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Ben et George
Ceci est un test de compréhension écrite. Lisez le texte et complétez les phrases dans l'exercice.
It was a sunny morning, and Ben was out playing in his yard with his friend, George. Ben and George were running around, playing tag. George had just smacked Ben on the back, crying out an energetic, 'You're it!' Of course, Ben went straight for him, hand out, to tag his friend. George evaded him, stuck his tongue out, and ran the other way. George hid behind the barn. Ben barged into it, and looked around for him. Not finding him inside the barn, he looked outside and found George, and lightly tapping him on the shoulder and saying the words quietly.
'You're it.' George jumped, startled, and then immediately went after his friend.
After tag, they both went inside for a snack of cookies and milk. Ben's mother had smiled at George and had gone back to making spaghetti for their dinner.Soon, however, it was seven thirty and it was time for George to leave Ben's house. They said their goodbyes and agreed to meet next week at the same time.

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