a social cohesion and to live in peace and equality without conflicts.


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