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Epreuve d'anglais au Brevet 2001
Un sujet pour les cracs! Un sujet (trop?) compliqué et très (trop?) long. Les points de grammaire abordés sont assez compliqués pour ce niveau, et la notation est assez stricte. Bonne chance! Vous avez 1h30! |
L'orthographe et la présentation sont notées sur 2 points.
Lunchtime at Monroe was always the same. When the bell rang at the end of morning
classes, students went to their lockers. Then the ones who didn't eat in the
cafeteria took their lunches to the quad: a large square in the centre of the
school. It was the eating-and-meeting place.
The inside of the quad was no-man's land. To get from one side to the other,
students walked around the quad. Nobody at Monroe walked across the quad. Everybody
knew it, so nobody did it.
Then one day, a new student arrived. She was called Lisa. she was nice, but
she didn't make friends easily. She was timid and her clothes were... just not
right. It was her first day, and the morning was difficult. She couldn't find
her classes and arrived late to each one. Finally, the lunch bell rang. She
went to her locker to get her lunch and her books for all her afternoon classes.
Lisa walked across the quad to her class. She was in the centre of the quad
when she realised something was wrong. It was absolutely silent and hundreds
of eyes were watching her. Cruel, cold, mocking eyes.
Lisa fell. She was in the centre of the quad, and she couldn't get up. All those
faces started laughing at her, fingers pointing at her. She was terrified. She
couldn't move.
From the perimeter, a tall boy appeared. He was walking rigidly to the centre,
to Lisa. The laughter got quieter, and then it stopped. The boy walked in the
silence, his eyes fixed on the girl. He simply picked up her lunch bag and the
books, then he put his arm under hers and looked into her eyes. She stood up.
They walked across the silent quad, and the people on the perimeter moved to
let them pass.
The next day, at lunchtime, a bizarre thing happened. When the bell rang at
the end of the morning classes, from all parts of the school, different groups
of students walked across the quad. No one could say why it was okay now, but
it was.
Adapted from "Nobody Does That", by Chris Blake (Esay Going, Septemeber
/ October 1999).
Exercice 1:
Ce document est extrait:
- d'un roman
- d'une nouvelle publiée dans un magazine
- d'une biographie de Marilyn Monroe
- d'un article de journal
Exercice 2:
Voici 7 titres correspondant aux 7 paragraphes du texte. Recopiez dans le tableau
ci-dessous la lettre correspondant au numéro du paragraphe.
a) the accident
b) a new student
c) a new rule
d) lunchtime at Monroe
e) breaking the rule
f) a helpful boy
g) the quad
Exercice 3:
Voici une série de phrases qui expriment des faits ou des réactions
apparaissant dans le texte. Numérotez-les de 1 à 7 en suivant
l'ordre chronologique.
______ A boy rescued Lisa.
______ Students never crossed the quad.
______ Lisa fell down.
______ The students stopped mocking Lisa.
______ Lisa was frightened.
______ Crossing the quad was OK.
______ Lisa crossed the quad.
Exercice 4:
Relisez attentivement les paragraphes 5 et 6 et répondez aux questions
suivantes en français:
- Où se trouve Lisa dans ces deux paragraphes? __________________________________________________
- Qu'a-t-elle fait d'inhabituel? __________________________________________________________________
- Comment les autres ont-ils réagi? _____________________________________________________________
- Qui est intervenu? Dans quel but? _____________________________________________________________
- Quelle conséquence l'incident a-t-il eu dans la vie de l'école?
-> a) Quelle action les étudiants ne faisaient-ils pas auparavant?
b) Que font-ils volontiers maintenant? ___________________________________________________________________________
Exercice 5:
Voici une liste d'adjectifs caractérisant les personnages du texte. Recopiez
en face de chaque nom les adjectifs qui vous semblent correspondre le mieux:
shy - cruel - friendly - lonely - hostile - heroic - mocking - terrified - helpful
Lisa: ____________________________________________________________
The boy: _________________________________________________________
The students: _____________________________________________________
Exercice 1:
a) Relevez dans le texte 5 mots appartenant au vocabulaire de l'école.
b) l'un d'eux est typiquement britannique. Lequel? __________________________________________________________________
Exercice 2:
Dans le texte, relevez 10 verbes différents au prétérite
régulier en ED et classez-les suivant leur prononciation:
Exercice 3:
Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au prétérite simple pou
au prétérite progressif selon le cas:
1. When she _________________________ (see) the tall boy, he _________________________
(walk) rigidly towards her.
2. The students _________________________ (leave) the classroom as soon as they
_________________________ (hear) the bell.
3. While the pupils _________________________ (have) lunch, something strange
_________________________ (happen).
4. While she _________________________ (lie) on the ground, she _________________________
(realise) all the pupils _________________________ (watch) her.
Exercice 4 :
Complétez le dialogue suivant à l'aide de mots choisis dans la
liste ci-dessous:
my - his - our - her - yours - mine - their - ours
- Hello, John! This car is new, isn't it? Is it _________________________ ?
- Yes, it's _________________________ .
- It looks like my daughter's. _________________________ new car is blue too.
We wanted to change _________________________ but we couldn't afford it. We
have just had the roof of _________________________ house repaired!
Exercice 5 :
Dave explique à son ami Greg l'itinéraire qu'il doit suivre pour
rentrer de l'école. Complétez ce texte avec l'une des prépositions
suivantes (attention! chaque préposition ne peut être utilisée
qu'une fois).
opposite - at - from - in - into - on - to - over
"Walking _________________________ Paddington school _________________________
my house is not very difficult. You must cross the road _________________________
the traffic lights, turn right _________________________ Bridge Street and go
_________________________ the bridge. When you are _________________________
Lexington Avenue, it's the second house _________________________ your left,
just _________________________ Tesco's."
Vous êtes arrivé(e ), à la rentrée dernière,
dans un nouveau collège. Décrivez votre première journée
(événements, réactions et sentiments) dans un paragraphe
d'une cinquantaine de mots.