33527 sujets
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<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | >> |
- Aide/ Traduction (2015-09-23 17:30:53)
- Would you mind/aide (2015-09-07 14:04:10)
- Cds New Bridges 1re (2015-09-05 23:17:45)
- Aide/ sentences (2015-09-07 02:52:10)
- Aide/traduction (2015-09-05 20:38:44)
- Conditionnel /aide (2015-09-05 20:40:25)
- Hot dog/origine (2015-09-05 01:07:37)
- Be/ present perfect -ing (2015-09-04 19:58:36)
- In/at the university (2015-09-08 20:07:22)
- Help recherche DVD let's step in 3e (2015-09-08 22:00:15)
- Expression/delicious food (2015-09-05 07:07:52)
- Cd Join the team 5e 2011 (2015-09-22 22:49:23)
- ch. Cds new meeting point 2nde (2015-09-03 20:39:57)
- Exprimer/ futur (2015-09-04 10:03:56)
- Correction/phrases (2015-09-03 18:31:04)
- New spring 3elv2 (2015-09-04 19:34:25)
- Pourquoi/ to et verbe (2015-09-04 12:07:34)
- The missing vowels/138 (2015-09-08 00:59:06)
- Cds Join the team 4e (2012) (2015-09-20 14:14:56)
- BAC +4 LCE Anglais (2015-09-02 13:18:17)
- Of / of up to (2015-09-02 09:30:01)
- Cd enjoy English 3e (2015-09-02 17:40:31)
- Correction/phrases (2015-08-31 15:47:20)
- Question /-ing (2015-09-02 13:27:19)
- Cover letter - correction (2015-08-31 09:32:57)
- The grace/aide (2015-08-31 23:29:28)
- Together 3e (2015-08-30 18:08:05)
- Description/ stage (2015-08-30 17:22:17)
- Article/aide (2015-09-02 00:29:38)
- Exercice 52/resuming work... (2015-09-14 11:23:38)
- CD classe Enjoy 4è (2015-08-29 20:36:36)
- Traduction /mériter (2015-08-29 14:46:06)
- Modal verb/present perfect (2015-09-02 15:03:49)
- Modaux/ présent simple (2015-08-31 13:52:31)
- We don't get .../help (2015-08-28 22:05:57)
- Recherche CDs New Enjoy English 5ème (2015-10-02 21:07:09)
- Cherche CD classe Connect 6e (2015-09-03 09:03:28)
- The missing vowels/137 (2015-09-07 12:47:56)
- Recherche CD New Enjoy 5e (2015-08-28 20:09:04)
- Recherche CD Welcome 3e (2015-09-02 17:41:13)
- Recherche CD New Connect 4e (2015-08-26 12:27:50)
- Traduction/Right about now (2015-08-29 16:52:51)
- Movement of labour/essai (2015-08-25 14:11:44)
- Terminaison/v+ing ou infinitif (2015-08-25 22:00:24)
- Vouloir/Will ou Want (2015-08-26 18:07:13)
- Cache-rail/aide (2015-08-24 09:58:54)
- Introduce myself/Correction (2015-08-25 14:01:10)
- Exercice 51/Still a rest (2015-09-01 00:03:05)
- Conjugaison/aide (2015-08-22 23:02:41)
- Books/easy to read (2015-08-21 13:52:23)
- Essai/External appearances (2015-08-25 13:41:22)
- Construction/pronom relatif (2015-08-21 01:32:57)
- Essai/Middle East (2015-08-20 16:33:07)
- Liste/ make-do (2015-08-21 07:03:15)
- The missing vowels/136 (2015-08-26 17:21:58)
- Réforme 3ème LV1, informations ? (2015-08-19 16:56:55)
- Correction/scholarship (2015-08-19 01:31:40)
- Passages/aide (2015-08-19 20:39:57)
- Quantifieurs/ some any (2015-08-21 01:39:12)
- Progression pour cours à des adultes (2015-08-17 19:47:50)
- Faire faire/aide (2015-08-18 11:15:38)
- CDs originaux collège (2015-09-07 21:20:11)
- Prétérit / Present perfect (2015-08-17 01:21:23)
- Phrasal verbs/wake up (2015-08-19 09:25:08)
- Traduction/aide (2015-08-17 10:55:55)
- Have-had/help (2015-08-21 14:50:51)
- Did you see/ Have you seen (2015-08-16 01:53:02)
- Comparatif d'infériorité/aide (2015-08-15 15:25:12)
- Correction / phrase (2015-08-15 14:41:10)
- Recherche cd classe new connect 4e (2015-08-14 16:29:11)
- CLG | recherche CD classe + livre prof (2015-08-14 16:11:15)
- Télé-Radio/ anglaise (2015-08-14 19:22:21)
- It et verbe/aide (2015-08-13 21:40:34)
- Duke Ellington/citation (2015-08-14 14:52:45)
- The missing vowels/135 (2015-08-20 12:07:45)
- Choisir/ like et as (2015-08-13 15:14:19)
- Exercice 50 / Holiday (2015-08-22 22:27:05)
- Recherche CD Classes (2015-08-25 23:39:06)
- Diversity 2nde New Bridges 1ere Term (2015-08-11 08:15:17)
- Toefl /never satisfied (2015-08-11 20:45:58)
- Verbes inchoatifs/aide (2015-08-10 18:00:23)
- Correction /mémoire (2015-08-08 22:41:05)
- Mailing /stage (2015-08-10 14:49:54)
- For or to /help (2015-08-08 19:06:55)
- New enjoy 4e cdrom la galère- help!!! (2015-08-07 03:04:39)
- Traduction/aide (2015-08-06 18:08:58)
- Haven't / don't have (2015-08-06 20:48:33)
- Nuance / Off et Down (2015-08-06 12:32:11)
- The missing vowels/134 (2015-08-12 16:24:33)
- Correction/shopping choices (2015-08-09 21:32:54)
- Question Licence1 LEA (2015-09-02 13:20:53)
- Can / Would (2015-08-22 20:27:22)
- Question /refer to (2015-08-05 00:23:16)
- The first one/aide (2015-08-04 22:03:29)
- Echange cds classe (2015-08-04 15:04:07)
- Possessif/aide (2015-08-05 08:22:29)
- Utilisation/where (2015-08-05 10:59:58)
- Politesse/aide (2015-08-03 12:37:02)
- E for English 4e (2015-08-28 16:01:50)
- Construction /génitif (2015-08-04 22:10:38)
- Adverbials/help (2015-08-02 15:11:24)
- Indénombrable/ rubbish (2015-08-06 15:10:13)
- Was to/aide (2015-08-01 17:55:04)
- Préposition /aide (2015-08-02 09:35:38)
- Understanding/ problem (2015-08-21 15:11:33)
- Exercice 49/Eager to work and play (2015-08-13 23:50:54)
- Rédaction/caméras (2015-08-10 03:39:07)
- E-mail commercial/aide (2015-07-31 00:24:22)
- The missing vowels/133 (2015-08-07 11:50:07)
- Job, task/other word (2015-07-30 10:31:41)
- Nouveaux professeurs d'anglais (2015-08-11 12:00:11)
- Rédaction /aide (2015-07-30 23:29:19)
- E for English CD (2015-07-29 20:02:15)
- Taille-pouces/aide (2015-07-29 08:49:17)
- Interrogative form (2015-07-28 15:11:04)
- Conversation/help (2015-07-28 08:53:06)
- Proposition/to be done (2015-07-28 08:46:04)
- CD Enjoy 5-4° anciennes versions (2015-07-29 20:01:06)
- Daeu (2015-07-27 00:50:47)
- Difference/ who-whom (2015-07-26 18:00:32)
- Later/adverbe ou adjectif (2015-07-27 13:33:33)
- Liste / to get (2015-07-26 13:31:25)
- L'une chante... /Thème (2015-08-28 19:19:50)
- Quite/adjectif (2015-07-27 13:34:33)
- Already-just-yet /temps (2015-07-30 18:16:26)
- The missing vowels/132 (2015-07-26 19:20:07)
- Oral /association (2015-07-22 19:09:14)
- Vidéos pr oraux BTS CGO - OL - Banque (2015-07-24 16:39:07)
- Stop or quit/which one (2015-07-22 18:09:10)
- Participe Passé/adjectif (2015-08-01 09:46:52)
- Capes externe anglais (renseignements) (2015-07-22 01:18:37)
- Aide/ voix passive (2015-07-22 09:17:22)
- What / How (2015-07-22 09:14:46)
- Aide/2 phrases (2015-07-19 17:40:18)
- Aide / wish (2015-07-19 17:40:27)
- Exercice 48/Toujours affamés (2015-08-03 16:50:43)
- I'd have to say so/sens? (2015-07-19 15:40:12)
- Translation/ problem (2015-08-01 01:15:49)
- Aide/déguisement (2015-07-17 16:12:31)
- Mail motivation/correction (2015-07-20 02:11:16)
- My girlfriend and I/aide (2015-07-16 12:37:05)
- Structure/comparatif (2015-07-17 01:52:26)
- Prépositions/ correction (2015-07-15 20:00:53)
- Correction/lettre motivation (2015-07-15 10:55:47)
- From here on/aide (2015-07-14 19:21:26)
- Trouver le temps/ verbe (2015-07-14 02:10:48)
- The new Apple pie Cassettes classe (2015-07-13 20:07:13)
- To be involved/aide (2015-07-14 08:37:52)
- échange CD classe (2015-07-19 14:42:53)
- Welcome 3e (2015-08-10 19:59:27)
- Aide/reformulation (2015-07-11 14:34:21)
- Ex. 47/Feeding the Hungry (2015-07-22 20:14:14)
- Rédaction/vacances (2015-07-11 00:08:07)
- Really/Place (2015-07-11 23:17:22)
- LLCE/ L2 (2015-07-13 20:46:46)
- Aide/assise dans l'herbe (2015-07-10 23:22:50)
- Determiner/Pronoun (2015-07-13 10:43:25)
- The missing vowels/131 (2015-07-20 02:07:27)
- La livre/aide (2015-07-11 00:16:32)
- CD welcome 5e (2015-07-08 15:17:48)
- Together 6e (2015-07-28 08:47:08)
- Used to/aide (2015-07-07 16:28:04)
- Aide/Traduction (2015-07-19 16:29:04)
- Passive /verb tense (2015-07-10 08:52:13)
- Simple subject/subject (2015-07-06 04:11:11)
- Utilisation /The (2015-07-05 16:12:08)
- Adverbes fréquence/place (2015-07-05 20:58:17)
- Prononciation /Worth-Wrath-Worse (2015-07-05 12:01:20)
- Préparation/ TOEIC (2015-07-06 10:55:03)
- Admise au CAPES-CAPLP (2015-07-06 19:37:18)
- Traduction/wildertones (2015-07-16 13:01:09)
- It got to be /aide (2015-07-05 13:17:19)
- Correction /CV (2015-07-03 19:47:11)
- No such thing /aide (2015-07-03 08:53:12)
- The missing vowels/130 (2015-07-02 23:09:09)
- Licence1études anglophones et Toefl (2015-07-02 23:04:50)
- Question/structure (2015-07-01 14:02:04)
- Expression/all over creation (2015-07-01 22:04:08)
- New Enjoy 3e - New Join the team 3e (2015-06-30 21:45:12)
- Correction/ lettre motivation (2015-06-30 16:58:46)
- Play me like.../sens (2015-06-30 17:55:38)
- Sens /should (2015-06-29 19:52:02)
- Let me do/aide (2015-06-29 19:11:34)
- Aide/traduction (2015-07-02 15:03:16)
- Question /Shall (2015-06-28 14:27:55)
- Oral/ Idea of progress (2015-06-28 11:35:28)
- Oral/ Places and forms of power (2015-06-28 11:33:16)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-06-28 11:30:26)
- Oral/Myths and heroes (2015-06-28 11:27:05)
- Gap fillers/aide (2015-06-28 13:07:41)
- Identical twins/Version (2015-07-29 19:43:43)
- Action/déroulement (2015-06-29 00:17:10)
- Supprimer nom/aide (2015-06-27 14:46:57)
- Exercise 46/Stay hungry (2015-07-11 23:14:34)
- Question/when are we (2015-06-27 16:06:37)
- Histoire/the chief (2015-06-30 14:45:11)
- Easy Goals Palier 2 (2015-06-26 10:39:11)
- Negation/help (2015-07-09 19:30:20)
- Aide /restait à faire (2015-06-25 19:07:49)
- The missing vowels/129 (2015-07-20 02:16:10)
- Possession/ aide (2015-06-26 12:59:11)
- JTT 4e 2012 (2015-06-29 15:45:41)
- Utilisation/construction temps (2015-06-24 20:27:07)
- Terme correct/hyper (2015-06-25 10:17:23)
- Différence/gérondif et V-ing (2015-06-24 18:59:35)
- Futur proche/Toeic (2015-06-26 07:52:07)
- Dossier/ Myths and Heroes (2015-06-24 00:25:15)
- Correction/Mythes et héros (2015-06-23 23:51:15)
- Astuces /conversation (2015-06-29 14:17:17)
- Aide/I can suit out (2015-06-23 00:25:58)
- Lettre motivation/aide (2015-06-23 12:10:24)
- Here we go 6e (2015-06-22 21:12:14)
- Do ou pas/aide (2015-06-22 19:47:55)
- Aide/lettre motivation (2015-06-24 22:45:39)
- Aide/ pronoms (2015-06-22 12:30:40)
- Place /Always (2015-06-22 07:55:35)
- Résumé/œnologie (2015-06-21 11:39:45)
- CD DVD E for English 3e (2015-06-22 16:21:27)
- How we liking /aide (2015-06-19 20:02:24)
- Aide/traduction FO's (2015-06-18 23:20:59)
- Passer CAPES-CAFEP Master étranger (2015-06-18 18:39:57)
- Meant to be/aide (2015-06-19 10:43:05)
- Oral BTS /aide (2015-06-18 19:13:36)
- Present /Present Perfect -ing (2015-06-18 10:38:46)
- The missing vowels/128 (2015-06-21 11:23:17)
- Exercice 45/Toujours affamés (2015-06-30 18:57:00)
- Employer The/aide (2015-06-19 02:31:42)
- All beer and skittles/aide (2015-06-16 15:30:55)
- Correction /South Italy (2015-06-15 23:01:55)
- Oral 3e/ présentation (2015-06-16 21:34:14)
- Aide /CV (2015-07-05 16:26:04)
- Correction/Bac S-LV1 (2015-06-15 13:01:36)
- Passer par /Passer pour (2015-06-16 10:11:02)
- Help/when avec will (2015-06-15 10:15:53)
- Traduction/make do (2015-06-17 22:08:06)
- Correct/Ukraine (2015-06-26 03:33:26)
- Yet - as yet/aide (2015-06-14 23:45:59)
- Traduction/near as (2015-06-14 20:15:28)
- Aide/Concordance des temps (2015-06-14 20:05:23)
- Correction CV/aide (2015-06-14 03:05:11)
- That / aide (2015-06-14 18:54:05)
- Aide /at all (2015-06-15 13:55:58)
- Aide /été à l'étranger (2015-06-13 16:02:56)
- Wordreference /aide (2015-06-14 23:06:38)
- Aide/Voyage Brésil (2015-06-14 14:13:09)
- Celui qui écrit /aide (2015-06-13 10:48:02)
- Correction /stage (2015-06-12 00:37:51)
- Correction /essai (2015-06-12 00:00:20)
- You are /You is (2015-06-11 19:25:22)
- Dictionnaire/phonétique (2015-06-18 15:40:59)
- The missing vowels/127 (2015-06-15 01:18:20)
- Avis/ plan (2015-06-23 18:29:54)
- Oral/Children literature (2015-06-12 10:49:32)
- Aide/télé-réalité (2015-06-13 21:17:46)
- Help/missing coins (2015-06-30 10:31:23)
- Bac/ Idée de progrès (2015-06-10 20:56:57)
- LEA/ anglais-italien (2015-06-09 20:08:08)
- Qui peut corriger/oral (2015-06-16 14:00:38)
- CV /aide (2015-06-08 18:27:45)
- Correction/remerciements (2015-06-08 22:21:30)
- Correction/fantôme (2015-06-08 23:28:46)
- Correction/summary (2015-06-10 03:40:34)
- Traduction / outils (2015-06-08 10:58:00)
- Encore mieux/better yet (2015-06-10 10:30:52)
- Correction/mail /// (2015-06-07 17:52:34)
- Surgery/expression écrite (2015-06-07 12:35:03)
- Question/account for (2015-06-07 09:51:58)
- Verbes irréguliers/2 formes (2015-06-08 00:51:42)
- Need to be +ing/aide (2015-06-09 21:54:36)
- Exercise 44/Don't give up (2015-06-18 00:33:51)
- Texte /correction (2015-06-07 16:03:25)
- Since-For/help (2015-06-06 20:47:12)
- Bac/Places and forms of power (2015-06-07 00:23:36)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2015-06-08 18:25:19)
- Expression /beat it out (2015-06-06 19:22:08)
- Away/ traduction (2015-06-06 17:32:42)
- Prepositions/help (2015-06-06 17:22:04)
- Slogan /aide (2015-06-06 10:05:25)
- In the street /On the street (2015-06-07 08:24:55)
- Correction/ ///summary (2015-06-05 18:46:36)
- Aide/Covering letter (2015-06-08 00:48:07)
- Aide /CV (2015-06-05 12:49:03)
- Let's Step In 4e (2015-06-06 12:12:11)
- Problématique/aide (2015-06-04 22:22:31)
- Conjugaison/aide (2015-06-04 15:27:28)
- Conjugaison /aide (2015-06-04 12:39:52)
- The missing vowels/126 (2015-06-10 23:13:17)
- XL Anglais 1re CD classe (2015-06-03 17:04:50)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2015-06-05 11:43:45)
- Aide/rapport de stage (2015-06-03 15:14:13)
- Welcome 5e (2015-06-03 13:16:26)
- Idea of progress /Bac (2015-06-03 16:31:00)
- Correction/Internet objets (2015-06-02 22:10:27)
- Bac/ Idée de progrès (2015-06-01 19:15:06)
- Oral/espaces et échanges (2015-05-31 11:36:13)
- Correction/Live abroad (2015-05-30 22:15:56)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2015-06-01 18:41:27)
- Bac/Mythes et héros (2015-06-01 18:44:10)
- Exercice 43/Going on (2015-06-09 00:29:59)
- Bac/Places and forms of power (2015-05-31 19:29:08)
- Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2015-06-01 19:28:30)
- Oral /Littérature étrangère (2015-05-29 15:07:14)
- Correction/Extrait de livre (2015-05-28 18:34:10)
- Join the Team 5e 2011 (2015-05-28 18:49:12)
- Oral /Notion of progress (2015-05-28 18:15:30)
- Probably / Unlikely (2015-05-30 11:17:54)
- The missing vowels/125 (2015-05-28 13:24:52)
- Aide/there's got to ... (2015-05-31 23:40:32)
- Correction////// (2015-05-28 01:09:37)
- Les moyens de transport (2015-05-27 21:33:45)
- I would think/ I think (2015-05-29 08:57:26)
- Standing up straight/debout (2015-05-28 00:35:55)
- Correction/Summer camp (2015-05-28 11:34:14)
- Correction/Scotland (2015-05-26 19:57:13)
- Traduction /immobilier (2015-05-27 15:15:31)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2015-05-26 18:41:32)
- Squeeze/traduction (2015-05-26 14:42:22)
- Aide/ périphrase (2015-05-26 16:23:38)
- Murder investigation/Version (2015-06-29 00:22:44)
- Correction/ texte (2015-05-27 14:24:08)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-27 12:35:53)
- Mean /quel sens (2015-05-26 00:28:15)
- Infinitive /Gerund (2015-05-26 08:01:14)
- Of + Possessif /aide (2015-05-26 08:07:10)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2015-05-25 11:04:39)
- Article/ fast food (2015-05-24 12:15:47)
- Le verbe/Finir (2015-05-27 23:00:34)
- Oral/Myths and heroes (2015-05-23 21:21:13)
- Oral/motorcycles (2015-05-24 11:31:50)
- Oral/Spaces and Exchanges (2015-05-24 14:07:14)
- Past simple/present perfect (2015-05-23 13:15:34)
- Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2015-05-23 18:23:26)
- Exercice 42/Hold on! (2015-05-31 18:56:48)
- Working from home/aide (2015-05-23 00:22:55)
- Notions/lesquelles (2015-05-31 11:33:49)
- Aide/ regular ones (2015-05-21 18:23:16)
- Ahead-whole/aide (2015-05-21 18:20:10)
- Aide/oral Bac Pro (2015-05-21 17:55:38)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2015-05-22 21:46:14)
- Correction/ paragraphe (2015-05-21 11:40:16)
- The missing vowels/124 (2015-05-25 03:22:44)
- Bac/ Idée de progrès (2015-05-21 11:59:45)
- Rapport / synthèse (2015-05-21 11:57:35)
- Lettre /aide (2015-05-20 19:04:10)
- Oral/Idée de progrès (2015-05-20 18:06:41)
- Difficulté/ passif (2015-05-21 20:27:39)
- Oral/Espaces et Echanges (2015-05-20 22:21:09)
- Oral/ Places and forms of power (2015-05-25 17:49:37)
- Problématique/ pouvoir (2015-05-20 16:00:18)
- Préfixe In / Un (2015-05-20 13:53:29)
- Who/what (2015-05-24 21:49:50)
- Améliorer / accent (2015-05-20 19:24:21)
- Correction / motivation (2015-05-22 14:58:09)
- Oral /BTS (2015-05-19 20:39:27)
- Compte-rendu /stage (2015-06-06 01:50:22)
- Enumération /aide (2015-05-19 19:36:54)
- Oral/Independence (2015-05-20 16:44:21)
- Without any doubt/Doubtless (2015-05-18 23:17:13)
- The more, the more/aide (2015-05-18 02:33:35)
- Dialogue/aide (2015-05-18 20:57:39)
- Oral/ Interwiew (2015-05-17 23:17:52)
- Past perfect simple/-ing (2015-05-18 02:23:44)
- Aide/ notions (2015-05-17 18:00:59)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2015-05-17 15:29:57)
- Passif/correction (2015-05-19 22:35:12)
- Tell about/help (2015-05-17 12:38:30)
- Traduction/niveau d'études (2015-05-16 20:24:26)
- Bac/Places and forms of power (2015-05-16 16:29:16)
- Oral/Myths and heroes (2015-05-19 22:05:29)
- Notion /espace et échange (2015-05-18 17:11:30)
- Aide/réseaux sociaux (2015-05-16 15:24:47)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-18 21:46:30)
- Oral/Lieux et formes pouvoir (2015-05-18 14:29:02)
- Oral/Espaces et échanges (2015-05-17 00:05:37)
- Oral/Myths and heroes (2015-05-17 00:25:27)
- Oral/Idée de progrès (2015-05-17 22:38:29)
- Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2015-05-17 15:25:57)
- Conseil/apprendre l'anglais (2015-05-15 18:45:13)
- Oral/mythes et héros (2015-05-16 10:20:57)
- Notion/Mythes et héros (2015-05-18 17:32:34)
- Space and exchanges/oral (2015-05-16 23:41:15)
- Oral/ Places and forms of power (2015-05-15 14:29:47)
- Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2015-05-15 13:42:35)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-15 13:41:17)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2015-05-18 18:51:08)
- Bac/places and exchanges (2015-05-17 19:34:37)
- Grammar //// (2015-05-15 12:30:23)
- Big Brother 2/Correction (2015-05-18 13:10:59)
- Idea of progress/Oral (2015-05-16 09:57:12)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2015-05-16 13:48:23)
- Résumé/ mémoire (2015-05-14 20:20:33)
- Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2015-05-16 13:38:23)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2015-05-14 18:35:34)
- Oral/ Places and forms of power (2015-05-30 18:56:26)
- Oral/Work placement (2015-05-14 15:24:34)
- Movie /correction (2015-05-14 14:12:43)
- Hi there 4è (2015-05-14 13:19:44)
- Oral/Places and forms of power (2015-05-15 19:22:05)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-15 19:14:37)
- Oral /Myths and Heroes (2015-05-15 13:38:55)
- The missing vowels/123 (2015-05-14 18:46:58)
- Exercice 41 /a new one (2015-05-23 13:21:32)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-14 18:42:49)
- Bac/myths and heroes (2015-05-14 18:27:00)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-14 17:59:36)
- Préposition/To (2015-05-13 12:17:38)
- Traduction/Bien fait (2015-05-13 12:13:42)
- Bac/Espaces et échanges (2015-05-14 15:55:22)
- Bac/Espaces et échanges (2015-05-17 20:52:53)
- Dialogue/aide (2015-05-13 18:43:40)
- Bac/Myths and Heroes (2015-05-13 20:31:06)
- Test/place des adverbes (2015-05-12 21:27:54)
- Oral/ Espaces et échanges (2015-05-13 12:09:54)
- Oral/Idée de progrès (2015-05-13 14:50:24)
- Bac /Myths and heroes (2015-05-11 22:45:17)
- Bac/Idea of progress (2015-05-16 23:46:58)
- CV /aide (2015-05-13 09:58:17)
- Video /Presentation (2015-05-11 17:42:12)
- Oral/places and forms of power (2015-05-11 17:31:16)
- Him talk/his talking (2015-05-11 13:19:07)
- Conditionnel /aide (2015-05-11 10:40:54)
- Commenter / sondage (2015-05-10 21:19:21)
- Myths and heroes/Bac /// (2015-05-10 21:20:57)
- Bac/Places and forms of power (2015-05-11 00:43:24)
- Bac/Spaces and forms of power (2015-05-16 20:33:46)
- Idea of progress/Oral (2015-05-13 13:45:58)
- Bac /Mythes et héros/// (2015-05-10 17:49:22)
- Bac/Myths and Heroes (2015-05-10 19:50:57)
- Bac/lieux et forme de pouvoir (2015-05-10 17:34:35)
- Spaces and exchanges/oral (2015-05-10 18:50:49)
- Phrasal verbs/aide (2015-05-10 15:13:40)
- Prépositions/Thème (2015-05-29 08:42:40)
- Correction/Abstract (2015-05-10 12:39:45)
- Oral/Idea of progress (2015-05-10 12:24:22)
- Correction/Histoire (2015-05-19 23:24:48)
- Traduction/destin (2015-05-09 22:16:33)
- English tenses/aide (2015-05-10 00:10:08)
- Correction/phrases (2015-05-10 20:53:10)
- Bac/Lieu et forme de pouvoir (2015-05-09 19:38:09)
- Aide/citation (2015-05-15 18:21:27)
- Bac/ Idée de progrès (2015-05-09 15:22:56)
- Bac/Spaces and Exchanges (2015-05-09 14:27:51)
- Bac/ places and forms of power (2015-05-11 16:55:18)
- Farther or Further/aide (2015-05-10 18:23:01)
- Notion /espace et échange (2015-05-09 01:07:39)
- Cette phrase/ correcte (2015-05-09 19:02:13)
- Short answers/aide (2015-05-09 10:24:47)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2015-05-11 13:24:11)
- Bac/Lieux et formes pouvoir (2015-05-09 18:08:08)
- Bac/Idea Of Progress (2015-05-10 16:02:36)
- Spaces and exchanges/Bac (2015-05-10 14:17:56)
- Idea of Progress/aide (2015-05-10 14:27:45)
- Bac/Idée de progrès (2015-05-10 09:38:09)
- A most violent year/aide (2015-05-08 14:37:48)
- Without / But that (2015-05-09 09:26:57)
- Clothes/expression (2015-05-09 09:14:18)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2015-05-08 19:17:21)
- Notion/Idée de progrès (2015-05-07 23:20:25)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-08 13:53:15)
- The missing vowels/122 (2015-05-13 13:20:16)
- Avis/ mythes et héros (2015-05-07 17:31:02)
- Devoir/Meeting a singer (2015-05-06 23:00:08)
- Spaces and exchanges/Bac (2015-05-07 17:39:49)
- Correction/ Lettre motivation (2015-05-06 17:45:28)
- Places and forms of power/aide (2015-05-08 10:45:57)
- Any so/ aide (2015-05-06 19:13:59)
- Bac/ idea of progress (2015-05-06 17:18:57)
- Exposé/ high school proms (2015-05-06 12:04:54)
- Correction /How far (2015-05-06 02:29:22)
- Notion/ Myths and Heroes (2015-05-06 14:15:04)
- Subjonctif /Indicatif (2015-05-05 18:56:43)
- Shed-spread/différence (2015-05-05 12:38:40)
- Bac/Locations and power (2015-05-15 09:36:13)
- Exercice 40/Let's not stop (2015-05-14 23:59:00)
- Aide/Master spécialisé (2015-05-04 22:32:53)
- Idea of progress/Bac (2015-05-05 12:25:06)
- Aide/compréhension orale (2015-05-09 18:25:10)
- Oral /Américanisation (2015-05-05 21:57:30)
- Too-This-That/aide (2015-05-04 12:47:07)
- Feel annoyed/aide (2015-05-04 12:47:31)
- Correction//// (2015-05-04 00:46:10)
- Discours indirect /date (2015-05-03 22:54:33)
- Oral/Lieux et formes de pouvoir (2015-05-04 16:47:28)
- Correction /Vie de femme (2015-05-04 00:52:18)
- Oral /Flying (2015-05-03 20:35:19)
- Oral /Sydney (2015-05-03 17:40:54)
- Oral bac pro // (2015-05-03 17:48:30)
- Oral/Arsenal FC (2015-05-03 20:07:00)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-05-03 17:15:08)
- Oral/ Places and forms of power (2015-05-04 18:31:44)
- Oral/ Places and forms of power (2015-05-03 19:00:35)
- Correction/IT community (2015-05-03 13:00:01)
- Projet technique/aide (2015-05-03 15:14:28)
- Bac/Myths and heroes (2015-05-06 21:50:37)
- Aide/lettre motivation (2015-05-03 00:11:20)
- Help/cost of living (2015-05-02 23:38:11)
- Oral/Myths and Heroes (2015-05-04 00:33:02)
- Aide/ Lettre motivation (2015-05-02 15:13:27)
- Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir (2015-05-03 19:03:40)
- Lettre motivation /aide (2015-05-03 16:18:24)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2015-05-12 22:47:21)
- Oral/ American Dream (2015-05-02 19:15:28)
- Whenever /Anytime (2015-05-03 10:17:46)
- Correction/ littérature (2015-05-02 11:36:30)
- Oral/Places and forms of Power (2015-05-04 00:23:25)
- Notion/Places and forms of power (2015-05-05 15:05:59)
- Aide/Lieux et forme pouvoir (2015-05-01 18:12:17)
- Oral/Idée de progrès (2015-05-02 16:45:17)
- Bac/Myths and Heroes (2015-05-10 20:31:43)
- To meet a reserve/aide (2015-05-01 19:24:53)
- Notion/spaces and exchanges (2015-05-06 14:17:51)
- I regret that/aide (2015-05-01 17:11:11)
- Writing project/com (2015-04-30 23:06:04)
- BTS Anglais (2015-04-30 22:27:46)
- Correction / motivation (2015-04-30 21:45:31)
- Myths and heroes/aide (2015-05-10 19:43:27)
- Lettre/ classe européenne (2015-04-30 20:24:02)
- Bac/Idea of Progress (2015-04-30 16:56:10)
- Correction/Writer (2015-04-30 18:19:19)
- Bac/Mythes et héros (2015-05-02 08:47:33)
- Bac/lieux et pouvoir (2015-05-04 21:46:39)
- Appropriate use/Seat-Sit (2015-04-30 14:43:35)
- Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir (2015-05-08 16:12:27)
- Oral/Idea of progress (2015-05-04 20:41:53)
- The missing vowels/121 (2015-05-01 02:56:54)
- Oral/Bac pro (2015-05-01 10:15:42)
- What I did/ yesterday (2015-05-07 13:17:15)
- Bac/espace et échanges (2015-05-01 11:33:48)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-04-29 15:52:37)
- Bac/lieux et pouvoir (2015-04-30 11:54:05)
- Oral/Mythes et héros (2015-04-30 00:04:26)
- Construction/phrases (2015-04-30 19:27:29)
- Oral/lieu et forme de pouvoir (2015-04-29 12:29:34)
- Correction/Progress (2015-04-29 00:10:27)
- Aide/ rédaction CV (2015-04-28 20:01:51)
- Aide /Traductions (2015-04-29 22:17:10)
- Aide/Which place to live? (2015-04-28 17:48:23)
- CDs collège (2015-04-29 12:33:36)
- Anglicisme / phrase (2015-05-04 13:33:46)
- Traduction/culture (2015-04-28 12:32:34)
- Correction /critique livre (2015-04-28 12:11:55)
- Traduction/Real Estate (2015-04-27 15:52:29)
- Oral/Idea of progress (2015-04-30 20:27:16)
- Exercise /exercises (2015-04-27 19:33:27)
- Synthèse/ Financial Times (2015-04-27 12:42:53)
- Aide/be one sorry individual (2015-04-27 22:01:16)
- Correction/Spaces and Exchanges (2015-04-26 21:56:17)
- Phrases /Comparatif (2015-04-27 22:44:09)
- Oral/formes et lieux de pouvoir (2015-05-04 09:14:25)
- Bac/ Idée de progrès (2015-05-01 00:00:44)
- Bac/ Idée de progrès (2015-04-26 17:37:45)
- Oral/mythes et héros (2015-04-30 16:08:31)
- Oral/ Espaces et échanges (2015-04-30 16:10:15)
- Correction/Expression orale (2015-04-27 10:16:31)
- A sentence/help (2015-04-26 09:19:56)
- Immigration / USA (2015-04-30 23:16:22)
- Present perfect /prétérit (2015-04-26 08:47:18)
- Bac/Space and Exchange (2015-04-26 13:21:30)
- Oral /Myths and Heroes (2015-04-26 00:15:03)
- Exercice 39/Toujours plus loin (2015-05-05 22:44:20)
- Aide/le Roi Lion (2015-04-26 16:45:16)
- Traduction /aide (2015-04-25 22:39:11)
- Employer/ futur antérieur (2015-04-25 17:00:48)
- Idea of progress /aide (2015-04-25 13:24:55)
- Places and forms of power/aide (2015-04-25 13:21:46)
- Myths and heroes /aide (2015-04-25 13:20:01)
- Spaces and exchanges /aide (2015-04-25 13:13:24)
- Pendant/ durant, tout (2015-04-25 10:25:39)
- Idea of progress/Bac (2015-04-26 21:38:23)
- Bac/Spaces and exchanges (2015-04-25 23:14:12)
- Oral/Spaces and exchanges (2015-04-24 19:31:24)
- Oral/myths and heroes (2015-04-24 16:54:55)
- Essay/Rewarding employees (2015-04-25 16:15:53)
- Aide /Idea of progress (2015-04-25 22:45:16)
- Correction /photo (2015-04-24 10:37:32)
- Oral /Idée de progrès (2015-04-24 09:36:02)
- Aide/Spaces and Exchanges (2015-04-24 13:31:09)
- A better person /aide (2015-04-23 18:30:50)
- Cloud up/over (2015-04-23 18:59:26)
- Visite du chateau de Douvres (2015-04-23 16:41:12)
- Recherche CD Classe SPRING 5e (2015-04-24 15:02:23)
- Aide/ Forms and locations (2015-05-05 15:17:03)
- Correction /crime story (2015-04-23 14:16:54)
- Correction/Spaces and Exchanges (2015-04-23 12:22:08)
- Aide/ /lettre motivation (2015-04-23 11:23:41)
- Aide/Gap year (2015-04-23 11:09:06)
- The missing vowels/120 (2015-04-24 00:51:10)
- Or otherwise /traduction (2015-04-23 23:12:09)
- Correction /idea of progress (2015-04-22 22:43:46)
- Idea of progress/aide (2015-04-22 19:05:18)
- Mythes et héros/aide (2015-04-22 18:37:41)
- Essay/correction (2015-04-22 18:30:06)
- Oral/forme et pouvoir (2015-04-23 16:06:20)
- Correction/devoir (2015-04-22 17:34:05)
- Kon Tiki Movie/correction (2015-04-23 17:18:51)
- Correction /myths and heroes (2015-04-21 22:29:06)
- Have been/Had been (2015-04-22 11:46:51)
- Correction/ idée de progrès (2015-04-22 17:00:52)
- Bac/idea of progress (2015-04-22 17:42:13)
- Kind of flimsy/traduction (2015-04-21 21:00:34)
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