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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°15420 : Amérique du Nord

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Amérique du Nord

Good Luck.

  • Asian Tribes : Thousands of years ago.
  • About one million 'Indians' lived in North America when the white man appeared.
  • The Vikings : Around the year 1,000. They travelled by boat. They came from what is now Scandinavia.
  • 1492 Christopher Colombus discovered 'India'.
  • 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh is the first Englishman in the New World. He founded Virginia.
  • 1619 : Arrival of the first African slaves on the North American continent.
  • 1620 : The 'Mayflower' landed with the English Puritains on board.
  • 1776 : The colonies declared their independance and became ' The United States of America '(USA). The French helped the colonies.
  • In the 19th and 20th centuries millions of immigrants came from Europe, Asia, South and Central America to escape persecution or poverty.

  • California, and today's southern states of Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma and Florida, were Spanish territories until the 19th century.
  • Today, out of 250 million inhabitants :

13% are Black (or African).

10% are Hispanic (from Central and South America, and the West Indies).

4% are Asians or Pacific Islanders.

1% are American Indians, or Eskimos.



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1. How long ago did AsianTribes arrive in North America ? The Migration began years B.C.

2. When did Vikings arrive in North America ? About the year by boat.

3. What did Christopher Colombus discover ? He discovered

4. What happened in 1776 ? declared their independance.

5. What name did they take ? They took the name of the

6. What was the 'Mayflower' ? It was

7. When did the first African slaves come to North America ? In

8. Who is Sir Walter Raleigh ? He is the first Englishman in the

9. Who helped the 13 colonies to become independant ? The troops helped them.

10. Where did the Vikings come from ? They came from what is now

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Amérique du Nord"
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