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Que représente the Union Jack Flag ?
The flag of
Britain, commonly known as the Union Jack (which
derives from the use of the Union Flag on the jack-staff of naval vessels),
embodies the emblems of three countries under one Sovereign.
The emblems that appear on the Union Flag are the crosses
of three patron saints:
the red cross of
St. George, for England, on a white ground
the white diagonal
cross, or saltire, of St. Andrew, for Scotland,
on a blue ground
the red diagonal
cross of St Patrick, for Ireland, on a white ground.
Red cross = St George (England) White diagonal cross = St Andrew (Scotland) Red diagonal cross = St Patrick (Ireland) 3 countries, 1 Sovereign |
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The final version of the Union Flag, including the cross of St Patrick, appeared in 1801, following the union of Great Britain with Ireland. The cross remains in the flag although now only Northern Ireland is part of he United Kingdom.